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Will there be map icon changes as part of the QoL changes?


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Something I've been hoping for a long time is that some day we'll get an update to change the Loot icons on the map/minimap.

I've held off commenting because I guarantee some people will make some weird argument about how "bad map icons are good for the game" but since this is the largest QoL update in Warframe, I feel it's worth mentioning it.

For the record, I'm not saying that we should have loot map icons tell us precisely everything about a drop before we reach it, but considering we've had the exact same icon for containers since...I think forever it wouldn't be a bad idea to make some changes.


For example, the one that's always got under my skin is static dead bodies that spawn as part of Invasions or certain map tiles. Even when you interact with the body to get a few credits the map icon still stays and that's been a persistant thing for years.

But I'd like some variety in how loot displays on the map.

For example, icons for Containers vs icons for loot on the floor, or loot dropped by enemies and not from containers.

I don't want Sabotage caches or Rare/Reinforced containers to be handed to me on a silver platter and even now I know someone will comment assuming I do.

But some more visual clarity for loot on the map would be a welcome change that I think most would embrace positively.


At least currently, we can't tell the difference between a Container, A static dead body spawn, items laying on the floor and items dropped by enemies

Edited by Zahnny
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