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What do I do to make the save be the PS4 one (reposted due to no response)


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What I want to know is how do I not lose all my progress (I am vary worried about messing something up and ending up starting over), I believe I have asked this before but I am pretty sure it was like a year ago and I was hesitant due to me primarily playing console and now I want to actually get it over with

If this is like off topic or something let me know ahead of time instead of just leaving me with no response 

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This page has all the information for linking accounts.  If you're primarily a PS player, then you should choose your PSN account as your "main account" and you should either "link" or "merge" all other accounts to your PSN account.  The difference between linking and merging is described on that web page.  If you only have a PSN account then you'll need to create a PC account first, and when you do that you'll end up with a fresh account with no progress.

So the only thing you need to do is make sure that your PSN account is your main account when you start your merge.  Can I guarantee that everything will go fine after that?  Nope.  It worked fine for me.  I was primarily an XB1 player and I created a PC account, and merged my newly created PC account into my XB1 account and life was good. I kept all my XB1 progress (I had zero PC progress), and I kept all my stuff, and now I primarily play on PC (well technically, I primarily play on my MacBook Pro via Game Porting Toolkit, but it's on the PC account).

There's really no other secret sauce to offer you.  The trick is getting clear in your head when you start your merge or link that the main account you select should e the one that has all your progress.

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