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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

(Cranky old man rant) Everything is too loud! and audio focused.

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I was trying to play the Ascension mode with Jade - and this is another complaint I'll put for her specific but trying to find the beacons with jade out here belching the lyrics to her spotify Feel good summer playlist is so loud I can't hear the beacons over it.

This issue remains with other warframes, abilities, and dialogue.

Now this could just be my settings, but I have no issue finding the little Decree Fragments in circuit over other warframes noise.


When it comes to accessibility - am I missing some settings or is it just "Find someone who isn't hearing impaired I guess?" I'd lay this same complaint for Decree Fragments as they don't visually pop out in many instances.

I feel like there is a better mechanic that can be implemented in both cases that isn't "Search for the annoying sound and slightly glowy bit that may or may not be in full stealth depending on your graphical settings"

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