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A Few Ideas I Had While Playing Warframe


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Greetings Warframe!!!!
I have a few ideas I wanted to share. Maybe they will trigger a few of your ideas.

First idea:
6 new Warframes.

a) A toxic new Warframe,high damage,low defense and shield,realy fast,with toxic powers (Toxic shield-poison resistance aura,good against toxic ancients, Poison Skin-any enemy attacking with melee will get poisoned, Posion Bullets-for a duration of time all the bullets fired have poison effect, Poison air-strong area skill that leaves poison clouds.Poison Rain-the name itself explains the power). The Warframe should have some similarityes with a venomous snake. Snake head morph or something in that maner.
The name could be Venom,Poison or Viper,maybe Mamba.

b) A tehnician (engineer) Warframe,slow,with a great amount of defense and health,but with no strong attack skills. He could make traps,cast debuffs,throw bombs. He could be morphed with a spider (a tarantula) ,with legs on his back,alot of eyes on the head. He/she could be named Tech or Taranta.

c) A Necromancer Warframe,fast,low health and defense,alot of base power and power regenerate. Skills: Resurect-resurect a number of enemies around the caster,the resurected enemyes protect the caster(the higher level the skill is more enemyes can be resurected),Sacrifice-resurect a number of enemyes around the caster and then drain their health and
power and transfer it to the caster.Scream-the caster shrieks a high pitch stuning the enemyes in a specific radius.Army of the dead-all the dead enemyes in a realy wide raidus rise up and attack their alive fellows,enemyes that survive the atatck their self turn undead and attack other not infected enemyes. The look of the Warframe could be something with bones or strange alien skulls.He/she could be named Necro.

d) A Male Magnet Warframe. Light armor Warframe,with a variety of magnetic skill: Magnet pull-pulls a bigger number of enemyes toward the caster,Magnet push-a wave of magnetic energy that pushes and magnetizes enemys geting them pined to the walls,Gravity deform-enemyes in a specific radius around the caster get pulled/pushed to the celling and the walls of the room,geting them stun,and the players need to shot them down,but after a duration of time they fall back down to the floor,this skill does no damage only stuns the targets. Magetic aura-a magnetic aura around the caster that slows down bullets and sends them back at he shoters at high speed. The looks of the Warframe should have a metalic effect. And the name could be Magnet.

e) Water skilled Warframe. Fast low defense and shield. Powers: Tidal wave-a water wave vashing away all foes, Water slide-similar to excalibur dash skill,but the Warframe slides on water,splashing towards with high speed,Flood-a great amount of water wraps around the legs of the enemyes in a certain radius,making them move slowly,Suffocations-a high area skill that splashes water around and the water in bubbles stays on the heads of the targets suffocating them.The Warframe could be a squid or a frog morph,probably a female Warframe. And the name could be Hydra.

f) Air skilled Warframe. Fast paced Warframe with high power,with high base sprint speed.
Skills: Air push-a wave of air pushes the enemys away from the caster,Tornado-a tornado rampaging trough the enemyes,Wind-wide area skill that makes the enemyes fall to the ground,damaging them and stuning,Storm-wind thunder and lightning devastating all the enemyes in a wide radius. The Warframe could look like some bird morph. The name could be Wind or Breeze.

Second idea:
3 new game modes.

a) Dark Tenno Tower:
A tower or Citadel where players would advance from one floor to another. With every higher floor more enemyes would attack,with more health and defense,greater the chalenge. On the top floor would not be a Boss. It would be a dark Tenno (random one from the 8 that we already have). With all the powers of a Warframe. So playes entering the tower would not know which Warframe will they get as an enemy on the top floor. And they have to work like a real team to defeat a powerful Warframe.Or the Dark Tenno could change randomly through the battle to any of the Warframes and use their powers.

b) A difenert version of defense (we have an alternative defense on Grineer maps,and another one with Corpus,Infection defense share the same maps,maybe this alternative would be chalenging more). Here playes entering the room need to enter 4 circles on the far 4 sides of the room. On the midle of the room would stand a big energy pillar. Enemyes attack and the players need to stay in the midle of the circles. If they leave the circles the energy of the pillar drains,if they rerurn to the circles the power of the pillar regenerates.The room or map could look like tutorial map,with not a realy good view,so the waves of enemys would come las a surprise. Maybe have some fog or smoke.

c) Conquer and defend:
The players would need to conquer diferent positions on the map,and at every position one player would need to stay and defend the position against the hordes of enemyes.They win if they secure and defend all 4 positions for a duration of time. Securing an objective could be done similary like hacking(break in)in the game.

Third idea:
A few new weapons:
Poison gun (similar to a water gun but with acid that melts the targets),pistol with exploding bullets,some version of a rocket laucher,we could use a version of a flamethrower,some bombs (with fire,ice and electricity damage),electric rifle,chainsaw,some interesting mace.

