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Warframe Concept: Luxil, The Gambling Warframe


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Just a Warframe concept I created on a whim. He is supposed to be a luck/gambling based Warframe, who specializes in loot and functions as a support class.
Name: Luxil (based on luck)
Health: 100
Shields: 150
Armor: 10
Power/Energy: 150
Sprint: 1.15
Polarities: The usual 4 Scratch, one -, one V polarities with - aura
Flavor Text:
Everything is a game to win in Luxil's perspective. Even in combat, Luxil enjoys mocking his enemies and cheating them of not only their possessions, but also their lives, by utilizing risky techniques to greatly increase his profits.
Payday (25 Energy)
- 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Cost
- Similar to Nekros' Soul Punch, a target must be selected for this ability to work.
- The selected target is knocked down and an explosion occurs at the target's location. This explosion leaves behind credits, and damages nearby enemies.
- The amount of credits spawned with this ability scales with the amount of damage dealt to the target. Targets are indeed vulnerable to headshots!
- Damage boosted by power mods, range of targeting and explosion boosted by range mods
- Increasing mod rank boosts range and damage
- Drawback: If less than 50% of the target's current health is lost from the damage of this ability, the target becomes enraged and becomes immune to all of Luxil's skills. Target becomes buffed with an attack and speed boost.
Bluff (50 Energy)
- 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Cost
- Casts a radial debuff on enemies around the user. Affected enemies deal less damage and take greater damage from crits.
- Increasing mod rank will lengthen duration, range, and strength of debuff
- Debuffs boosted by power mods, duration boosted by duration mods, and range of this skill affected by range mods.
- Drawback: If user's shields are depleted entirely at any time during this skill, the user will then receive this debuff on himself after this skill ends. (If you're going to call a bluff, hold your confidence up!)
- Alternate Drawback: Affected enemies are aggro'd to Luxil during skill duration
Lucky Draw (75 energy)
- 6 / 7 / 8 /9 Cost
- Buffs team members if within range. Team has higher crit chance and status proc chance. Enemies killed while this buff is active drop resources/credits/etc in greater amounts, if any. This does not make them drop MORE stuff, this makes the stuff that they DO drop increase in quantity.
- Crit bonus, proc bonus, and drop bonus scale with mod rank.
- Range mods boost the buff range, and duration mods increase the time limit of this skill.
- Drawback: Any other of Luxil's skills used during this skill's effect will cost x1.5 as much.
Jackpot (100 Energy)
- 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 Cost
- Radial enemy debuff. Affected enemies drop a greater variety of stuff on death. This does not increase the individial quantity of items (200 creds that would normally drop is still 200 creds), but rather, instead of dropping only ammo, the enemy is more likely to drop ammo, credits, energy, and materials all at once upon death.
- Enemies take extra damage (x1.5 at max rank, unchangeable by mods)
- Enemies guaranteed to drop credits on death
- Possible drops include ammo, mats, mods, energy.
- The way this skill works is if RNG determines an enemy should not drop a certain item (a mod, for example), this skill has a chance of convincing RNG to re
-roll the dice for another opportunity of dropping.
- Mod rank determines RNG recalc chance, skill range, and damage buff
- Debuff length affected by duration mods, skill distance affected by distance mods. Drop recalc chance and damage buff NOT boosted by modding.
- Drawback: Any affected enemies still alive after the duration of the skill ends will become immune to Luxil's skills and will not drop anything upon death. In addition, for each enemy left alive that was affected by this skill, Luxil loses 10 Energy. Be careful when considering adding range to this skill, as that means you will have to kill more enemies to minimize losses.
Bonus abilities I thought of that wouldn't fit with the above four.
Coin Flip (25 Energy)
- 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Cost
- Must be cast on a single target.
- Selected target has a 50% of taking 100 / 200 / 300 / Instakill damage and will be ragdolled. If the target is not damaged, Luxil will suffer 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 direct Health damage and is staggered.
- Mod rank determines range and damage to both targets and Luxil himself.
- Damage of skill to target and Luxil strengthened by power mods. Range of targeting boosted by range mods.
Deck Shuffle (50 Energy)
- 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Cost
- Affects all targets, including teammates, within range.
- For teammates: If any of Luxil's buffs are in effect on them, they are removed. If any debuffs (not necessarily Luxil's) are in effect on them, they are also removed.
- For enemies: All enemy buffs are removed, and any enemy that is DEBUFFED by Luxil's skills will also have those effects removed. This effectively cancels out "Jackpot" and "Bluff", so be careful.
- Luxil and affected enemies have their positions randomly swapped.
- Mod rank determines range only.
- Only range is modable by range mods.
Roulette (100 Energy)
- 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 Cost
- All targets in range, including teammates, are susceptible.
- For enemies: Each individual enemy has a 20 / 30 / 40 / 50% of taking this effect. Affected enemies receive 500 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 full armor
-ignoring damage and become knocked down.
- For teammates: 50% chance of x2 damage buff, 25% of having all shields drained (if no shields are present, they take 100 armor ignore damage), 25% of no effect. If an effect has activated, the team member will become immune to Roulette's negative effects should Luxil decide to use it again (therefore making it 50% x2 damage buff, 50% no effect).
- For Luxil: 50% chance of x2 damage buff with x0.5 damage receiving buff, 50% chance of becoming "disrupted" with drained shields and energy.
- Duration of buffs affected by duration mods. Damage dealt to enemies affected by power mods. Range of effect upped by range mods. Proc chances and buff intensity is NOT updgradeable.


