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Stalker sprinting animation in non-combat areas very slow

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I just started the quest, came in and had sprinting already on, then toggled it off, but i was still moving at the same speed, just the animation changed.
So i was fast walking, sliding around the floor. Seen in the video at 1:33

https://youtu.be/6HBceEx5ep4 (please mute for your own good, my mic is recording for some reason) (also the video might still be processing)

Bonus Bug in the video: My UI was flickering for some reason. I'm not 100% sure why. I only enabled the "Reduce Frame Latency" and restarted before i started the quest.

Another Bonus that i could capture: in 21:9 you see Jades weapon pop in when panning from stalker towards Excal and back to Jade & Stalker. Ill get a video on that after the Quest when i replay and create a seperate Thread.

EDIT: after the first Mission (the spy). It works fine in the mission, after coming back to "heal" Jade, its broken again. Once the fight started to eradicate intruders, it worked again.
And broken again on the Orbiter after talking to the Operator

EDIT: Correction. Movement speed DOES change, however the Animation becomes slower. Edited title aswell from "Stalker walking/sprinting not changing movement speed" to "Stalker sprinting animation in non-combat areas very slow"

Edited by oD_Static
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  • oD_Static changed the title to Stalker sprinting animation in non-combat areas very slow

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