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Blast Procs cause self-damage in close proximity still a problem.

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Seems like self damage only happens when I'm not the host or does it anyway rihno's overguard just disappears when kill somebody inflicted with blast happens no matter what character I get on.

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A friend of mine was noticing the same issue. He was testing a blast proc build on a Sibear and was getting extremely frustrated because he was going down constantly and we were unsure what the issue was. We went to lith on normal to test what the problem could be because nothing kills you there; especially with adaptation on, and he was definitely downing himself while I was hosting. Did some more tests on hydron and mot with his Fragor and had the same results. Switched hosts and it was happening to me on my Arca Titron build. Initially thought it was just a hammer issue but tested other weapons such as the Dual Keres and Kuva Nukor and it was still happening. Did these same tests in solo and it wasn’t a problem so it is for sure a host to non-host issue.

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