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Harmony Buff Activation Inconsistencies

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the activation for Harmonic Resonance (kill an enemy with a heavy attack) seems to be bugged, as it will randomly(from what I've tested) not activate, I have yet to find any consistency or cause for this

additionally, sliding heavy attack kills consistently do NOT trigger the buff, and heavy slams are as inconsistent as normal heavy

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I've tested alot of harmony interaction without the faction mods, and with kullervo to check big damage output

Keep in mind that a bleed is : Tick damage = (0.35 x the damage output) for harmony I use Lasting Sting (110% status duration to make the bleed bigger) and harmony passive

so total bleed from harmony is supposed to be : my heavy attack x 0.35 x 14 (6 + 6.6 + 1.8 = 14.4 but I suppose it's an integer value so lets say 14)


I've noticed multiple problems :

  1.  The bleed damage are shown in orange  (you can fast check if it also appear in orange for you by simply putting no crit chance on your weapon and do heavy attacks ofc you have to deal a slash / heat / toxin / elec / gas damage)
  2.  You can deal 25M red crit tier 3 but deal a 2,5M bleed (so in orange damage)
  3.  You can also process to deal 2M yellow crit but deal 15M bleed (in orange damage again)
  4.  Sometimes only the bleed appear, with what I tested, arround 2,5M bleed without doing much setup (just going x12 doing a classic heavy, not using kullervo's 1)


But sometimes, as you can see, I highly doubt there's a heavy gunner in simulacrum that have 25M hp (if bleed would kill weapon damage dont show)
So, if you have a mob with let's say less than 2.5M health, if you deal enough damage with your weapon, your weapon still sometime appear but instantly almost jump out of screen

If only the bleed damage appear, harmony damage is ignored during the tab calculation aka % of damage dealt per player

(if you would deal 2.5M damage with harmony, and 2.5M as bleed, only 2.5M from bleed are taken)

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Posted (edited)
On 2024-06-22 at 11:37 AM, Darius62340 said:

I've tested alot of harmony interaction without the faction mods, and with kullervo to check big damage output


I'm not a math person in the slightest, so my tests weren't anything concretely scientific, however I did test what modifiers did and did not interact with the passive

Melee Affliction(s?), the new melee arcane, on the other hand.. rather good with Harmony

One other thing I noticed was "randomly" one-hitting level 220 Corrupt Heavy Gunners

Turns out the cause was headshots.... for some reason, with no mods at all, Harmony's heavy attack headshot deals millions of damage

Yet another thing, scythe heavy attack force procs 2 slash status, which is why Harmony is able to take advantage of its passive with no mods


On 2024-06-22 at 3:04 PM, Al_Dench said:

The buff can be obtained by killing ONE enemy at a time, as I managed to find out.

My tests showed inconsistency even with killing only one at a time, and I even tested in a mission to make sure it wasn't Simulacrum weirdness

Edited by MouseMaid_null
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So after even more testing Tusk Heavy Gunner Eximus vulnerable to : impact and corrosive :


Keep in mind that once more a bleed is : Tick damage = (0.35 x the damage output) for harmony I use Lasting Sting (110% status duration to make the bleed bigger) and harmony passive is +30% of 6s so 1.8s

so total bleed from harmony is supposed to be : my heavy attack x 0.35 x 14 (6 + 6.6 + 1.8) = 14.4 or if it's multiplicative so (6+6.6)x1.3 = 16,38

without passive it's should be 6+6.6 = 12.6 so minimum 12 right ?


  1. Since scythe stance force proc 1 slash Melee Afiction level 2 make it 4 slash
  2. with a multiplicator of 13.3 and forcing each multiplicator with kullervo 1 (at 200-300-400-500-600) and with no crit chance
  3. damage number are always the same minimum
  4. each time the orange value are multiplicative of the base number you deal, and bleed looks correct with multiplicative value (crit chance, puncture proc etc)


those are the final bug I can tell :

  • my minimum "normal damage" with passive on : was 318,280 but sometimes for some reason it droped to 190,965 and after almost 200 mob killed is truly my minimum scythe while having 2 attack at (600% slash + down) x2 do sometimes only apply 1 stack only, and even with the arcane on  (tested with the hate otherwise I wouldn't be able to point it out) so the arcane legit sometime dont proc at all


  • sometimes as said on top by Al_Dench, if you kill 2 mob with the heavy attack the passive dont proc wich change the damage output I drop to 278,495 problem is

278,495 x1.2 should be equal to 318280 right ? but no it's equal to 334,194 then I go back to 318,180, so there's a problem

  • as I said before sometime one of either damage dont proc depending on the damage output of either bleed or harmony damage being too high
  • But as you can think, 190,965 (should be 1 slash as I said) isn't at all 318,280 / 4
  • BUT HUGE POINT while a maggot explode and deal corrosive damage wich should reduce the armor of the mob, it drop to 40k ~ wich I assume is completly a bug
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