Edited by Psychosist
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It's not much of gambling if there aren't risks... raise the stakes(the benefits) but also add chances for negative effects for the Warframe if his skills fail.

Ah, I had this in mind, but I got carried away with all the upsides that I forgot to put in some drawbacks. I'll think of something and update the OP soon enough.

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Fixed up opening post. Added flavor text, formatting, polarities, skill drawbacks.


Very condensed tl;dr of skills:


Payday is an explosion that knocks-back targets and spawns credits. Bluff is an AoE enemy debuff that makes your crits do more damage and slows down enemies. Lucky Draw is team AoE that boosts crit chance and proc chance, and increases individual drop amounts. Jackpot is an AoE enemy debuff that makes it rain makes enemies drop a greater variety of loot upon death.

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Payday is kinda OP, bluff doesn't stress gambling to me but you can still keep it I like it, Don't focus on credits as Nekros already kinda does that just add it as an additional effect to an ability already designed. The second buff is a little like valkyrie's skill and its drawback wouldn't work really well. Jackpot works but its a little boring. You don't want to mess with RNG and make Luxil op, especially since your drawbacks are largely complicated...unless you're going for exactly a buff and debuff frame you want to focus on active skills. (If you're going for debuff/buff frame this is pretty good, and Deck Shuffle would be awesome. I would just add an ultimate that damages/heals based on the number of buffs/debuff. And a skill that multiplies the extent of the effect, reverses it, or spreads it.)


I had this exact idea a while ago, feel free to use my thoughts, I emphasized a little more on losses with skills


1 - Double or Nothing

Its an initially weak but fast attack, that leaves a hitscan attack on one opponent and an effect: if the opponent is hit again with this skills there's a 50% to double damage the initial damage of the skill or heal for the damage of the skill. It can continuously double up as long as the odds are in your favor for insane damage. And can be used on both enemy and teammate.


2 - Ace of Spades

Throws Luxil at a random velocity at a normalized rate forward with a stunning explosion, It can be used in mid air and in any action as a quick wild escape, or a way to bridge gaps, but it may overshoot or completely fail.


3 - Gold Mine

Creates an energized mine in the ground that inflicts an random effect, freeze, burn, electric, toxic, or launch when anything walks over. The power behind this effect is multiplied by recasting the mine over at the same place. This skills works with Double or Nothing to activate the mine for double the charged effect or canceling it all together.


Ult- Slot Machine

Exactly 1/3 chance to replenish 77.7% of shields and health, 1/3 chance to do 777 damage to all in enemies in a large range, Increases drop rate of orbs and especially credits for 7 seconds..

Edited by Eso233
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Absolutely fabulous ideas you've got.

