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Why Not Put a Stalker Frame or Helmet in the Arsenal Already?

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Between Stalker being playable in Duviri, the new Quest, And the new operation letting him be playable, it's a surprise he's not in the arsenal in any capacity. Given how he has a functional mod page, unique mesh for his helmet and body that are fully colorable (testable with allied mirage augment), and kit (even if cobbled together), It's a genuine surprise we don't have him properly yet. I understand the part where he as a character is off doing his own thing, I get that, but can't we just make a copy of him like with jade and umbra?

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3 hours ago, Dwarf_King said:

Between Stalker being playable in Duviri, the new Quest, And the new operation letting him be playable, it's a surprise he's not in the arsenal in any capacity. Given how he has a functional mod page, unique mesh for his helmet and body that are fully colorable (testable with allied mirage augment), and kit (even if cobbled together), It's a genuine surprise we don't have him properly yet. I understand the part where he as a character is off doing his own thing, I get that, but can't we just make a copy of him like with jade and umbra?

I am sorry to bring the bearer of bad news, but DE has already confirmed in a devstream the stalker will never be available for the arsenal.

some reasons why that is probably the case:
He is a storyline progressing character, his story is not finished, this is where he differs massively from Umbra and Jade. 
The mod page in duviri is only available so ppl playing him know how he is set up, to use him most effectively. He is fully colorable due to his look acting like a skin over a normal excalibur character with a unique set of abilities, its beneficial to just make a skin instead of a full new model, this is the same way with the acolytes on Steel path. They are essentially skinned specters.
We will not see stalker available in the arsenal ever for lore reasons as well, he still hates tenno, so he wont allow one in his head for too long, also he can still talk, this is unlike any of the warframes, in the last quest we also see his speech improve again. 

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I believe they mentioned it somewhere in a Devshort (not Devstream mb), from the question if stalker would ever be available in arsenal and Reb answered with a short "no"


also to answer the question again, they probably do not want their villain/ anti-hero' reputation dragged through the mud by letting players make him pink PE.

Posting looks for stalker would also be a major spoiler, plus you'dd have to make interactions for every hunter that encounters players playing as the stalker etc.

Edited by 3xt1inct
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I'd really not like Stalker to be available. Some parts of the story need to remain parts of the story, out of reach except for a taste here and there that keeps us connected when he gets a bit old (new Vs old players for example). I would hate to see random "Stalkers" everywhere modded out the eyeballs, painted garishly with his powers swapped out and who knows what else. Let him be the tortured soul he is.

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10 hours ago, 3xt1inct said:

I believe they mentioned it somewhere in a Devshort (not Devstream mb), from the question if stalker would ever be available in arsenal and Reb answered with a short "no"


also to answer the question again, they probably do not want their villain/ anti-hero' reputation dragged through the mud by letting players make him pink PE.

Posting looks for stalker would also be a major spoiler, plus you'dd have to make interactions for every hunter that encounters players playing as the stalker etc.

Gonna need a source on that boss.

By virtue of Umbra existing, this is far too unlikely to be a problem, and besides, who's to day we can't make a copy of his frame or his helmet. His acolytes do so with their own colors, and they are a laughing stock.

5 hours ago, Zanchak said:

I'd really not like Stalker to be available. Some parts of the story need to remain parts of the story, out of reach except for a taste here and there that keeps us connected when he gets a bit old (new Vs old players for example). I would hate to see random "Stalkers" everywhere modded out the eyeballs, painted garishly with his powers swapped out and who knows what else. Let him be the tortured soul he is.

Gonna copy paste, but by virtue of Umbra existing, this is far too unlikely to be a problem. People paint umbra with garish S#&$ all the time, but that hardly takes gravity from his story, that's just cherry picking.

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No matter what happens i'll never give up hope on stalker becoming fully playable or at least getting a universal stalker helmet, i have faith it'll happen one day and you can all laugh at me for that it's fine 

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8 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

No matter what happens i'll never give up hope on stalker becoming fully playable or at least getting a universal stalker helmet, i have faith it'll happen one day and you can all laugh at me for that it's fine 

I salute you. I'm there with you.

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9 hours ago, Dwarf_King said:

By virtue of Umbra existing, this is far too unlikely to be a problem, and besides, who's to day we can't make a copy of his frame or his helmet. His acolytes do so with their own colors, and they are a laughing stock.

