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Chromatic Steak: A Chroma rework concept

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Hello, here again to present my Chroma rework idea; The previous post can be found here. I posted it before guardian armor.

    And now that I've played for some time with guardian armor, there are some changes to my dish that I'd like to make.

Passive: Draconic Pelt - Chroma gains 5% resistance to ETCH damage on damaged up to a maximum of 45%, 65% for coloration element; Chroma has 1 extra jump and bullet jump

Spectral Scream -

  • Drain - 25, scales with efficiency
  • Change it to a single cast, 10m, 90 degree cone of the chosen element, length and width scale with range
  • Base Status Chance for selected elements - 75%, scales with strength
  • Damage - 400, scales with strength
  • Affected by Vex Armor
  • Keep element swap here

Elemental Ward -

  • All wards
    • Drain - 50, scales with efficiency
    • Duration - 25s, scales with duration
    • Radius - 15m, scales with range
    • Can be recast before expiration
    • Ward updates when a new element is chosen
    • A new ward is chosen by cycling and recasting
    • Only two wards can be active at a time
    • Active wards cannot be refreshed, a new element must be selected
    • 100% status chance and ticks 1-2 times a second
  • Heat
    • 55% health increase, scales with strength
    • Health Regeneration per sec - 2.5%, scales with strength
  • Electricity
    • 30% shield increase, scales with strength
    • Shield recharge delay - -15%, scales with strength
  • Toxin
    • Reload speed - 135%, scales with strength
    • Melee Speed - 30%, scales with strength
  • Cold
    • Armor Boost - 145%, scales with strength
    • Armor strip Aoe - 25%, scales with strength

Vex Armor -

  • Drain - 75, scales with efficiency
  • Duration - 25s, scales with duration
  • Radius - 18m, scales with range
  • Armor increase - 350%, scales with strength
  • Damage increase - 275%, scales with strength
  • Armor boost per melee kill - 15%
  • Damage boost per ranged kill - 15%
  • Chroma absorbs 25% of damage allies take withing ability range

Effigy -

  • Drain - 50, scales with efficiency
  • Duration - 40 seconds, scales with duration
  • Sentry health is calculated based on nearby enemies
  • Range - 20m, scales with range
  • Credit multiplier for allies in sentry range - 2x
  • Chance for credit multiplier - 60%, scales with strength
  • Movement speed increase - 20%, scales with strength
  • Armor decrease - 50%, scales inversely with strength (25% at 200% strength)
  • The Effigy acts as a conduit of Vex Armor and Elemental Ward's aura
  • Letting Effigy's duration will dismiss as normal
  • Tapping to uncast will dismiss Effigy as normal
  • Holding to uncast will dismiss Effigy and grant:
    • Refreshed jumps on kills
    • -99% aim glide gravity
    • 15% power strength aura for 6m, scales with strength and range
    • These effects persist for 10 seconds, scales with duration

Augment changes + new ones -

  • Afterburn -
    • On cast: Spew a glob of energy that creates a 6m zone of status' afflicting elements for 12s, scales with duration
  • Elemental Scream -
    • Cast to clear ECTH elemental status and deal 500 damage per status stack cleared of that type to all enemies within 18m of radius, replaces Spectral Scream; scales with Vex Armor- original idea by MarakViri
  • Everlasting Ward -
    • Allies that leave the radius will retain the effect for 100% of the remaining duration and the status aura at half radius, ally kills restore 1 second to duration
  • For Elemental Ward - only one can be equipped at a time
    • Heat Focus -
      • Enemies with heat status afflicting them have a 100% chance drop a health orb on death
    • Toxin Focus -
      • Enemies affected by toxic status leave a toxic cloud on death for 10s, scales with duration
    • Cold Focus -
      • Chroma holds a 2m radius ice bubble, scales with range
      • Bubble has a 50% chance to reflect projectiles for 3x damage, scales with strength
      • The bubble grants allies overguard up to Chroma's current armor upon entering aswell as regenerating it if they remain inside
      • Chroma does NOT gain this overguard
      • Would like a better idea if y'all have one
    • Electricity Focus
      • Afflicting Enemies with electricity status grants Chroma 5% movement speed and critical damage boost stacking 4x; lasting 2 seconds, scales with strength and duration
  • [Guardian Effigy] -
    • Effigy follows Chroma as a sentinel instead of acting as a sentry



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8 hours ago, DarkBlueSeaDragon said:

Hello, here again to present my Chroma rework idea; The previous post can be found here. I posted it before guardian armor.

    And now that I've played for some time with guardian armor, there are some changes to my dish that I'd like to make.

Passive: Draconic Pelt - Chroma gains 5% resistance to ETCH damage on damaged up to a maximum of 45%, 65% for coloration element; Chroma has 1 extra jump and bullet jump


It’s currently early in the morning where I’m at so I won’t really go over other suggestions I have at the moment (as I’ve not read over the other abilities) but I would like to inform you this is a worse Caliban passive. Caliban has adaptive armor that gives 5% resistance stacking to 50% whenever they take damage. This is just a more limited version of that (being only ETCH damage) and 5% less resistance on the elements that aren’t his color. Most people will just run the actually adaptation mod at that point as it stacks to 90% and doesn’t have any limitation on damage types. Also does this Passive have a duration? Or would it be for the rest of the run till they die? Because if it’s the latter it may actually be stronger than caliban (as theirs decay)

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12 hours ago, Nerthiril said:

It’s currently early in the morning where I’m at so I won’t really go over other suggestions I have at the moment (as I’ve not read over the other abilities) but I would like to inform you this is a worse Caliban passive

As Chroma is wearing a "dead?" Sentient pelt, and Caliban is meant to be the Sentient frame; I personally don't think that's a bad thing

12 hours ago, Nerthiril said:

Also does this Passive have a duration? Or would it be for the rest of the run till they die? Because if it’s the latter it may actually be stronger than caliban (as theirs decay)

I think Caliban when they get a rework should get the resistance till death, like how the Sentient factions adaption works; While Chroma's should decay stack by stack instead of all at once to give some reason to not take the mod itself, 45/5 is 9, x10s would be a 90s decay timer

An alternative passive could be my previous idea, with some additions based on this rewrite

Elemental Overload -

5% more damage per ECTH status type afflicting the target, multiplicative; Color chosen element scales with strength

Chroma has 1 extra jump and bullet jump

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