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Jade Lasers going through ceilings + LOS Issues

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Was in a mission with lots of low ceilings, and constantly harassed by jade beams cast by enemies in another room or behind walls. Cant shoot the beam-ends because the ceiling is blocking my shots while allowing beams to come through, and cant kill the eximus because it's hiding behind a wall or in another room(found one behind a locked door). So either I ignore the mechanic entirely with Silence, or I have to dodge lasers the entire mission and hope they don't target the defense objective. Is this intended? Wasnt there supposed to be a cooldown on those beams?

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I don't believe this was intended. Consider other eximus abilities where they do not "follow you" persey, however, they do target you when their abilities are cast. The Jade eximus ability would be the first of all eximus enemies that do not only target, but actively follow the target with their ability for a set duration/distance until removed. I can't cast abilities directly on targets behind a wall that are not AOE, should they be able to? Jade beams are targeted, not AOE, so I'd think it would suffice to match the same criteria required to take effect.

The Jade beams being unable to be shot due to the ability's entry/focal point clipping through the ceiling is a problem for most players and the current solution is simply to just run from the beams until you reach an open area where you can safely shoot the top of the beam or kill the corresponding Jade eximus enemy. The scaling for the ability's focal point just seems like it needs to be adjusted to match the ceiling above with consideration to an appropriate gap to identify the entry point of the beam all while maintaining its maximum length in areas without any active ceiling limitations.

Also to note, being unable to identify which Jade eximus enemy is casting the beam is very tedious when fighting multiple enemies unless you are chain-shotting or AOE killing enemies weapon/ability. I can't begin to describe how many times I've attacked one Jade eximus enemy thinking the beam will end but came to find out it was being cast by another Jade eximus enemy in proximity. With this in mind, it's best to use an appropriate weapon and/or frame when dealing with the current Jade eximus abilities to eliminate the ability ASAP. I can only imagine the chaos if there was a team doing an endurance run with enemy levels capped at 9999 facing multiple Jade eximus enemies in proximity considering the other bugs with the Jade eximus beams being able to damage warframes while using the operator.

I highly despise the current lack of LOS required for Jade eximus enemies to attack their opponents. Warframe abilities like Mesa's Peacemaker or Excalibur's Radial Javelin still require LOS after patches were released to remove the original AOE damage, thus it just seems unbalanced from an "ability" standpoint. Considering the beams can follow you after being cast, if LOS were implemented, it would be more accurate to stop its effect when running outside of a distance factor, behind a wall, or even into another room.

Correct me if I am wrong, but so far the Jade eximus enemies do not appear to be attacking other enemies when affected by radiation procs (Yes, being inclusive to removing overguard). Generally, the gameplay is moving so quickly and I haven't tested in a simulacrum yet so I'm not 100% on this statement.

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