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Warframes And Weapons Slot


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Currently, we only have 2 warframe slot, 8 weapon slot (i'm not going to talk about sentinels slot because it's kinda enough, for now)

In a game which have 16 warframe , more than 100 weapon and content which are constantly added, we only have this many slot, and the only way to get more is to use plat.


One thing i really liked about this game is the number of warframe and weapon, I really wish i can collect every thing, but it's not possible, because we will never have enough slot.

Collecting should be a thing in this game.


This can somehow be considered as a paywall (not totally) , because it affect our gameplay. When i want to get a new weapon, i have to sell my old weapon, and if i regretted, i have to buy the blueprint again and build it again and rank it up again, and when i sell it,i don't get back everything, so it will waste my time and resource.


So here are some of my idea :

1)enable us to purchase more slot with credits, just don't make it too expensive, or it will be grindy


2)unlock more slot with mastery rank, because mastery rank doesn't have much purpose, and maybe give us unlimited slot when our mastery rank is high enough.I mean high enough, not the highest.


3)add storage room to the dojo, so we can store our things. Dojo is supposed to be the Tenno base, a base should have a storage room that can store all weapon and warframe.


4)unlimited slots.Come on, just give us unlimited slots, why would you limit our slot if content is being added constantly?


I know this might be kinda hard to change, because a lot of people have already bought slots with plat, DE will have to refund everyone.

Edited by Benedict416
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It doesn't effect your gameplay at all, you dont have to sell a warframe if you dont want to, keep the things you want. DE has to make money somehow. Not only that, but you CAN collect everything.


And its not a paywall at all. A paywall would be something that you need to pay for to get more in the game, which isnt the case here. You can get everything in the game for free by farming for it.


Since trading has been added you could always go farm for some rare mods and sell them for plat.

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Dude we have trade and 75% off plat... don't be this way...


A) Go find some rare mods sell them for 10 plat, 10 plat= 1 warframe slot or 2 weapons slot (if im not wrong...)

B) Wait till u get a 75% off plat, spend $5 USD and there u go...


Are u gonna tell u dont have even $5USD to spend in this wonderful game??? come on! there is even a lower price i think its $2 USD !!!! come on dude


There is no DLC packs, no Plat only weapons, No plat only warframes, No plat only members benefits... theres nothing!!!


The only 3 stuff plat only: Excalibur prime, Lato prime, Skana Prime, solar landmarks and Founders badge... oh yes and clan emblem....


Excalibur prime: just 1 forma more in there

Lato,skana prime sucks they are not the best in game or are OP...

So every plat only item is just for lust...


Don't take me wrong but are u 12 years old or under?? 'cause u sound like one... (its not in the offensive way I mean its just a question being under 12 is not a bad thing)

Edited by kamimegurine
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I have to agree with you, this was a major hindrance when I first started playing. fortunately, a couple events gave us weapons with their own slot (snipetron vandal, strun wraith) but to be fair, no one's going to sell those. but it does allow it so those other starting 8 slots can be used for other non-primary weapons (in this example, at least). leveling up weapons for mastery was a bother, and if you actually liked the ones you just leveled up, you'd have to sell one of the weapons you had occupying those other slots. I'll give you a better case in point that must be prefaced with the fact that I spent my starting platinum on 2 warframe slots, so I had 4: my starter frame was mag, then I crafted banshee and basically just used her (this was before pull had all its changes and such. a long while back). eventually, I came to a point where I had 4 good frames and I was not finished crafting and leveling the rest. I had my banshee, trinity, vauban, and frost, if I recall. and I had like nova, ash, and saryn in the foundry, ready to be leveled. so I had to part with one of the frames I really enjoyed, just to level up ones that I may or may not like (I avoided nova because everyone uses nova, and ended up falling in love with saryn. I hated ash from the beginning, but I never had any intention of keeping him). but I ended up buying some platinum to support DE, and its nice not to have to worry too much about weapon slots and frame slots anymore


but it really is a big problem for collectors like you and I. for example, if I had started collecting prime weapons at that time, when my weapon slots were limited, I really don't know what I would've done, because those can take a while to get and they represent a time investment I'd rather not just throw away. but I imagine the problem is even greater now because of the damage types and the fact that it's almost required to have 3 different primary and/or secondary weapons to cover each faction, whereas before, you just needed one powerful primary/secondary to cover all the high-level stuff (armor ignore or armor piercing, back in those days). now its actually important what damage types they use, and most weapons only have one main type. storage is going to be a huge problem


and one last thing, definitely think some stuff should be added that actually allows you to use the excessive amounts of credits that you earn throughout the game, just so it's useful (but to be fair, fusing some mods to max level can get extremely expensive). slots for mastery ranking would give you an actual reason to rank up past rank 8 (I think you can get the last rank-locked weapon at 8. Idk, I never ran into those issues). mastery rank does need some sort of reward in general, I think. especially now they made the tests more interesting (for me it was the wall-run test from ranks 8-11. but I got pretty good at it, at least. now they have all kinds of stuff)

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I'm not sure I would agree with you...

but I do say I'd love if they could stop the nonsense and give us our Warframes the way we had it when we sold them.

Spending two entire days to get a Warframe to 30, having to sell it to make room for another, and then, when you finally manage to get it back it's unranked all over again is just wrong...

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I was missing these kind of topic.


Recently they added trade to get plat for free so slots can't be pointed as a pay wall. With this idea, warframe is 100% for free.


I think that warframe and weapons that you mastered and sold should come in the same level when you build it again because you mastered it.


If you liked it so much that you would like to keep you wouldn't pay for it? Then you don't like it so much.


The slot limit is because it cost storage space in their data bases... I think.


Selling for credits would have to be expensive because it could bring problems for DE. More slot through mastery rank was promised already... i think, it haven't be implemented yet because there are more things related with the mastery rank to add together... i think. I had a similar idea about 3), but the weapons that are sent to this special room couldn't be picked up instantly or for free.

Edited by Probta16
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man, jsut sell T3 survival keys, i am a mastery 13 i get them cause i can get forma form them. they wont go for much but u can get them at a fairly stable rate.


looking at about 4-5 plat each. which u can make the 12 u need for 2 weapons slots with 3 keys about 45 mins work if your lucky (15min get key leave)

Edited by Tacgnomancer
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  • 3 months later...

Dude we have trade and 75% off plat... don't be this way...


A) Go find some rare mods sell them for 10 plat, 10 plat= 1 warframe slot or 2 weapons slot (if im not wrong...)

B) Wait till u get a 75% off plat, spend $5 USD and there u go...


Are u gonna tell u dont have even $5USD to spend in this wonderful game??? come on! there is even a lower price i think its $2 USD !!!! come on dude


There is no DLC packs, no Plat only weapons, No plat only warframes, No plat only members benefits... theres nothing!!!


The only 3 stuff plat only: Excalibur prime, Lato prime, Skana Prime, solar landmarks and Founders badge... oh yes and clan emblem....


Excalibur prime: just 1 forma more in there

Lato,skana prime sucks they are not the best in game or are OP...

So every plat only item is just for lust...


Don't take me wrong but are u 12 years old or under?? 'cause u sound like one... (its not in the offensive way I mean its just a question being under 12 is not a bad thing)

Do you know how hard is it to sell? Its like everyone in trade is broke...

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