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Enemy Concept - Corpus Assimilator/converter W/pics


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"Corpus trying to create a better method of combat against Infested, developed proxies with Orokin properties so they would be more energy efficient during combats. While in limited contact with Infestation during experiments, everything seemed going according to plan. The Corpus sent a group to X (Planet with Infestation) with some of those proxies in order to test them in real action. Their contact was lost and the Corpus eager to know the results of the expedition, sent a second group to evaluate the success of the mission and their new proxy. Only dead Corpus and pieces of the new proxies were found, but no trace of infestation was detected. If the elimination of Infested was a success, who attacked them?"


Ok, leaving now that part of lore I imagined for it, I was thinking about energy enemies created from the assimilation of Infestation by the proxies. In contact with greater masses of infestation the proxies instead of eliminating, they assimilated. Absorved the mass converting it into energy, but the proxy couldn't maintain its form after receiving all that energy. Pieces of the proxies started falling and energy started coming out. Having a piece of metal as their core, they can assimilate greater masses of Infestation and if they have a metal piece nearby, they can divide part of their energy into creating a new energy foe. With lack of parts to use as cores, they keep gathering mass and becoming more unstable until they implode and leave nothing but destruction.


I'm not a good designer so I picked up some images that could demonstrate my idea. (Even though they might not be the most precise to what I've imagined, but you get the idea) (Pics source: Google) xD





Edited by Freakazoidl
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I like your idea of new enemy, as a new faction I'm not sure how different it really is to the Infested but having an enemy build more of itself sounds pretty scary. Did I understand right that you meant as a different faction, one with a theme of exploding violently as you battle any of them?

I got a little confused about bits falling off it, could it be like the orokin core of the cyborg feeding the cells of the infested it assimilated with amounts of radiation/energy which would kill any other organism but that the infested strain can contain, granting them great strength but through taking damage might the organism lose it's stability and detonate?


The assimilating of infested also sparked an idea of a random event like the stalker has.


Your corpus weapon could show up on Infested extermination missions(unseen by tenno for duration of mission), hunting down/absorbing the infested before you get to them, Lotus could be warning something else "may be on the planet/ship with you".

When the counter hits 0 and you usually extract your enemy could jump out and attack the Tenno as some monstrosity of infested parts

- hurling poison at you

- knocking you down like ancients

- energy drain aura similar to nightmare mode/disrupter arm

- charging


The lore of it actually being a Corpus weapon sent after you could be discovered through scanning it, maybe you ticked the Corpus off killing a certain sAlad of Vegetables...


Makes me think of Left 4 Dead when the tank would show up and everyone would be freaking out/running from him, trying to make it to extraction if they couldn't kill it.

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I was thinking more of a new kind of species that is actually a nemesis for Infested, consuming it and assimilating as energy and not mass. And the core piece i was thinking of using parts of the fallen proxies or suitable metals so it would have a reason for large numbers, when they can't find a suitable part of metal (being it because of size or properties) they just keep enlarging in size, like a supernova. So getting energy far from the core makes the energy start to disperse and can make the individual to explode, losing his energy stored and destroying the core. Its like a new faction, were they gain numbers and size from consuming infestation and destroying non-infested organics. If you have more ideas or questions please let me know, so we can augment this idea.

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It's an interesting concept, and that first pic DEFINATELY looks epic (and also actually does resemble Corpus tech).

I would think these things should only appear under a special condition of Corpus attacking an Infested ship. Every 5 light infested or every ancient they assimilate could make them split into another one.

I would classify something like this as an Elite-class enemy, like Heavies (with similar amounts of health/shields/power). Maybe their attacks against the Tenno could include energy blasts from their core and using their energy tendrils as whips for close range combat (you have to roll under them to dodge). Every time they assimilate an Infested they also heal.

As for a name...how about the Corpus Converter?

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Madotsuki I was thinking of something that went out of control of Corpus, but might be a good idea to include them as a Heavy Corpus... thinking that way we can change the first concept to one that the Corpus developed these new enemies to destroy Infested but they turned out becoming Corpus Assimilators (what you think?) that created energy bodies from the overflowing energy from the Orokin Cores within them after assimilating Infestation.

Edited by Freakazoidl
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So image 2 would be a "Proxy".

Would it be a) Energy around a complex circuit like piece of the former proxies that maintains the power field, holding it together

or b) an intelligent type of energy which was the "Proxy" and simply needs metal to coalesce itself.

They would have to spread to other hosts(in this case a specific metal/piece of proxy?) as they assimilate(if intelligent energy)/absorb(energy field around Proxy circuit)

Image 1 would be a more dangerous/higher rank Proxy where it is actually wearing armor? or is that how they look as they transform to energy.


