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transport capsule getting stuck in two diftent places and instent death on oprator/drifter return to warframe

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i have dyslexia and isnt a native english speaker so bare with me a bit here x3

I have bin playing alot as Titania in the new game mode so i jump out to use my drifter instead of pressing 4 all the time :3

But if my Drifter die and get returned to my warframe and then I die instently on return no matter what i do or what mods/ arcanes i have on x3


the mission has also bin really buggy in have the capsule work in the mission, i will add screenshots under this for but bugs that both has happened today, just now right after one another and one off them happend earlier today with the other one happing a few days ago so i thought it might bin fix all ready :3


the first bug: The Capsule dont get stuck to the elevator right and will not take energy, plus no becons or enemys spond.




bug nr 2: The mission goes on and works as it should ( - the instent death on return to warframe) but then the capsule get stuck at the end point and cant move any more, enemys stops sponding and you cant do anything. the game seem to think the capsule is still stuck on the elevator at the top. 



i know others bin having the same bugs happening but i made a new report because they started happing more often for me i had like 3 happen today and i have bin playing the event about the same amount of time on diftent days plus i hoped it would bring those bugs up more, the first bugs has bin here for days now x3 i will try and get a video of the instent death part but i dont know if i can do that with my pc :3

Edited by DenjaWolf
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