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My Opinion of Warframe -


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Hi Guys.

As a old soul in gaming, and new to this one, I thought Id express my opinion after playing this game for a few months.

First off Id like to say that it has great options for players. In general it loads of fun to play. Im not a big fan of over the shoulder perspective. However this game, with the added POV adjustment makes a lot of sense and more playable. It adds to suspension of disbelief. As a FPS player im not at all put off by having a over the shoulder. The 11yrs put into this game is well spent. Its a above average game. Its *Free. Its has S#&$ tones of options, and you can play it without spending a dime.

Being said, I come from a different era.

When I bought a game, I expected it to updated and upgraded. When continuous releases started happening I was ecstatic. The Devs fixed the bugs so more people would play. We go back when multiple servers were steady, and that was a feat.

Anyway, Ive seen the rise of unlock, and Ive hated it it. You have to pick one of three things and upgrade it until you can unlock something you might or might not want to use. It doesnt matter that what you unlock in no better than what you started with you still had to go through the process. Its a skin selection at first, then a different power projection that is alien afterwards. But no less or more powerful in the scheme of things. Until much later. You have to do this over and over instead of taking a taste and playing one thing for years.

Anyway, to cut my babble short, there are different grades of Frames in this game. IMHO the devs should unlock all of the regular frames so players can find a frame early, then build the single frame they like for 30MR. Instead of multiple Frames you have to work for, let players try the options out until they find their Karma. Build MR on that instead of having to build Frames you are never going to use. I dont see a downside for the game. IMHO, grinding for something you are never going to use except for MR points is a waste of time, and boring.

Being said, I like the game a lot. Ive spent a few hundred dollars to try out Frames that IMO should have been available from the start. If anything, the simple unlock trying to find a frame that fits my playing style will make me stop playing in the long run. Some of you have been playing for a decade. I respect that, but there is a better way. Those of you that have your Frames, how much better would it have been if you could have played it from the beginning after the months testing. End result is pretty much the same thing as now, but far more options.

IMHO, unlock all the basic frames and let the player find their fit.

Thanks for reading!



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