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Customization To Weapons/stat Point System


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I want to suggest a system that would allow for players to customize their weapons personally aswell as allow you, DE to easily customize each weapon and make it unique.


-A weapon stat system. Currently leveling your weapons gives you mod capacity but why not extend it further? What if each level or every second level (or whatever you decide) would give stat points that you can allocate into different weapon upgrades.


-Why this? Because theres a lot of mods that players dont use simply because its not worth it (magazine size, reload times etc). This isnt the only reason ofcourse, like I mentioned before this would add a lot of depth and customization into weapons.


-Extend the weapon level to 60 or even 90 or whatever you think would be good (exp requirements scale ofcourse). Say you get 1 stat point every 2 levels so at weapon level 60 you have 15 stat points you can allocate to whatever upgrade you want:

After level 30 you dont gain any mod capacity and you only gain stat points:

(fictional numbers)


Reload speed -0.1 sec/point

Fire rate +0.5/point

Magazine Capacity +5/point

Ammo Capacity +20/point

Explosive Rounds: +0.1 range/point

Accuracy: +0.5/point

Explosion radius: +1/point

Toxic Radius: +1/point (this affects gas procs/thorid)

Bullet travel time +x/point

Conductivity: +x/point (adds a mechanic that if you have electric damage on your weapon it may conduct and bounce to nearby enemies)


Stamina cost reduction: -x/point (reduces stamina cost per melee swing)

Status chance increase +x%/point (adds percentage rather than increasing current)

Combo strike: level x/point (this basically adds new attacks into the combo strike when youre spamming E, you could switch up the way you attack if you level your weapon enough, this would require a lot of work for the animation team but you could do some cool stuff with it)


These are just examples/suggestions/ideas Im sure you could come up with better upgrades.


These upgrades can also be added to warframe powers maybe adding some new mechanics or upgrading the abilities in some sort of unique way.


Forma: every X amount of levels above 30 will add an aditional forma as a requirement to add/reset polarity but will also reset stat points (this gives players the opportunity to restat the weapon with diminishing returns - more forma cost and releveling).


Hopefully this will at least spark some new ideas.




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