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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Warframe Jade shadows Jade feedback V2

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This is my second Jade feedback and will be updated from the last one with changes based from previous feedback and all changes made will have reasons feel free to agree or disagree and state changes if you feel they are needed.

First of all Jade isn't awful however I do feel like whilst she is very fun ( quickly became a favourite for me) she admittedly feels slightly underwhelming in some areas.

Here is the issues with Jade:

Lights judgement issues:

- Low radius ( I know buffing this buffs her 4th but read 1st).

- Very low duration.

- High cost of energy.

- Heal does not come with any benefits so healing feels mediocre but consistent due to max hps.

Symphony of mercy issues:

- Buffs for strength and damage  have to not be so potent due to the fact they can last a long time due to glory and Lights judgement.

- Spirits of resilience feels lack luster and useless.

Opanim eyes feedback:

- This is the only ability I see no issues with really.

Glory issues:

- Very strong nuke which makes jade's 1st ability hard to balance.


Lights judgement changes:

- Base radius increased from 6m to 8m.

- Base duration increased from 10 seconds to 15/20 seconds ( unsure on which of these because the effect should last a long time especially because the healing is not amazing.

- New effect grants allies 150 armor effect persists like the hps.

- Max Light's judgement decreased from 5 to 3.

Reasons for these changes is to make her 1st less energy draining for people who want to max out the amount of Lights judgement but make her healing feel more potent as if im being honest it's low and will always be less potent than say wisp or oberon. I am not saying Jade should have better healing and utility than the frames I mentioned otherwise they would feel redundant that said only a low overall heal with no other effect feels awful it's just very weak I understand it does damage but Jade is a support so these changes make her stronger but keeps wisp, trinity and oberon relevant which is why the armor increase is lower thsn oberon.

Symphony of mercy changes:


- Possible change could be to lower the buff but make it multiplicative rather than additive like rhino roar but this is fine how it is.

Spirit of resilience change:

- Remove shield delay.

- Now regenerates shield even whilst under fire.

Reasons for these changes:

The first change us optional and not needed though some people may prefer this since the damage buff to me especially and others did not feel very impactful however the spirit of resilience is meant to buff her teams survivability through shield gating however it does not do that well since if Jade or her allies get shot they will not get shields at all. Since the shield regen is quite low I think this is a fair change because let's be honest this buff is useless.

Now finally Glory on high changes:

- Alternate fire radius reduced from 4m to 3m.

- Only if not enough empowered range multiplier reduced from 1.5 to 1.25.

This change should make her 4th nuke feel less potent especially with her 1st ability range increase however I will note jade's nuke is not unhealthy for warframe at all. Glory is an exalted weapon which is great however her nuke has limits like needing to put judgement on enemies and to an extent walls. Gauss, volt and saryn can nuke way better than Jade yes Glory may have a faster ttk however it requires more work to set up as well as being harder to use than a lot of potent nukes.

Personally I do not think Jade really requires any nerfs to her kit as well Jade is not exactly the best at everything she is by far not the best nuke and her buffs are actually not as impactful as many though they would be.

Additionally jade's nuke requires a lot more than just archon shards and warframe arcanes which in most cases breaks a lot of nuke frames. The nuke of jade is really only broken when using a specific set up based around secondary outburst.

She released very balanced.

If you have any feedback please feel free to respond I am fine to listen and respond to what you say. 


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