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Topaz shards (critical chance) do not working on Jade's glory [topaz capping yellow crit]

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As I said, the topaz shards, do not work for meMore precisely, I got more critics proc but not orange or red ones, also I’am running 200% crit chance mod and 3 topaz shards so even it’s not an additive crit chance it should be arround 150 crit chance, since my 3 shards gives me 225% crit chance


Also the number of the shards procs in game is capping at randoms numbers, and stop randomly (like 79 of 225% crit chance but sometimes it’s more or less)


But the weirdest is that with shards I’am making a lot of yellow crit but not a single orange, but I tested with removing them and I got lower critics procs but sometimes orange.. so really strange 


Thanks <3




With further tests i noticed that i can no longer procs any crit other than ''yellow one'' even with the ''avenger arcane'' and ''creeping bulleye'' on. Also concidering than before the shards i was able to proc orange crit pretty often

Edited by Lisa.Asylum
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  • Lisa.Asylum changed the title to Topaz shards (critical chance) do not working on Jade's glory [topaz capping yellow crit]

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