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Glory's alt fire can proc IPS. Is this intented?

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Jade's Exalted weapon Glory can proc IPS on the alt fire. Is this intented? Since we cannot see the alt fire's own stats on Glory's stats.. Why is that even a thing? Wouldn't that be kinda important..? Well anyways, yeah IPS is a thing on it, so either it is a bug, or it has IPS stats we just cannot see. I did not do anything to make this happen. Just put on some status chance on the weapon, to maximize the chances to proc them (in case SC affects it). Otherwise the build is very normal. There are some IPS dual stat mods inside the build tho, for Impact and Slash.. Because they have status chance, so I could hopefully get more procs, and therefore better screenshots about it. There's no weird shenanigans, gimmicks or exploits used to make this happen. It just.. Happens.



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  • 2 weeks later...

In missions i can replicate this, but in the simulacarum i can't

i did some further testing on jades altfire, and while the damage is equally split between IPS the total damage of the weapon sums up to 1500 which is stated in the ability overview, the damagemods have a weird interaction tho and somehow each mod adds 1/16 of basedamage, but i have no clue where this could happen in the equation

here all my math:

(impact + puncture + slash) * 1,5 = 2109 total damage vs Corpus Amalgan
(impact * 1.5 + puncture  + slash) * 1.5 = 2461 total damage vs armorstripped Grineer
(impact + puncture  * 1.5 + slash) * 1,5 = 2461 total damage vs Corpus
(impact + puncture  + slash * 1.5) * 1,5 = 2461 total damage vs Infested

=> impact = puncture = slash ~ 468,7

total damage:     1500
damage-quanta: 1500 / 16 = 93.75
impact-damage: 500 / 93.75 = 5.33 ~ 5
5 * 93.75 = 468.75
same for puncture and slash damage

testing vs Corpus Amalgan:

with 120% puncture damage mod:
500 * 1.2 = 600
600 / 93.75 = 6.4 ~ 6
6 * 93.75 = 562.5
total damage = (468.75 + 468.75 + 468.75 + 562.5) * 1.5 = 2953.125
expected:     2953.125
observed:     3094
difference:    140.875 (~ 140.625 = 93.75 * 1.5 = damage quanta * judgement damage bonus)

with 120% impact damage mod:
same calculation as puncture damage mod
expected:     2953.125
observed:     3094
difference:    140.875 (~ 140.625 = 93.75 * 1.5 = damage quanta * judgement damage bonus)

with 120% impact damage mod and 120% puncture damage mod:
total damage = (468.75 + 468.75 + 468.75 + 562.5 + 562.5) * 1.5 = 3796.875
expected: 3796.875
observed: 4078
difference: 281.125 (~ 281.25 = 2 * 93.75 * 1.5)
could mean 2 mods * damage quanta * judgement damage bonus



Edited by ObviouslyN0tMe
updated due to more testing
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