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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Warframe Jade shadows Jade feedback V3

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Ok based on feedback because well some people think the shield regen should not happen even when under fire even though protea, gauss, and hildryn already does this 24/7 but OK.

Here's new suggestions and hopefully it's is the final version.

Light's Judgement changes:

- Grants 150 armor buff with the healing and scales with strength.

- Added description of ability duration  and ability effect duration.

- Ability effect duration will have a base 20 seconds. (This way her nuke won't get affected and her healing lasts longer since it's slow).

That's it.

I do not think they will ever buff its range due to glory and well as long as you run stretch and over extended you will be fine.

I also at least found a work around her shield buff which funnily enough no one wants buffed even though they admit its her worst buff and that is run arcane aegis it's the only thing that will help you.

That's all the changes I want for jade 


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