The tendril like arms provide interesting attack methods and probably difficulty holding weapons, if they can wear armor you could mold them into almost any form. Do you imagine them expelling energy as a form of ranged attack/laser shot or being unable to use much range similar to the infested currently?


If they are energy wouldn't that mean Nova's anti matter abilities would do little to no damage to them? I find that funny. Ember abilities are weak to armored Grineer bur strong to infested, Nova abilities could be weak to the Proxy.


One trouble I see is they don't have any home planet or ships, the game may only have room for one free roaming faction. It would be difficult to have tile sets for their missions.


PS: do you use Proxy as a name or the noun's definition as an intermediary?

edit: I like the name The Assimilators

Edited by biggles1y3
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biggles1y3, Actually I was thinking now in using metal created by Corpus with the properties of Orokin tech to be the core, they would be inteligent but was thinking them to be brutes like the Infested, melee combatants (range, just if like the Ancients), the part of the Nova it would be really funny and plausible. I use the name "proxy" because Corpus call their robotics as proxies. And using the idea that Madotsuki gave, they would be on the side of Corpus as creations of them... intelligent but controlled. They would only assimilate Infested (as part of the lore and perhaps in some maps). Perhaps they could come in two types, the "Peewees" (2 pic) as little energy assimilators and the big ones who already have assimilated equal mass to an Ancient. The Big Ones would absorve Peewees near them if they need health... Is that a good idea?

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Madotsuki I was thinking of something that went out of control of Corpus, but might be a good idea to include them as a Heavy Corpus... thinking that way we can change the first concept to one that the Corpus developed these new enemies to destroy Infested but they turned out becoming Corpus Assimilators (what you think?) that created energy bodies from the overflowing energy from the Orokin Cores within them after assimilating Infestation.

Assimilators sound like a real mouthful :/ Something more basic would be better for a unit name.

What I was thinking was that if we left the Converters as rogue units from the Corpus, that almost turns them into a fourth faction, which seems really unnecessary. Keeping them as controlled units by the Corpus (even if lore-wise they were half-accidents) just seems less complicated.

As for your reply to biggles about the 2nd picture "sprites", those could make juvenile Converters. Perhaps Converters can spawn as adults (pic 1), and when they split from excess energy they spawn 1-2 juveniles (pic 2), which are weaker and can't use the tendril melee attacks. However they move faster than adults and, after consuming some infested (same number needed to split), they evolve to their adult forms.


P.S. You may want to change the Topic title to attract some more attention. Something like "Enemy concept - Corpus Converter/Assimilator (with images)" would probably get your more readers than a vague "new enemy idea".

Edited by Madotsuki
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Well Converter seems that they turn Infested into Corpus or such... but its a nice name, I think that keeping them as Corpus controlled enemies is the best idea, but I am starting to think of them as a more commom heavy and light units for the Corpus instead of infested missions only. Making them divide while playing it seems a difficult thing to program, maybe they could be triggered like Fusion Moa (separating from the Osprey) but making them only using medium range attacks while on "adult" form is what I was intending in my mind.


And how do I change the name of the topic?

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Well Converter seems that they turn Infested into Corpus or such... but its a nice name, I think that keeping them as Corpus controlled enemies is the best idea, but I am starting to think of them as a more commom heavy and light units for the Corpus instead of infested missions only. Making them divide while playing it seems a difficult thing to program, maybe they could be triggered like Fusion Moa (separating from the Osprey) but making them only using medium range attacks while on "adult" form is what I was intending in my mind.


And how do I change the name of the topic?

Edit your opening post, and use the full editor. That'll let you change the title.

I don't think it'll be too difficult to code the split. It's basically deploying a unit, just like fusion moas deploy drones or Seekers deploy Latchers. Long as there's a counter keeping track of how many infested were absorbed, and then activiting a spawn sequence when the requirements are met, that should be okay.

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Edit your opening post, and use the full editor. That'll let you change the title.

I don't think it'll be too difficult to code the split. It's basically deploying a unit, just like fusion moas deploy drones or Seekers deploy Latchers. Long as there's a counter keeping track of how many infested were absorbed, and then activiting a spawn sequence when the requirements are met, that should be okay.


Thanks, edited...

Maybe keeping them big as heavies, triggered on high damage to split into two small ones that are unable to attack medium range like the big ones do. Being the big ones heavy units and the small ones light units. If approved by DE, its on to them to choose between putting them as normal units or "Infested mission only".

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I could understand a Corpus attempt to counter/reverse-engineer/manipulate Technocytes, but I'm not sure why the result has to be an energy being.


I mean, I could understand Corpus making energy-based Proxies, too, but then I still don't get the connection to Technocyte infestation.

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