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Tennokai on exalted melee weapons, any in-depth guides floating around?


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TLDR, basically the title, not really any TRULY in depth videos/posts on both tennokai and exalted melees as a whole, let alone both of them together

I have finally gotten around to actually acquiring (albeit slowly) all frames in the game, and have realized that I REALLY enjoy exalted melee weapons. Garuda, Baruuk, and Valkyr already have fundamental differences between how their exalted melees function, and I already have trouble figuring out the small changes I need to make on their builds normally. Throw in helminth, and now tennokai, and I am just…lost. I know there are guides focusing on Tennokai itself, but the lack of any longer builds/guides/posts using these frames alongside the system, makes it really hard to apply what I know about it to them. I know it’s still a new system but I haven’t seen any indication of creators making any truly in depth videos about it, or any posts talking much about it, here, on Reddit, anywhere really. Have I missed any?

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Well… the only exalted weapon that can really take advantage of Tennokai is Garuda’s talons. 

All of the others suck at building combo in their window, and sadly benefit more from gladiator stat sticks. 

Let me break it down for you, Tennokai requires combo. Exalted weapons (minus Garuda talons)=bad for combo. They can’t use combo mods in order to deal the heavy damage. And most of the time it takes too long for them to ramp up combo, without sacrificing too much damage, for it to be worth it. 

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