Except Umbra isn't an active enemy spawning in as a Hunter chasing Tenno, regardless how little that might happen for some people. It is not the same thing. He hunted me after the story and I actually felt bad murdering him for the first time in years. He still has a story to tell. And as I said before, let him be the tortured soul he is. We don't need him in arsenal.

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16 hours ago, Dwarf_King said:

Gonna need a source on that boss.

By virtue of Umbra existing, this is far too unlikely to be a problem, and besides, who's to day we can't make a copy of his frame or his helmet. His acolytes do so with their own colors, and they are a laughing stock.

OK if you need a source on it I mentioned i heard it on a devstream or devshort, I don't know about you but i have a decent memory and do not log every statement they make with a timestamp to a piece of content they made, if you wanna counter with "if it is these type of important things you should", no i do not, i hear it, it spreads through the currently active community (who also heard it) and no one ever mentions it again, because it is considered common knowledge, the only people who were reacting positively and with the same desires as you, here as well as reddit (yes i just googled this and that came up exactly copy pasted) are most likely ppl who were not active at the time. This particular Statement DE made was around the duviri update, but i do not remember the precise stream. We can also not exclude DE ever changing their mind.

(edit) Bonus you knew when they mentioned it seeing as you posted this ~"Sadly as of the interview a few hours ago. There will be no playable stalker. What a bummer" in this "Normally at the end of a Cinematic Quest, DE give us a free toy to add to our arsenal. What might Jade Shadow bring?" forum



By virtue of umbra existing my argument about him and jade gets further reinforced, furthermore he is a motive in the story of the tenno, as a villain/anti-hero. Again displayed below

On 2024-06-24 at 12:53 PM, 3xt1inct said:

some reasons why that is probably the case:
He is a storyline progressing character, his story is not finished, this is where he differs massively from Umbra and Jade. 

Let's not forget that the stalker hunter was made during the early days of the game, where money was tight for DE and where they would choose the cheaper option if possible and feasible. Thus stalker hunter was created as a skin for the standard character model (excalibur for this game) a skin, existing from a helmet and pattern with a color scheme, because they could use existing systems to build him this way. They input this as a new entity, with a mix of then already available abilities (teleport is from ash, smoke screen is ash, slash dash excal, pull from mag, absorb from nyx, reckoning, from oberon), the playable duviri version is just a better version of ash's abilities with a different ultimate, bound to the character model with skin used for stalker. 

16 hours ago, Waeleto said:

No matter what happens i'll never give up hope on stalker becoming fully playable or at least getting a universal stalker helmet, i have faith it'll happen one day and you can all laugh at me for that it's fine 

the day this happens is probably when the Stalker's story is finished, but currently DE has set up the possibility to just randomly let him return to story at any point with the ending of the last quest.

Edited by 3xt1inct
had to mention some evidence i found
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On 2024-06-26 at 2:47 AM, Zanchak said:

Except Umbra isn't an active enemy spawning in as a Hunter chasing Tenno, regardless how little that might happen for some people. It is not the same thing. He hunted me after the story and I actually felt bad murdering him for the first time in years. He still has a story to tell. And as I said before, let him be the tortured soul he is. We don't need him in arsenal.

He shouldn't be hunting us at all, he fled away and is hiding, never to return to his lair again. His fight with us now is Ludonarrative dissonance as is. Also Duviri stalker exists.

On 2024-06-26 at 8:53 AM, 3xt1inct said:

OK if you need a source on it I mentioned i heard it on a devstream or devshort, I don't know about you but i have a decent memory and do not log every statement they make with a timestamp to a piece of content they made, if you wanna counter with "if it is these type of important things you should", no i do not, i hear it, it spreads through the currently active community (who also heard it) and no one ever mentions it again, because it is considered common knowledge, the only people who were reacting positively and with the same desires as you, here as well as reddit (yes i just googled this and that came up exactly copy pasted) are most likely ppl who were not active at the time. This particular Statement DE made was around the duviri update, but i do not remember the precise stream. We can also not exclude DE ever changing their mind.

