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jade eximus are fine...ish but should not be in low level content

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both mechanically and like. narratively

like i realise that narrative plays second fiddle to mechanics here but. as funny as it is that parvos's new tech gets immediately stolen by the grineer, infested by the various infested factions, mimiced by the murmur, etc... it just Don't Make No Sense from a narrative perspective.

from a gameplay one, having an ass unit type 1shot you out of nowhere always feels bad, but it feels even more bad when you're MR0 and trying to get to grips with the game and meeting endgame units while chasing down that pesky captain vor.

personally i would offer the following suggestion: restrict at minimum their appearance to post-tnw content, since tnw is the (only? afaik?) lock on jade shadows. this would mean they are eligible to spawn in:

  • archon hunts
  • narmer bounties from cetus/fortuna
    • though i realise this may be hard to implement cleanly, but it would be believeable that narmer would try to get their hands on jade eximus tech
  • zariman 10-0
  • sanctum anatomica (including da and eda)
  • sister of parvos territories
    • endgame content, and narratively has obvious connections to dear parvos
  • ascension. obviously.
  • arbitrations
    • even though these all take place in versions of the basic starchart, they also are an endgame activity + require full startchart completion to unlock, including post-tnw nodes

most if not all of these are endgame or endgame-adjacent content as well as narratively taking place at a point where jade eximi can exist (ie. tnw is over, granum can be back in the origin system, etc).

i would also make steel path star chart fair game for jade eximus spawns, since it's non-canonical anyway and sp is endgame content.

i would exclude them from the following:

  • the regular, pre-tnw star chart
    • or as i've seen it called elsewhere, the tutorial. this is mostly for narrative purposes, especially in the latter half, but
  • kuva lich territories
    • this can be accessed before tnw, so narratively it makes no sense. kuva liches are also relatively easier than sisters, even if they are still rough if you start them unprepared.
  • kuva fortress/kuva siphons/kuva floods
    • again narratively this makes no sense, though the SP kuva fortress would be the exception because steel path
  • sorties
    • despite being 'endgame' content, it's still the low end of the wedge. sorties also take place on the regular star chart, and don't include any more recent content even such as fortuna or cambion drift.

duviri you could argue in several directions. steel path i would consider fair game for jade units to spawn, for the same reason as above, but regular duviri you can access right from mr0, even if you can't start there any more. railjack is also debateable, since you can access it as soon as you get an archwing, which is still pretty early in the game.


Edited by itsmeappo
edited to include arbitration since i apparently temporarily forgot its existence
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