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Secondary Fortifier - The Cure for Eximus


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I am SO in love with Secondary Fortifier! I'm doing some testing and I have zero complaints. (Here's my build, minus the Arcane that's not available in Overframe yet, and I haven't maxed my Progenitor Bonus yet so it's actually 837 Total Damage instead of the 973 shown there) Here are the results of testing:

  • Enemy: 1x Corrupted Heavy Gunner Eximus
    • Level: 175
    • Steel Path Modifier: Active
    • Aim: Body Shot
  • Results: Exactly when Enemy Overguard was Removed
    • Tenet Cycron Battery Remaining: 42 / 56
    • Average Time: 1.28 Seconds (Variance probably due to Eximus elemental weaknesses)
    • Self-Overguard Generated: 3229

Additional tests on chained enemies showed it takes about 1.5 seconds for their Overguard to deplete. Finally, I tested it with Headshots and it was (understandably) much faster. Less than 1 Second to remove both the primary target's Overguard, as well as nearby chained Eximus units.


I'll say it again: I love this. I'm of the belief that this Arcane is the BEST thing added in Update 36 and a genuine game changer. (Or game "restorer" perhaps?) Here are my reasons:

  • Crowd Control has been really hurt with recent updates
    • Eximus being CC Immune
    • CC Immunity on Augmented Abilities
    • Eximus density increasing
    • Game modes preventing Abilities
    • Equipment power-creep
    • This (admittedly unintended) trend discriminated against players who enjoy puzzles/strategy, in favor of players who prefer build-imitation/button-mashing.
      • (Not passing judgement on anyone's playstyle here, everyone should be able to play the way they want)
      • Considering Warframe's roots and the underlying theme of freedom to choose your own path, this trend felt like a betrayal of the brand
    • Negates many Warframe abilities
      • Frames that need to halt enemies cannot defend targets
      • Only option was relying on equipment or abandoning one's favorite frame
  • This Arcane helps to bring Warframe back to where it was
    • 1 to 2 seconds of aiming to remove Overguard is doable (a fine compromise)
    • Generating Overguard helps tremendously
      • ~6,500 Overguard/sec against multiple Eximus
      • "Gate" stays active as long as Eximus have Overguard
      • Eximus without Overguard can be CC'd
      • Status-immunity on self ensures opportunity to focus and aim
    • It scales with difficulty
      • More Eximus = More survivability
      • CC-frames only need survivability against Eximus
      • Eximus without Overguard are no different than Eximus pre-Update 31.5
    • Being on Secondary, can help with Last Gasp
  • Does to Overguard what Armor-Strip did to Armor
  • Putting it on a Secondary is a perfect location
    • Secondaries have always been struggling to find a place
    • My Tenet Cycron build (as an example) becomes a perfect utility for softening Neutralizers/Eximus and slowing enemies

I could go on gushing about this, but I'm sure you get the idea. This Arcane is well worth the (actually quite cheap) cost in Vestigial Motes. It's such a good fit for CC-frames that I'm worried it's going to be nerfed. Please don't! It's not like it Overguard-strips an entire room and penetrates walls; it's still got its limitations. If you leave it exactly like this then I'll be happy.

Edited by Probably_Asleep
a "find" compromise!? Get some sleep, self!
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