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Orkrin Greed, A Warframe Event/update Idea


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Okay, so I started this idea as a simple fun mechanic that would be an interesting and fun addition to warframe and ended up turning into basically an entire update idea, so get ready for a wall of text.


Okay so the first thing that came up was the idea of Orkrin casks, a unique loot drop in the void, that gives a range of random different effects, both helpful and harmful.


Some examples of which include:

-Credit rush: For the next * seconds all enemies killed will drop credits

-Mod rush: For the next * seconds mods drop twice as often(does not effect desecrate drop rates)

-Resource rush: For the next * seconds resource drops give double amount

-Drought: Enemies stop dropping loot for * seconds.

-Gravity failure: Low gravity for * seconds

-Slow mode: Everything; enemies, traps and players; slows down for * seconds

-Gotta go fast: Everything; enemies, traps and players; speeds up for * seconds

-Energy boost: All allies gain 100 energy

-Healing wave: All allies gain 100 health

-Energy drain: All allies lose 50 energy

-Health drain: All allies lose 50 health(minimum 1 health)

-Shield boost: All allies shields constantly recharge for * seconds

-Shield drain: All allies shields constantly drain for * seconds

-That hurts?: All allies Armor increases by 100% for * seconds

-OUCH!: All allies armor becomes 0 for * seconds

-Damage boost: Increases all allies damage by 50% for * seconds

-Damage drain: Decreases all allies damage by 50% for * seconds

-Catalyst: All enemies become explosive, (similar to molecular prime with decreased range and damage, also damage fall off like other explosions) This also does damage to unwary warframes!

-Primed enemy: The next enemy to spawn becomes primed, increasing by 10 levels and gaining increased damage output.(More on this below)

-Transmuted enemy: The next enemy to spawn becomes transmuted, increasing by 10 levels and gaining increased defenses.(More on this below)

-Tech-ed out enemy: The next enemy to spawn becomes Tech-ed out, increasing by 10 levels and gaining increased speed(attack and movement speed).(More on this below)

ETC(Open to more suggestions form others for both names and new effect ideas)


Now onto the buffed enemy spawns, these enemis always drop a mod, with different effects for each enemy buff.


Tech-ed out enemies drop one of their regular mods but instantly fused with between 5-10 randomly selected fusion cores.


Transmuted enemies drop one random mod from the transmutation table.


And finally Primed enemies drop Primed mods, the second idea to come out of this series, continued in the next post.


This thread will be subject to changes that will be noted here:

Added link to Banansa47's boss idea. Pretty cool, you should check it out.

Edited by LocasMaxis
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Primed mods:


Okay the idea for primed mods is pretty simple but effective in design, primed mods are essentially mods that boost other mods, but that by itself would be over powered so they instead increase other mods of a specific polarity type while slightly reducing the effects of another polarity. To explain this better I'll give a few examples.


Tactical retreat:

Item: Warframe


Polarity: -

Effect: Increases effect of other tactical mods(- mods) by 5/10/15/20/25/30% but decreases the effect of other attack mods(V mods) by 3/6/9/12/15/18%.


All out attack:

Item: Warframe

Cost: 8-13

Polarity: V

Effect: Increases effect of other attack mods(V mods) by 5/10/15/20/25/30% but decreases the effect of other defence mods(D mods) by 3/6/9/12/15/18%


And so on, the numbers are purely examples to get the idea across and by no means the final expected numbers. Also the should NOT be a prime mod that effects ability(or ii) mods, but one that does effect sentry ability mods could be acceptable. Also if it isn't obvious there would be Prime mods for all items.


But now we move onto another idea that arose form this, why are the neural sentries suddenly deploying these orkrin casks and where are they coming from? Onto the next idea! The orkrin greed event! (Name may be subject to change)

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The Orkrin Greed event:

Okay so the lore reason for these casks suddenly appearing is simple, yet effective. The Neural Sentries have been united by an unknown entity and deployed these casks to lure in even more enemies for corrupting and to attempt to wipe out the Tenno that have been raiding the void unattended for far too long. So begins the Orkrin greed rush. As Corpus, Grineer and Tenno alike rush to the void, searching for the source of these mysterious casks to take their power for their own.


This event introduces the above mentioned content and also a new void mission, the void assassination.


Now first we need a way to obtain this special mission key, and that is again through the unique enemy buffs. Three unique parts drop from the unique enemies, one for each type(names of which are still to be decided), this is only a chance drop, not always dropped by the enemies, but the drop rate should be around 5-10% to make them accessible but slow to obtain. Finally the blueprints for said key should likely be a reward for void mission completions, though another method for attainment is totally possible.


And finally we come to the assassination itself. The Omega sentry.

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The Omega Sentry:

This boss would be the first Corrupted boss in the game if implemented. And I believe still fit the lore of the game. The Omega sentry is still largely a mystery even to me, but the basic concept would be something along the lines of a boss in scale compared to Lephantis, with multiple stages and specific weak spots. Though likely more stationary then Lephantis and attacks more centered around deploying enemies then attacking itself, though obviously not totally defenseless. Also would be cool if it spawned turrets from time to time. I leave the rest of this idea up to the devs though, it is their game after all.


And finally we come to the big reward for said boss, that could either be a specific new warframe, the parts for multiple different primed warframes or something completely different. But also an additional reward that could be dropped by this boss is a a unique aura mod called...



you should take a look at mine


Cool and interesting idea, I've linked it for others to see.


Orkrin Greed:

Okay this was kind of obvious name but hey, the obvious can be cool too.


Polarity: O (No polarity just to make it a bit more of a burden then other aura mods)

Effect: Gives the chance for enemies to drop orkrin casks(increasing the chance in the void) by */*/*/*/*/*% EDIT:(Does NOT give normal mission enemies the chance to drop assassinate key parts)


This can turn a bit of a boring mission into an interesting one, and of course I have left the numbers blank to avoid squabbling over values(though obviously the values are expected to be low), this, along with all the other vales and ideas, would and should be left up to the dev team to decide the details. And that is all for now, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread and am open to suggestions.

Edited by LocasMaxis
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