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Environmental Modifiers: A Rework


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so I posted this in gameplay feed back, also, cuase I though it fit both categories.

Currently in the randomizer of map making, there are options that will make the environment effect the players.

cryo leak: 1/2 sheilds

slef destruct: fires in random locations. fire attacks do more damage

haul breach: shields drain, room is locked, and audio is reduced (low pass filter applied) and visual is blured.

so, 2 of these 3 make any sense, and the third only a little.I like them and would enjoy some more work on them, however. and I think there can be a lot more. I know they will not make it into UD7, but maybe this will get in eventually. the rest is a rework idea and some additions: (all units = players and enemies).

Cryo Leak: Ice all over the place (like it is already). All units run speed is slowed 10%. Melee is 10% slower (including charge time). weapon swap and reload is slower. All freeze damage +50%. Stamina recharge rate -20%. Air ducts and pipe leaks are pouring out a blue vapor like mist that is super cold. Units that step into mist are slowed by 60% (50%+10%) for 3 seconds and take some cold damage. Units on the ice have a hard time moving (slipping a lot). Stating to move is very slow and stoping takes a long time (will probably slide off the ice before stopping).

Lotus informs: The ships Cryo chambers have malfunctioned. You'll feel a bit sluggish.

Self Destruct: Panals all over are occationally discharging for a split second, causing 1 second (and not longer) stun and minor electricity damage. All electricity damage is increased 50%. 20-30 minute timer is in place. (cinematic of ship exploding if timer counts all the way down).

Lotus informs:The ship is going to self destruct. You need to do this fast, and keep cleaer of energy overloads.

Ship is Under Attack: random fires all over the place, corpses in random locations. and random atmosphere leak occationally and self seal after 45 seconds. some tremors causing all units to chance a stumble.

Lotus informs:Stay on your twos, the ship is getting bumbarded with enemy fire.

Over Oxigenation: Colors are saturated. All fire damage is increased 50%. stamina max +20%. stamina recharge rate +20%.

Lotus informs: Take a deap breath, Tenno. And steer clear of fires!

Engine Ion Leak: All units with shields (if any) start at full and have a 1% reduction applied every 12 seconds (5% in one minute) to a cap of 50% in 10 minutes. sheild recharge rate -20%.

Lotus informs: The ships engines are having issues. Mind your shields.

Radiation Leak: Corpses in random locations. When a unit looses sheilds, they are instantly "poinsond" for 30 seconds at 1 health per second. Units without shields are only poisond once. edges of screen blink red while poisoned (like when poisoned by a toxic).

Lotus informs: The ship is radiated. don't loose your shields, even for a moment!

Electro Magnetic Pulse: Max energy is reduced 20%. energy pickups give 20, instead of 25. Energy siphen is reduced to 1 every 3 seconds. Magnetic damage +50%. Occationally, a "wave" of energy (looks like volts shield) passes through the ship, causing robotics to be stuned for a second, panels to over load cuasing electricity damage and stuns nearby units. HUDs are distorted for one second (like with disruptor hit).

Lotus infoms: I'm detecting a lot of EM. you'll need to find extra power for this mission.

Ship Wide Lock Down: Every room of the ship is locked. Enemies are always looking for Tenno. (should not happen in single player)

Lotus informs:There are other Tenno aboard, and have already been spotted. you'll need to do this room by room.

Merchant Ship: This ship has +50% drop of all resources and credits. Consequently, all enemies have increased level (1.2 or something mildly significant)

Lotus informs: Take everything from this ship! we'll need it.

Gravity Plate Malfunciton: The artifitial gravity is malfunctioning. Canasters are floating, slowly spinning in place. Jump duration is increased 200% (3x jump hight, and 3x range jump kicking), Wall running uses 1/3 stamina.

Lotus informs: The gravity plating on this ship is not working properly. remember your zero-g training.

The numbers may not be perfect yet, but im thinking this will really help out with the randomization of maps and keep players thinking about who else is on their team. sometimes, other frames may have bonuses! some of these things can even be added to the same mission, but some need to NEVER be added at the same time. :P

There are some on triger events, too.

