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Voruna Bug That Breaks Her Kit


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I was playing one of the Operation missions with Voruna and found a bug on her 4 that completely breaks the kit. I am not sure what was causing it, but whenever I would use her 4 melee swipe, I would get locked in position with Voruna spasming in the melee animation after the enemy died. I tried recasting her 4 multiple times but it happened without fail, sometimes even causing her to randomly use a normal melee swipe after the ability melee swipe.

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Here's a clip of the bug 2. I managed to recreate it a few times and figure out what was happening. If you press "E" instead of Left Mouse to melee in her 4th ability after her 2nd, it causes the animation bug and the stun. Apologies for the audio, GeForce was using the wrong mic.


*Audio Warning*




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