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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

My 2 cents on why I didnt like the quest

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To start off, i will say i truky dislike the drifter VAs. I use Raven voice. Now the OG operator Raven was solem withdrawn. Drifter Raven sounds like a snarky brat imo and now being forced to hear that voice as my operator is grating. The decision to go forward with this was a bad one imo. A community vote should have been had or some input.



Now on to the Jade Shadows. 


Thank you for the trauma alert, however giving no means to skip or censor it was pointless as the quest needs to be played.

As someone who has lost their child, thia quest felt more like shock value then any true lore or story progression and made me dwell on my lost one.


The "story" was barebone and contradictory to established lore. Why did the corpus stop? Fortuna shows how little they value life outside of profit and a one of a kid child should have been veiwed as the golden goose to them.

The final choice, i will be honest i exited the game and havent turned it back on. 


Once again you force a choice i dont fully agree with. You added a colour to the names, from a discussion with friends who either picked the other they got "different" endings. I dislike the name Sirius and would prefer Orion however i hate the colour red and i know its just a preface but id prefer the option to choose the name then choose "the path" the Stalker will take going forward and not have it tied to my naming. 


Overall i felt this quest was a waste of my time and soured my view of the game. The spy mission was needlessy legnthed by the 4th vault and having 100% auto breach being slower than ciphers just made it feel clunky. 


No tutorial for players who havent unlocled stalker in duviri was a mistake as someone who has and still never picks him as he is unmoddable made me once again look up his abilities and to what they are.

Maybe i was expecting a larger update on scope but as for warframe quests this one felt like i blinked and it was over with no attachment no answers. Lore elluded to but never explained or visited. Was this quest the beginning of a dripfeed or was it just meant for shock value?


Sorry for rambling

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I definitely feel you on being annoyed at the quest. I'm not sure if the developers are doing a good job handling topics like this. As you said, it definitely felt like it was put in for shock value. I don't expect a whole lot from the writers, as I generally feel like they clumsily cram ideas into their quests purely for the "oohs" and "ahs" without doing any of the work to flesh them out, but I would hope they would broach such things with some sensitivity.

I'm not really happy with Jade being "fridged," and some of my friends found it outright offensive that it was being done in the service of a "sadboi."

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I don't really care about the sensitive issues, the quality aspect and lack of thought behind decision making is bad and that alone does not make me happy.  Particularly when you have a multitude of ways to restore warframes, can use kuva or archon shards, and completely ignore that Helminth is what sustains and repairs Warframes.  

Gonna tack one on to the Drifter voice acting for the operator, why did it default to the operator if I primarily use the Drifter?  If Ordis asks if Umbra is walking about, why didn't Umbra show up?  When do aspiring sisters show empathy for a child whwn the Corpus corps and board work in wholesale slavery and redshirt deaths?  There is a multitude of drawing board questions that got ignored for filler content and it's gonna not look good going forward if they keep doing worse just to pad content drought to the Man in the Wall confrontations.

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