(edit) Bonus you knew when they mentioned it seeing as you posted this ~"Sadly as of the interview a few hours ago. There will be no playable stalker. What a bummer" in this "Normally at the end of a Cinematic Quest, DE give us a free toy to add to our arsenal. What might Jade Shadow bring?" forum



By virtue of umbra existing my argument about him and jade gets further reinforced, furthermore he is a motive in the story of the tenno, as a villain/anti-hero. Again displayed below

Let's not forget that the stalker hunter was made during the early days of the game, where money was tight for DE and where they would choose the cheaper option if possible and feasible. Thus stalker hunter was created as a skin for the standard character model (excalibur for this game) a skin, existing from a helmet and pattern with a color scheme, because they could use existing systems to build him this way. They input this as a new entity, with a mix of then already available abilities (teleport is from ash, smoke screen is ash, slash dash excal, pull from mag, absorb from nyx, reckoning, from oberon), the playable duviri version is just a better version of ash's abilities with a different ultimate, bound to the character model with skin used for stalker. 

the day this happens is probably when the Stalker's story is finished, but currently DE has set up the possibility to just randomly let him return to story at any point with the ending of the last quest.

First, Still no devstream citation, therefor just hearsay. Additionally, MY comment this in regards to the quest, not forever, you can google the article read yourself. And apparently we are getting him in 1999 update given the leaks.

He is not going to be a villain, but a thing aiding us against man in the wall, especially the child.

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5 hours ago, Dwarf_King said:

He shouldn't be hunting us at all, he fled away and is hiding, never to return to his lair again. His fight with us now is Ludonarrative dissonance as is. Also Duviri stalker exists.

First, Still no devstream citation, therefor just hearsay. Additionally, MY comment this in regards to the quest, not forever, you can google the article read yourself. And apparently we are getting him in 1999 update given the leaks.

He is not going to be a villain, but a thing aiding us against man in the wall, especially the child.

So never in the quest is it mentioned or even implied he gives up on his hate for the tenno (narrative), he still hunts tenno in missions, just not the ones cosplaying his wife, because of the memories tied to that particalar warframe. There is no ludonarrative dissonance to be found, although you should give an example if you disagree. 

Yeah no devstream citation, i told you why, believing it or not is up to you. 

Your comment was a response to this forum title "Normally at the end of a cinematic quest, DE gives us a free toy to add to our arsenal, what might jade shadows bring", you replied there "Sadly as of the interview a few hours ago. There will be no playable stalker. What a bummer", context implies you are talking about stalker for the arsenal, if you meant otherwise you should have clarified in that original message

secondly, no source on the leaks, so you are jus speculating, also you don't know the rest of the story, but I bet you that if you are already expecting a certain ending you will be disappointed anyway, so let DE do their job and make an amazing story for us.

the speculation you added in without source also just makes you a hypocrite, good day!

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On 2024-07-01 at 5:39 AM, 3xt1inct said:

So never in the quest is it mentioned or even implied he gives up on his hate for the tenno (narrative), he still hunts tenno in missions, just not the ones cosplaying his wife, because of the memories tied to that particalar warframe. There is no ludonarrative dissonance to be found, although you should give an example if you disagree. 

Yeah no devstream citation, i told you why, believing it or not is up to you. 

Your comment was a response to this forum title "Normally at the end of a cinematic quest, DE gives us a free toy to add to our arsenal, what might jade shadows bring", you replied there "Sadly as of the interview a few hours ago. There will be no playable stalker. What a bummer", context implies you are talking about stalker for the arsenal, if you meant otherwise you should have clarified in that original message

secondly, no source on the leaks, so you are jus speculating, also you don't know the rest of the story, but I bet you that if you are already expecting a certain ending you will be disappointed anyway, so let DE do their job and make an amazing story for us.

the speculation you added in without source also just makes you a hypocrite, good day!

Hunhow's email literally says he never returns to his layer, and the fled to lua to try and hide from parvos. As well as him assisting the tenno in new war, as well as in belly of the beast means he's pretty damn close to burying the hatchet.

You bring info to the table, you're responsible to your own sources, not me.

Yes, the interview for that quest says there will be no playable stalker as the quest reward. Though it's something Reb wants to do at some point. https://gamerant.com/warframe-jade-shadows-interview/

Source is from the same person that leaked orphix's (with video) before orphix venom even came out, several things for dog days rewards, ect. I can't link it here in the forums, so I implore you to search it yourself, it's not hard to find.

I have my source and reasons. Now actually post yours.

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25 minutes ago, Dwarf_King said:

Source is from the same person that leaked orphix's (with video) before orphix venom even came out, several things for dog days rewards, ect. I can't link it here in the forums, so I implore you to search it yourself, it's not hard to find.

Correction, leaked the Condrix before Scarlet spear was even teased/out.