Hual Breach: When a window is broken (and all windows should be breakable), a decompression sequence starts (this is already in the game, bu only one window can break). a lockdown starts and the breach is sealed automatically in 10 seconds (it just makes sense!). Players still need to hack to reopen the room. During the time the atmosphere is excaping, all units take health damage at 5 health per second (bypasses shields). also, any loose items are sucked to the location and all units stumble.

Alarm: Anytime the enemies are alerted to the presents of Tenno, the player may attempt to hack a REALLY hard cypher (12+hex's to hack). This will cause the enemies to return to normal alert mode (unalerted), and not respawn.

Lockdown: Players can start a lockdown on their own by performing a REALLY hard hack (12+hex's to hack).

Low Gravity: Players can shut down the gravity amps for a short duration (1 minute) by performing a hard hack (8+hex's to hack), causeing the Low gravity effects listed above for a single room.


Edited by Juper0
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These look awesome, but my main niggle is with over-oxygenation. To quote:

"If you are getting too much oxygen, you will know because the first symptom is a headache that will get worse as time goes by. This symptom of too much oxygen is usually followed by moments of confusion or profound sleepiness, which means your brain has become oversaturated with oxygen."

So while the higher concentration of oxygen in the ship's atmosphere will increase the power of fire attacks, I think it'll be more like "stamina max -20%. stamina recharge rate -20%." due to the lethargic effect.

And biology majors correct me if I'm mistaken, but isn't oxygen saturation poisonous?

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These look awesome, but my main niggle is with over-oxygenation. To quote:

"If you are getting too much oxygen, you will know because the first symptom is a headache that will get worse as time goes by. This symptom of too much oxygen is usually followed by moments of confusion or profound sleepiness, which means your brain has become oversaturated with oxygen."

So while the higher concentration of oxygen in the ship's atmosphere will increase the power of fire attacks, I think it'll be more like "stamina max -20%. stamina recharge rate -20%." due to the lethargic effect.

And biology majors correct me if I'm mistaken, but isn't oxygen saturation poisonous?

It's poisonous, just a bit rare.

Oxygan poisoning damage your central nervous system, your lung, and your eyes.

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It's poisonous, just a bit rare.

Oxygan poisoning damage your central nervous system, your lung, and your eyes.

Ah, thank you. So in-game that would translate to the colour saturation overlay and a hit on stamina max/regen?

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there is some redundantcy in them. just kinda a result of what would happen.

if you look REALLY close as the excape ship leaves the ship, there are doors that close to protect the Tenno.

also, there is a vacume envirament already that does hurt the tenno. so, i don't think they can survive a vacuum...

as a scuba diver, i know a few things about oxygen and the efect on living things. im not talking about 50% oxygen in the atmosphere mix, im thinking more like 12%. this actually increases matabolism, and strength. eventually you can even become dependant on higher ratios. but that is all medical stuff.

I am also an explosives tester. if a ratio gets so far off as to over oxigynate, the atmosphere itself can become a bomb. one spark and BOOM! there goes everything in that section of the ship. so, don't want toooo much oxygen.

Also, thanks for the responces.

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edited to show some changes from both threads. I really liked the gravity suggestion. i don't think we will ever see no gravity. i don't know for sure, but the effort to get to where you want to go would be insane on ships like that. and programing AI's to do that sort of stuff... no thanks.

im also hoping to play some outside the ship. that would be way cool!

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The thing about the Zero Grav, would be amazing, think of the environment being completely interactive, boxes and pieces of the ship floating around, and you could just bounce off the objects already in motion, gives creative freedom to the animator and the enviroment itself. It would take a long time to impliment though, but would be worth it in the end. I meant to elaborate on this yesterday, but I got caught up in leveling. Right now the game is semi-linear, yes there are other paths to just explore and find stuff in, but I think this would create a new depth of field and be worth while

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The thing about the Zero Grav, would be amazing........ Right now the game is semi-linear, yes there are other paths to just explore and find stuff in, but I think this would create a new depth of field and be worth while

I love the idea of no grav! but i din't think the game is designed to work with that for now. I also don't think this would solve the game complexity issue. right now we need new kinds of enemies that require a lot more thinking to kill while keeping the army vs. one ninja aspect. but that is not for this thread.

I do thank you for posting. I edited the op further. maybe some new ideas will strike?

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