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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

dodging in Glory on High locks your up/down until button is re-pressed

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As the title says. If you dodge while using Glory on high, it locks your ability to go up or down until you release your up/down button and re-press it after her dodge animation is completed. Its a miner annoyance, but still should be fixed as it makes flying through missions more annoying, especially since her dodge animation while flying lasts much longer than it actually looks like. And while on the topic of animations while flying, casting her 1 while flying takes forever, much, much longer than while not flying, and also has the same problem of being much longer than it actually appears to be, with at least a half second of her being in her default animation after her throw animation is completed. Both of these animations lagging like that makes her feel very unresponsive.


And as a related note to your controls being locked until repressed. It would be nice if you didn't have to re-press your left mouse button after using an ability to continue firing your weapon. You should be able to hold down left click to fire your weapon, use an ability (while still holding left click), then when after the ability has been cast you continue to fire your weapon.

This also ties into Jades 1 animation lagging while flying, because trying to fire Glory after casting her 1 is very annoying since you need to re-press left click to fire Glory after casting, so a lot of the time I press left click to start firing thinking her animation has finished, but its still in that .5 second lag period, which makes me have to realize im not firing Glory and have to re-press left click a second time.

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