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3 minutes ago, Dwarf_King said:

Hunhow's email literally says he never returns to his layer, and the fled to lua to try and hide from parvos. As well as him assisting the tenno in new war, as well as in belly of the beast means he's pretty damn close to burying the hatchet.

You bring info to the table, you're responsible to your own sources, not me.

Yes, the interview for that quest says there will be no playable stalker as the quest reward. Though it's something Reb wants to do at some point. https://gamerant.com/warframe-jade-shadows-interview/

Source is from the same person that leaked orphix's (with video) before orphix venom even came out, several things for dog days rewards, ect. I can't link it here in the forums, so I implore you to search it yourself, it's not hard to find.

I have my source and reasons. Now actually post yours.

"The Shadow has fled. His lair is silent and empty. He will not return" is the first line of hunhow's email, meaning, Stalker has left his lair, he will not return to his lair (hunhow is on Uranus as well, hence why he does not need to mention the word lair or here to imply that stalker will not return to his Uranus base). I do not see where you got the info that he is hiding from parvos (parvos is after the Jade light, not stalker) or that he is hiding on lua, as we see his landing craft depart the moon for deep space. His whereabouts are unknown.

In the New war the theme is that a common enemy unites even the greatest of adversaries, the corpus and grineer fight alongside eachother and the tenno in this war, not only stalker (under Hunhow's command nevertheless) does this. In botb Stalker is a playable character as an extra mission help, possibly to preserve the memory of his wife, but honestly i think it is just a gamemode that gives newer players access to the SP rewards of the mission as to not lock them into a lesser reward table or it is a novelty game mode where stalker is playable, but lore wise does not yet make sense that he is there, much like duviri. 

Stalker being ready to bury the hatchet is a bold assumption on your part and speculation at best.

this "You bring info to the table, you're responsible to your own sources, not me." followed by this "Source is from the same person that leaked orphix's (with video) before orphix venom even came out, several things for dog days rewards, ect. I can't link it here in the forums, so I implore you to search it yourself, it's not hard to find." is hypocrisy at it's peak, not only do you not mention a name, a reference or a link, you implore to go look for myself, exactly what you blame me of doing when i said it is in some devcontent, so I implore you to look for yourself, i mean at least you know in what general area of the internet you have to go look, you have to go look on youtube, under warframe. Acoording to your rules for citation this is enough info for a source.

you posted another comment without name as a response without mentionning a name, reference, forum or a breadcrumb trail for source. Honestly the hypocrisy is impressive, is your brain an Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics? because that is some seriously flexible set of values you work with for yourself compared to others.

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9 minutes ago, 3xt1inct said:

"The Shadow has fled. His lair is silent and empty. He will not return" is the first line of hunhow's email, meaning, Stalker has left his lair, he will not return to his lair (hunhow is on Uranus as well, hence why he does not need to mention the word lair or here to imply that stalker will not return to his Uranus base). I do not see where you got the info that he is hiding from parvos (parvos is after the Jade light, not stalker) or that he is hiding on lua, as we see his landing craft depart the moon for deep space. His whereabouts are unknown.

In the New war the theme is that a common enemy unites even the greatest of adversaries, the corpus and grineer fight alongside eachother and the tenno in this war, not only stalker (under Hunhow's command nevertheless) does this. In botb Stalker is a playable character as an extra mission help, possibly to preserve the memory of his wife, but honestly i think it is just a gamemode that gives newer players access to the SP rewards of the mission as to not lock them into a lesser reward table or it is a novelty game mode where stalker is playable, but lore wise does not yet make sense that he is there, much like duviri. 

Stalker being ready to bury the hatchet is a bold assumption on your part and speculation at best.

this "You bring info to the table, you're responsible to your own sources, not me." followed by this "Source is from the same person that leaked orphix's (with video) before orphix venom even came out, several things for dog days rewards, ect. I can't link it here in the forums, so I implore you to search it yourself, it's not hard to find." is hypocrisy at it's peak, not only do you not mention a name, a reference or a link, you implore to go look for myself, exactly what you blame me of doing when i said it is in some devcontent, so I implore you to look for yourself, i mean at least you know in what general area of the internet you have to go look, you have to go look on youtube, under warframe. Acoording to your rules for citation this is enough info for a source.

you posted another comment without name as a response without mentionning a name, reference, forum or a breadcrumb trail for source. Honestly the hypocrisy is impressive, is your brain an Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics? because that is some seriously flexible set of values you work with for yourself compared to others.

