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A Judge Judy Warframe


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(I'd say this looks terrible because I did it in MS Paint with a mouse, but I'm not about to claim I could have done any better with fancy equipment and software)

Sheindlin (The Judge Warframe)


A brutally dutiful judge that was pressured to be lenient on the adolescent child of an Orokin Aristocrat. Unflappable against threats of death and dismemberment, she imposed the maximum sentence anyway. As she did, she had an eerie smile. For justice was her addiction, and to it and it alone she was helpless. The Orokin were enraged by her defiance. They sewed her mouth shut, threw her into a pit of Infested, and told her: "We will never again have to look at that arrogant smile of yours."
As her flesh was being rend from her bones, her heart beat on through sheer force of will. The Infested, mindless and primitive though they were, caught sight of her fierce gaze and halted, retreating to the corners of the pit in primal fear. The judge pulled herself upright, snatched some bones and ground them into white powder. She then dipped her fingers into her wound, and with these two colors she painted a smile back on her face. Tearing a piece her her garment off, she hid her eyes from the Infested. As they cautiously approached, she waited motionless. But when they got within arm's length, she lifted her blindfold, grabbed hold of one, and said: "Got'cha."
The Infested once again knew mortal dread--they all did--fleeing and scrambling over one another to escape the pit, to escape her. But the judge would not let go. The Infested continued to crawl over one another until finally one reached the top of the pit. But the judge would not let go. They crawled over, climbed up, and one by one exited the pit. The last one holding on to the others as it was drawn out of the pit, but it had a passenger. She was out! She could go get medical treatment. But the judge would not let go.
The Orokin Aristocrat was at the prison, he was there to free his child and reverse the sentence of that judge, but just before the doors to the cell were opened, he heard screams echoing throughout the prison. He looked over and gasped as he saw her, the judge, with her painted smile. "You've failed!" He yelled. "My child is above your so called 'justice.'"
Though her mouth was sewn shut, anyone could tell that she was laughing. She pulled the blindfold back down over her eyes, and instantly the Infested began to flood into the prison. She could not see what was happening, but she knew nonetheless. She knew the sound of Justice.

  • Passive
    • Immune to bleed status
    • If weapons full ammo picked up as 25 health
  • Ability 1
    • "Interruption"
    • Sheindlin lets out a damaging bark that jams weapons and staggers enemies (cone shape attack)
    • Enemies affected by Interrupt instantly revert to an unalerted status for the ability duration
  • Ability 2
    • "Interrogation"
    • Sheindlin redirects all enemy agro on to on target, either enemy or ally
    • While target is in an unalerted status, target can be reduced to 2hp but not killed
  • Ability 3
    • "Inspiration"
    • Sheindlin reveals the truth to herself and allies. Those that have attacked her or allies in the last three seconds take back all their damage, healing and restoring shields.
    • Enemies being interrogated count as an ally, and damage done to them is returned as well (even damage that would have gone past 2hp)
  • Ability 4
    • "Inquisition"
    • Sheindlin passes judgement on anyone having done wrong. Enemies who have attacked even once lose all their defenses. (Does not apply to Overguard)
    • Using Interruption on a defenseless enemies kills them instantly without regard to their current HP

Signature Range Weapon: Codifix (Book)

Signature Melee Weapon: Gavel (Hammer)

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