You see, when I was coming up with his drawbacks, I was thinking of mechanic based drawbacks more than RNG drawbacks. I wanted Luxil to be more dependent on plate skill than pure luck, but I can see I emphasized that excessively.

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I really think you should rephrase your idea to be a buff/debuff sort of frame (because we don't necessarily have a frame that relies on buffs/debuff) that relies a little bit on luck. Its central ability is Deck Shuffle which restores shields to Luxil based on how many buffs or debuffs are in play while clearing those debuffs and buffs off, it also uses a nerfed version of Lucky Draw which works as a card shaped mine, that flashes a random color Red, Yellow, Blue, and according to what color it places a different effect on target, friend or foe,  (Red is Coinflip 50%/50% chance to damage or heal, Yellow is Bluff 50%/50% chance to increase damage dealt and reduce damage taken or vice versa, Blue places enemy under Jackpot status where there will either drop more items on death, or explode for friendly fire damage.) and last skill would be Roll Again which increases the effect of the debuffs and buffs already in play, for a twist that are effects placed not only by your skills in area, but placed by your weapons and mods and your teammates'. His new Ultimate Sleight-of-Hand would cause a combination of explosive aoe damage on one target based on how many debuffs on it, and also heals it (Health and Shields) for how many buffs on it, so this skill can be used to heal teammates by huge amounts, or damage enemies for large amounts, but you have to be careful and clean with your buffs or you won't get the full extent of damage.

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The Warlord like credits. a Probability Manipulation Warframe

How about a % chance of explosions AND credits AND mods. all of those goodies. here are a few warframe ideas i have for you :)

1st move LUCKY: the enemy turns green and has a 80% chance to explode upon death 300, and the 20% is 200-500 credits 25 energy

2nd move SHARP DECK

3rd ,ove

4th move JACK OF ALL TRADES: The enemy has a 30% chance to explode 600 damage, 25% chance of turning green and dropping 1,000+ credits on death along with 90% armor debuff, and 30% chance of something else i can't think of. 

You deal with it. hope you like. i half-assed

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I really think you should rephrase your idea to be a buff/debuff sort of frame (because we don't necessarily have a frame that relies on buffs/debuff) that relies a little bit on luck. Its central ability is Deck Shuffle which restores shields to Luxil based on how many buffs or debuffs are in play while clearing those debuffs and buffs off, it also uses a nerfed version of Lucky Draw which works as a card shaped mine, that flashes a random color Red, Yellow, Blue, and according to what color it places a different effect on target, friend or foe,  (Red is Coinflip 50%/50% chance to damage or heal, Yellow is Bluff 50%/50% chance to increase damage dealt and reduce damage taken or vice versa, Blue places enemy under Jackpot status where there will either drop more items on death, or explode for friendly fire damage.) and last skill would be Roll Again which increases the effect of the debuffs and buffs already in play, for a twist that are effects placed not only by your skills in area, but placed by your weapons and mods and your teammates'. His new Ultimate Sleight-of-Hand would cause a combination of explosive aoe damage on one target based on how many debuffs on it, and also heals it (Health and Shields) for how many buffs on it, so this skill can be used to heal teammates by huge amounts, or damage enemies for large amounts, but you have to be careful and clean with your buffs or you won't get the full extent of damage.

Or we could just make a new Warframe altogether with this. I'm too lazy to change to OP atm so lol

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Alright that's fine, I'm particularly interested in this idea because like I said I had the EXACT SAME IDEA a while ago. If you agree I think the fusion of our ideas is better than what either of us originally had, this new frame has great team support,  he's cohesive (the skills work great with each other now), great depth (his skills have much more utility), fulfills a new niche (Luck and Buffs), and is reasonably balanced (his skills are simple in nature). I mean we lost the credits focus, but would DE really validate a "Get Money" frame? Especially when Nekros kinda already does this with desecrate? So, now where do we go get some fan art?


(Also, if you want to make a new frame. I truly like the name Luxil, "Gambit" could work too. Use the title, "Warrior of Fortune" because that will sell. Consider different genders because this frame does come off as caster-ish now, and I can easily imagine a sexy black and gold female buff frame looking like an egyptian goddess with a unique syndana, although male works easily as well.)

Edited by Eso233
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