Fourth idea:
2 new factions:

a)The Hydra: Amphibian creatures (humanoid frog people,squid mini bosses,crab soldiers with strong defense),and the maps - water themed caves (the Grineer caves could be easily altered) with small ponds and waterfalls.

b)The Icarus: mechanic bird people (half birds half robots) or some insect like creatures (bugs can give a wide variety od mobs),with a Boss that would fly making it a hard target.

If even one idea helps you I will be realy happy.
Keep up the good work!!!

Edited by vampirschi
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Did you watch the livestream? They have already confirmed a poison warframe. A 'necro' warframe has already been submitted by a fan, and a 'Mag' warframe is already in game. The development team have also confirmed that a 'dojo' training tower will also be set up in later updates. You might like the pet system that is coming out soon in update 7.

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b) A tehnician (engineer) Warframe,slow,with a great amount of defense and health,but with no strong attack skills. He could make traps,cast debuffs,throw bombs. He could be morphed with a spider (a tarantula) ,with legs on his back,alot of eyes on the head. He/she could be named Tech or Taranta.

You watched Beast Wars/Beasties as a kid didn't you :P

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  • 2 months later...

I am realy glad some of my ideas are geting used to improve warframe (like the Saryn skill that poisones the weapon,or the engineer warframe,or the skill of my air based warframe that is used on banshie).

I will write a bunch of new ideas soon.


Thanks DE team,keep up the good work.

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I had a few new ideas,and here is the first one:


Shadow Warframe

Agile,realy fast warframe.high shield ,low life. Thin body,long legs,long hands and long fingers.

-Darkness,the whole area goes dark,the monsters are blind,The Shadow can see in the dark and kill its enemies swiftly.
-Living shadows,the enemies shadows come to life and attack their owners,causing high damage.
-Fear,Shadow brings out the primal fears hidding inside everyone,making the enemies run around scared trying to reach cover and hide.
-Shadow of the master,Shadow's shadow grows and attacks surounding enemies.

-Black hole,the warframe makes black holes that suck in the enemies,or maybe slowly draining their life energy.

Edited by vampirschi
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And another one:


Sand Warframe

Big strong warframe,high defense,slow.Sand flowing over the whole body.

-Sandstorm,the warframe murmurs and ancient war chant calling upon the winds that take the sands flowing on its body and attack the surounding enemies,throwing them around.
-Quick sand,summons quick sand under the enemies,making them sink into the sands. Weaker enemies sink to their death,stronger ones sink only to a certain level,making them slower when they climb out of the sand pits.
-Sand hands,the sand flowing on the body of the warframe comes alive and flows to the hands,the hands grow and the sand hardens,and the warframe goes on a rampage smashing enemies with its fists.
-Sand skin,the sand flowing n the body of the warframe hardens and protects the body,slowing down the bullets and melee attacks that collide with the sand skin.The warframe still gets damaged but in a lower rate ( different from the Rhino Iron skin skill).
-Liquid sand,the warframes body turns to sand,falling on the ground and flowing in the desired direction,making it hard to shoot at.



The idea for this warframe was given by my friend Phurba also playing this game.

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And another idea:



Time Warframe

A well balanced warframe.Could be named Chronos.With a realy shiny body,like covered with mirrors.

-Aging,the enemies that are in the skill radius age rapidly and turn to dust.
-Slow,the warframe slows down the time ,bulets fly slowed,enemies move realy slow.
-Accelerate,speeds up the usage of the weapons,faster reload,faster fire rate,faster melee attack.
-Time warp,the warframe makes two portals,through which he can travel,and the party members can also use the portals.
-Reverse time,warframe rewinds time and repairs the damage on fellow warframes and can resurect a fallen party memeber. The skill only affects the Time warframe and the fallen party member.

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A quadruple post?! Are you mad?! You've doomed us all!


I'm kidding, but in all seriousness, you could have added the subsequent posts to the previous using edit post, instead of multiposting to bump your own thread. Please keep that in mind for future posts.

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I am sorry,but when I have a brainstorm of ideas I don't realy think just write.  :D


And one more idea:



Astral Warframe

-Astral projection,the warframes astral body leaves its physical body,making it invisible to enemies.the astral body can invade the body of an enemy,and the warframe can control the body of the enemy.After the enemy dies the astral body returns back to the physical body.During this time the warframes physical body was vunerable to attacks.
-Astral snake,the warfframe summons a great astral snake from the astral realm,flying through the air attacking miltiple enemies.
-Drain,astral tentacles rise from the body of the warframe,draining the life energy of the enemies and turning it to skill power.
-Astral worms,the waframe leaves a trail of small astral worms that drain the life of the enemies who stumble upon them.
-Astral body,with strong concentration the warframe can shift its physical body to the astral realm,making it subtle,so the bullets and the melee attacks fly through it not doing any damage.
-Astral companion,the warframe summons its doppelganger that goes on a rampage attacking the enemies confusing them and making a chaos.

This warframe was another suggestion from my friend Phurba.



Steve if you need more ideas,just let me know.  :P

Edited by vampirschi
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