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Energy Based Warframe


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Energy warframe


This warframe deals with all forms of energy


Types of energy used

1 Friction Energy

2 Kinetic/Thermal

3 Particle

4 Dark Energy/Dark Matter 


1. Don't have a name yet

harness friction energy in the soles of your feet allowing you to walk/run on walls, ceilings or over objects such as buildings lasts for 1 minute.



2. Kinetic thermal explosion ( Subject to change )

Heat up the molecules in a enemy's body causing them to burn from the inside out and harness kinetic energy inside of them making them take dot damage the longer the ability is active the more intense the dot damage lasts for 10 seconds. If the enemy dies within those 10 seconds they explode in a fiery explosion releasing the stored kinetic energy sending out a shock wave has a huge AOE knock back but deals little damage to surrounding enemy's.



3. particle armor

Coat you and your team in energy armor this armor absorbs a x amount of damage from energy or electric based attacks and converts a portion of the damage taken into energy and shields for yourself and your allies lasts for 15 seconds.



4. Dark matter explosion ( This is subject to change if you don't like it )

Utilize dark energy to create of dark matter bomb this orb sucks enemy's in and after the elated time is up violently explodes outwards releasing a massive AOE explosion that throws enemy's every were and reduces there armor by 25% lasts for 15 seconds after the 15 seconds are up it explodes.


PS your guys ideas have been helpful thank you.

Edited by Archangelzz
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Not sure what I can do with friction lol rub the enemy to death lol Kinetic I can work with though

Pin people in place, stop bullets in mid-air, remove the friction and have them go flying into walls! And maybe letting the Tenno stick to walls, and walk around ceilings.

Edited by Sidathe
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