Because Parvos knows about his child and stalker doesn't want parvos to take his kid??? He doesn't know where stalker is, so he is scrounging his old lair for jade essence to make perfected jade exemi instead. Once that's done he will do what he can to find the child, guaranteed. Ergo outside of the event, stalker will fully return to hiding.

Stalker is not under orders of hunhow, he only linger's around for company, hence why he is in his classic attire. This is covered in reaper's lament. What stalker did was his choice entirely, he chooses to listen to hunhow, just as much as he chooses to spare the tenno, and actively aid them and provide them with a weapon. Just as he does in jade shadows. That is textbook definition of being willing to bury the hatchet.

Differences is, you can link a devstream without a risk of getting banned. I however cannot actively provide leaks or sources here on forums without getting a suspension or ban, which is the main reason I'm not doing it. Additionally, I can look up "stalker never being playable" on google and find nothing, however you can look up "Condrix leak" to see his previous work as first result.

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1 hour ago, Dwarf_King said:

Because Parvos knows about his child and stalker doesn't want parvos to take his kid??? He doesn't know where stalker is, so he is scrounging his old lair for jade essence to make perfected jade exemi instead. Once that's done he will do what he can to find the child, guaranteed. Ergo outside of the event, stalker will fully return to hiding.

Stalker is not under orders of hunhow, he only linger's around for company, hence why he is in his classic attire. This is covered in reaper's lament. What stalker did was his choice entirely, he chooses to listen to hunhow, just as much as he chooses to spare the tenno, and actively aid them and provide them with a weapon. Just as he does in jade shadows. That is textbook definition of being willing to bury the hatchet.

Differences is, you can link a devstream without a risk of getting banned. I however cannot actively provide leaks or sources here on forums without getting a suspension or ban, which is the main reason I'm not doing it. Additionally, I can look up "stalker never being playable" on google and find nothing, however you can look up "Condrix leak" to see his previous work as first result.

Look this is just an epic excuse on your part, you don't mention your source, yet the thing you are talking about does not even allude to stalker for arsenal, if you are gonna bs and not mention your source, to then be found out lying and speculating about what your unmentioned source said or confirmed is just dumb. 4chan is a cesspool stay away from it, 4chan links are legal, as is mentioning 4chan, reddit links are also allowed, so there goes your argument. Now go and do the same effort I did, have fun sorting through the hours of devcontent! it is in there!

Also the condrix leak was not the work of the person you call your source, good luck!

Stalker serves hunhow also in "classic" format did you play new war, only now he serves by choice, still means he takes hunhows orders and is thus acting under Hunhows orders. If you call handing someone a weapon that is a gift from his commander "assisting" in the new war, you do not have a good grasp on the concept of assisting.
He begs the tenno for help in Jade shadows in his own way, yet he does not hide his hatred for who he has to ask for help. He does not help the tenno once during jade shadows, in botb he is a novelty playable with an easter egg, that is it, now let DE tell his story without speculating about it, else you are going to be disappointed.

Very positive that if the Corpus could not find the guy on Uranus they can't find him now. That still has you lying about him being on Lua to hide.

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2 hours ago, 3xt1inct said:

Look this is just an epic excuse on your part, you don't mention your source, yet the thing you are talking about does not even allude to stalker for arsenal, if you are gonna bs and not mention your source, to then be found out lying and speculating about what your unmentioned source said or confirmed is just dumb. 4chan is a cesspool stay away from it, 4chan links are legal as is mentioning 4chan, so there goes your argument. Now go and do the same effort I did, have fun sorting through the hours of devcontent! it is in there!

Also the condrix leak was not the work of the person you call your source, good luck!

Stalker serves hunhow also in "classic" format did you play new war, only now he serves by choice, still means he takes hunhows orders and is thus acting under Hunhows orders. If you call handing someone a weapon that is a gift from his commander "assisting" in the new war, you do not have a good grasp on the concept of assisting.
He begs the tenno for help in Jade shadows in his own way, yet he does not hide his hatred for who he has to ask for help. He does not help the tenno once during jade shadows, in botb he is a novelty playable with an easter egg, that is it, now let DE tell his story without speculating about it, else you are going to be disappointed.

Very positive that if the Corpus could not find the guy on Uranus they can't find him now. That still has you lying about him being on Lua to hide.

