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Stalker Invisible on Load

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(Gonna do my best to do this without a screenshot or video)

When I have gone to go play as Stalker after the second Hotfix I have been able to spawn in but when I spawn in I am invisible to myself but others can see me but when I try to me I can hear me moving around but it acts as if I am stuck in place as I have spammed my jump button and it sounds like I am jumping but i am not jumping along with I can't do /unstuck since you can't type in chat as Stalker.

Keep in mind I was a client in a random four player squad as Stalker counts as a Fifth in the squad it has happened at least for the past 15 missions I have tried being Stalker in the Ascension game mode for Belly of the Beast.

Edited by Buck8422
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Had this happen the last two times I played as stalker. In my case I could still roll, shoot, melee, use abilities both times. The first time, bullet-jump also worked, but the second time it did not. Also, the first time I could read chat just fine but my messages did not send. The second time, all chat showed up as strings of ****** with the occasional number mixed in.

Edit: adjusted wording for clarity

Edited by OktaviaAnemnesa
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