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Firepower Warframe Idea For The Shooter Purist


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Let me know what you guys think about this idea.  I feel like these skills, while I am sure would need tweaks, could introduce some fun things for the shooter purist and I do not think he would be overpowered any more than any other frame.


His name would be Onslaught (panzer is another name idea) and his powers would revolve around weapon augments and shooter-style powers.


His look would be geometric in shape and he would be a large frame.  Perhaps bigger than Rhino, since he can transform (See power 3).  His turret barrels could be his shoulders, etc.


Imagine Battletech style but for a 6'4" man.  The shoulders/back would be oversized for turret barrels and perhaps his left shoulder would have a larger armored plate that would become his turrret blastplate.



The powers could be along these lines:


Concussion Grenade (25 Energy)

Onslaught tosses a grenade, similar to Vaubans current system, but the grenade would bounce 3 times.  Upon bounce animation completion, the grenade detonates with a powerful concussive blast, disorienting larger threats and knocking down lesser opponents.


Upgrading the skill increased radius of stun and duration.



Radius in meters (4/5/6/7)

Stun length in seconds (2/3/4/5)

Knock down would not improve with rank.  All small enemies succumb regardless.



Weapon Supercharge (50 Energy)

When Onslaught casts this power, his weapons receive a buff in clip size, fire rate and reload speed.  This way, Onslaught can become a support class with "supressing fire" capabilities with any weapon.  His accuracy or damage is not buffed.  This skills purpose is to give Onslaught an edge with any weapon, no matter it's downsides. Shaving off that reload time and buffing the clip makes him reload less and focus on supporting his team.


Upgrading this skill provides a boost in clip size, fire rate and reload speed.



Clip size percentage increase (15/30/45/60)

Rate of Fire percentage increase (10/15/20/25)

Reload speed percentage increase (10/15/20/25)



Explosive Rounds (75 Energy)

Onslaught buffs his entire squad with supercharged ammo.  Every shot from every gun for the duration of the power will have explosive results :)  These bullets provide CC to small units, knocking them down if they aren't killed by the shots.  Each bullet has splash damage like the Ogris but a much smaller extent.


Obviously the damage of each shot would also be increased but I am not sure by how much.  I don't want this to be overpowered so the CC effect is the bigger focus.  Explosive radius in not alterable by mods.  All existing properties of teams weapons are maintained.  i.e elemental and AP damage mods will continue to provide their effects.


Kills are ragdolled and gibbed for added awesomeness :)


Upgrading this skill provides a boost in skill duration.



Skill duration in seconds (15/20/25/30)




Hellfire Turret (100 Energy)

Onslaught transforms himself into a stationary, 360 degree rotary turret that is player controlled.  His turret form makes him invincible, much like Nyx' absorb.  His turret mode has a duration.  The turret would behave similar to an flak cannon, where his shots are slow but strong and have explosive detonations.  Not like Ogris where fire flies everywhere, but more of an impact blast.  Could use the effect from his CC grenade.


Turret mode would aggro enemies to help teammates either retreat from overwhelming odds or push a front.  One weakness of turret mode is that his transformation has no CC effect.  If he is surrounded when he transforms to warframe mode he will be in trouble.


Upgrading this skill provides a duration boost.



Duration in seconds (3/6/9/12)

Edited by Toztman
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y'know, I was thinking about a soldier-themed warframe for awhile now. It looks like I wasn't the only one who wanted a warframe that emphasized gun-play. 


Well thought out. Great concept. 


Now all it needs is a concept art :)


Well I havent drawn character art since High school but maybe ill bust out the 'shop for this guy.  we'll see.


Also, I REALLLLY wanted to steer clear of the press 4 get bacon ultimate.  Many frames have the "kill the room" power and I made sure Onslaught wouldnt.

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Too bad the game is already overcentralized on gunplay rather than strategy and evasion.


Yeah this is true.  BUt I beleive they are working towards adding more of these stealth and evasive systems.  The game is just over a year old right?

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I dig. especially if there's a cool transformation sequence going into hellfire turret mode. plus it sounds like this frame would look awesome (its relevant to note that I'm a transformers fan). but the buff to clip size, reload speed, and fire rate definitely reminded me of borderlands as well :P nothing wrong with that, its a damn good game as well

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I dig. especially if there's a cool transformation sequence going into hellfire turret mode. plus it sounds like this frame would look awesome (its relevant to note that I'm a transformers fan). but the buff to clip size, reload speed, and fire rate definitely reminded me of borderlands as well :P nothing wrong with that, its a damn good game as well


I guess the whole reason i wrote this up was because I wanted a way to get my supras magazine up to or past 200 rounds.  Seeing as we have weapons held by men nowadays with that capability.  Then I ran with it and fleshed out a full 'frame.



I dig. especially if there's a cool transformation sequence going into hellfire turret mode. plus it sounds like this frame would look awesome (its relevant to note that I'm a transformers fan). but the buff to clip size, reload speed, and fire rate definitely reminded me of borderlands as well :P nothing wrong with that, its a damn good game as well


I dunno if DE have power cancellation built into their system but it would be a cool thing to do.

Edited by Toztman
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Also, in regards to his transformation, since a living person is inside, he would not be able to go all Optimus Prime on us or he would die.  I have a visual idea of how he would change his stance and his armor would move around him to make a big gun though.


Or we could go Metroid and his biology could be space magicked into different shapes.

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