You are a greater level of ignorant if you're not putting together a basic puzzle here dude. 

Just mentioned my source, people talk about it there, comes from a credible source, and you know where it is or how to find it easily. Hell, it's even partly on the reddit now Einstein, just read. You plugging your ears and going lalala is not an argument against me.

Also, still waiting for a source from you, because I know for a FACT that stalker was never even TALKED about until about duviri and the invader mode, because before that they refused to acknowledge him. I attended every devstream and never heard anything saying along the lines of "no stalker will never be part of the arsenal". THAT'S me just calling you out on your bullS#&$.

They are the same source though?


He doesn't "serve" hunhow post second dream. They work together. Stalker could have always left, but he chose to stay, not out of loyalty, but because he see's hunhow as the only one who understands him. Hunhow is not a "commander" to him, but the only one he can to talk to. Stalker's choices have always been his own except for one occasion, which shows him moving on from the hunter, to the protector.

In the second dream, Stalker had waning hatred for tenno, which is why he spared us at the reservoir. Defying hunhow even under direct influence of him. The Orbiter fight only happened because hunhow took full control. The blade broke and "Shadow" Stalker was no more. Him as a field boss is Ludo narrative dissonance for his gear.

In new war, Stalker is back to his normal self, and is willing to help tenno which goes against his primary motivation as supposed the tenno hunter. Hunhow's request was surprising to stalker, but he chose to continue and stay with him, showing he is capable of putting his hatred aside.


This is additionally evident in jade shadows where we have SEVERAL things.

ONE, Stalker shows he can resist hunhow's request, and he does his own thing, which is why he raids a corpus ship.

TWO, he could have assasinated us at ANY time in our orbiter, but he never did. Going as far as to then ask tenno for help. At the time he had ZERO clue what jade was, so he had no real reason to outside of curiosity.

THREE, he is a PROTECTOR now, not a HUNTER. He is doing what it takes to protect his child, and Assassinating tenno is not part of that. Him as a field boss is Ludo narrative, but belly of the beast Is canon. Further supported by the fact that it would make sense for him to now want to stop corpus from using the motes because he wants to protect the remains of his wife, and to put a stop to parvos, one of the few remaining orokin ties, especially given that stalker can now see the evil of the orokin.


Finally, they had no reason to track the stalker before. He was neutral to corpus and he killed tenno, so they left him alone. It was Xeto tracking him down trying to figure out why he is stealing S#&$ now. Stalker's choice in raiding a corpus ship instead of going to the tenno resulted in consequences, leading to him getting tracked. And now Parvos is aware of the ONLY birthed warframe in existence. So now he is going to be hellbent on searching for it now, which is why stalker fled from his lair.

Edited by Dwarf_King
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7 hours ago, Dwarf_King said:

You are a greater level of ignorant if you're not putting together a basic puzzle here dude. 

Just mentioned my source, people talk about it there, comes from a credible source, and you know where it is or how to find it easily. Hell, it's even partly on the reddit now Einstein, just read. You plugging your ears and going lalala is not an argument against me.

Also, still waiting for a source from you, because I know for a FACT that stalker was never even TALKED about until about duviri and the invader mode, because before that they refused to acknowledge him. I attended every devstream and never heard anything saying along the lines of "no stalker will never be part of the arsenal". THAT'S me just calling you out on your bullS#&$.

They are the same source though?


He doesn't "serve" hunhow post second dream. They work together. Stalker could have always left, but he chose to stay, not out of loyalty, but because he see's hunhow as the only one who understands him. Hunhow is not a "commander" to him, but the only one he can to talk to. Stalker's choices have always been his own except for one occasion, which shows him moving on from the hunter, to the protector.

In the second dream, Stalker had waning hatred for tenno, which is why he spared us at the reservoir. Defying hunhow even under direct influence of him. The Orbiter fight only happened because hunhow took full control. The blade broke and "Shadow" Stalker was no more. Him as a field boss is Ludo narrative dissonance for his gear.

In new war, Stalker is back to his normal self, and is willing to help tenno which goes against his primary motivation as supposed the tenno hunter. Hunhow's request was surprising to stalker, but he chose to continue and stay with him, showing he is capable of putting his hatred aside.


This is additionally evident in jade shadows where we have SEVERAL things.

ONE, Stalker shows he can resist hunhow's request, and he does his own thing, which is why he raids a corpus ship.

TWO, he could have assasinated us at ANY time in our orbiter, but he never did. Going as far as to then ask tenno for help. At the time he had ZERO clue what jade was, so he had no real reason to outside of curiosity.

THREE, he is a PROTECTOR now, not a HUNTER. He is doing what it takes to protect his child, and Assassinating tenno is not part of that. Him as a field boss is Ludo narrative, but belly of the beast Is canon. Further supported by the fact that it would make sense for him to now want to stop corpus from using the motes because he wants to protect the remains of his wife, and to put a stop to parvos, one of the few remaining orokin ties, especially given that stalker can now see the evil of the orokin.


Finally, they had no reason to track the stalker before. He was neutral to corpus and he killed tenno, so they left him alone. It was Xeto tracking him down trying to figure out why he is stealing S#&$ now. Stalker's choice in raiding a corpus ship instead of going to the tenno resulted in consequences, leading to him getting tracked. And now Parvos is aware of the ONLY birthed warframe in existence. So now he is going to be hellbent on searching for it now, which is why stalker fled from his lair.

I found your source, on a 4chan anon channel, found the source on telegram and found the then propagated source on reddit, after some tracing can confirm not the same source as the condrix leak. So if you read it on reddit, that was not the source, if you read it on the anon 4chan that was the source, if you read it on telegram, well good for ya. The whole point of the anon 4chan is so it remains anonymous. You do not know who is your source, which is why you cannot provide any details, 

btw stalkerarmor can also be npc based as it has been previously with shadow stalker, then that armor was also available in store, nothing hard about a stalker for arsenal, you are grabbing at straws and seeing things that are not there both with that "leak" that you should take with a grain of salt anyway, as with the story you are clearly looking for things not there.

Learn what ludo narrative means before throwing it around, also linking to a "game journalism" website that has a history of badly sourcing material as well as fabricating interviews is weird.

Won't talk to you any further you clearly have tunnel vision and confirmation bias, your leak says nothing about an arsenal stalker and you twist words to suit your interpretation of the story, thinking only you are right, but all you do is speculate.

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31 minutes ago, 3xt1inct said:

I found your source, on a 4chan anon channel, found the source on telegram and found the then propagated source on reddit, after some tracing can confirm not the same source as the condrix leak. So if you read it on reddit, that was not the source, if you read it on the anon 4chan that was the source, if you read it on telegram, well good for ya. The whole point of the anon 4chan is so it remains anonymous. You do not know who is your source, which is why you cannot provide any details, 

btw stalkerarmor can also be npc based as it has been previously with shadow stalker, then that armor was also available in store, nothing hard about a stalker for arsenal, you are grabbing at straws and seeing things that are not there both with that "leak" that you should take with a grain of salt anyway, as with the story you are clearly looking for things not there.

Learn what ludo narrative means before throwing it around, also linking to a "game journalism" website that has a history of badly sourcing material as well as fabricating interviews is weird.

Won't talk to you any further you clearly have tunnel vision and confirmation bias, your leak says nothing about an arsenal stalker and you twist words to suit your interpretation of the story, thinking only you are right, but all you do is speculate.

The guy watermarks all of his content with "Zamboni" or "Zamboni was right". And Yes, it was on the telegram at one point.

Possible, but DE is also making an "In-Action Glyph" which is exclusive to playable warframes and necramechs. As well as a couple of other additions themed around him.

Take a dive into Connor Makar's journalism history, and tell me when Rebb comes out to the reddit forum with the same article link saying he false reported.

I do know what it means, protector stalker and shadow stalker are not canon events, as they would not be possible unless you want to go "eternalism". This was done for the sake of mechanical gameplay, not story. Same as the ability to fight bosses over and over again, and with certain warframes.

You still haven't provided anything that actually proved the contrary that I haven't argued against. Furthermore, you are mainly relying on ad Hominem now.


I have something tangible for my side of the argument. This started with you saying "I heard x" and you still have not given anything tangible. Prove me wrong with the devclip.

Edited by Dwarf_King
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9 minutes ago, Dwarf_King said:

The guy watermarks all of his content with "Zamboni" or "Zamboni was right". And Yes, it was on the telegram at one point.

reference to theGreatZamboni, something all miners use, learn about the community.

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5 minutes ago, 3xt1inct said:

reference to theGreatZamboni, something all miners use, learn about the community.

Shared by the game Guy(s) on the telegram. Your point? And again, scroll through it, they were right on 90% of the things covered in the past.

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