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[Warframe] :: Phoenix :: (Not A Fire-Based Warframe) -Come, Oppose Me, And I Will Consume You.


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Other frame concepts I've designed:



The first and foremost important thing about 'Phoenix' is that Just because its called phoenix doesn't mean it looks like a bird or is fire based.

It's called Phoenix because it mechanically resembles a phoenix.




Destructible/Regenerate - Nano/Molecular construction - Self Feeding/Circle of Destruction



Characteristics (things that define it):

¤-Come, Oppose me, and I will consume you.

¤Like the sun; a fierce, devastating force of violence you don't want to meet up close.

¤Like a black hole; an all consuming never-sated menace you can't stop. 




Using pulse waves to destabilize the molecular structure of its foes, the Phoenix dives into their midst; tearing them apart, consuming them, assimilating its foes. The never-ending ever-growing never-sated Phoenix.




Health: 160

Shield: 70

Energy: 100

Armor: 100

Speed: 1.0







Phoenix preforms a horizontal leap, lunging through the air towards it's target.


¤Energy Cost: 25

(Efficiency reduces the energy cost)


¤Lunges a maximum of X/XX/XXX/XXXX meters.

(Max Lunge Range Suggestion: 10/12/14/16)

(Length increases the maximum range of the lunge - but increases the energy cost)


¤The destination is where you are aiming, or towards where you are aiming if its beyond range. An enemy, or Ally can be the targeted destination.


¤The leap is in a horizontal arc towards its destination, can pass through enemies in order to reach its destination.

¤¤If you are aiming upwards the leap will still be horizontal towards your aim.


¤Can be used in Midair.



Author Note's:

'Lunge' allows 'Phoenix' to close the gap between targets or general desired destinations, personally I feel that 'Dive' is an important asset in granting 'Phoenix' mobility to quickly close in on its targets in order to make the best use of its other abilities.


One might see 'Dive' and think of Excalibur's 'Slash Dash' or Ash's 'Teleport' but in actuality all thy really share is that they all allow the warframe to travel a certain distance. Longer then range of 'Slash Dash' but no innate attack and lower energy cost then teleport but shorter distance are simple ways to compare them.




Destabilize and Assimilate


Phoenix releases a pulse wave which destabilizes the molecular structure of its enemies and assimilate them bit by bit.


¤Energy Cost: 50

(Efficiency will reduce the energy cost)


¤Applies a Debuff on all enemies within X/XX/XXX/XXXX meter radius.

(Ability Effect Radius Suggestion: 8/12/16/20)

(Range will increase the radius - but increase energy cost)


¤¤The Debuff has the following effects.

¤¤¤Increases damage dealt by X/XX/XXX/XXXX%.

(Increased Damage Debuff Effect Suggestion: 9/11/13/15) 


¤¤¤Reducing the Debuffed targets current health by 10% every second for X/XX/XXX/XXXX seconds.

(Debuff Duration Suggestion: 6/9/12/15)

(Ongoing Damage Debuff Effect Example: 100Hp-(100Hp*0,1) / 90Hp-(90Hp*0,1) /  81-(81Hp*0,1) / 72,9-(72,9Hp*0,1) / etc)


¤¤¤¤Cause 'Phoenix' to gain 10% of the health the debuffed enemy lost (10% of 10% = 1% of enemies current Hp) if its within X/XX/XXX/XXXX meters range of that Debuffed enemy (multiple enemies debuff stack).

(Health Gain Radius Effect Suggestion: 4/6/8/10)

(Duration will increase length of the Debuff)

(Health Gain Effect Example: 100Hp*0,1 (10*0,1=1HpReg) / 90Hp*0,1 (9*0,1=0,9HpReg) / 81*0,1 (8,1*0,1=0,81HpReg) / etc)



Author Note's:

This ability gives 'Phoenix' regenerative qualities while also compelling it staying close to enemies, it has a very nice feel in how it compels 'Phoenix' to stay in combat and burn through its enemies.


As far as balancing 'Destabilize and Assimilate' I think its done very well, true at higher level with enemies having very high health 1% can turn out to be quite a lot, especially as the regen from different enemies stacks, but the fact is that its only health regen happening once a second, and for there to be health to regenerate your shield needs to have gone down, and don't forget the enemies own damage that they will be tossing your way, and since this is a debuff 'Phoenix' applies new enemies or those who where beyond range then wont be affected, and considering how long enemies usually last you will hardly be having it active for long periods of time.






Rearranges the molecular structure of the frame to readjust it according to the situation. 


¤Energy Cost: 75

(Efficiency will reduce the energy cost)


¤If used under normal circumstances its a Personal buff for X/XX/XXX/XXXX seconds which grants additional Resistance and a chance proportional the resistance of the damage type to absorb it and regain health.

(Buff Duration Suggestion: 6/8/10/12)

(Duration will increase the length of the buff - but decrease the resistance)

¤¤Grants 15% Resistance to all damage types (stacks with the resistances already possessed), and gains a chance equal to the resistance against the damage type of an attack to absorb it and gain 20/40/60/80% of the attacks damage as health.

(Power will increase the resistance - but increase the energy cost)


¤If used when downed, will restore 20/30/40/50% health and the downed state will end.



Author Note's:

This mimics the mechanics of a phoenix's immortality, it absorbs the attacks using them to fuel its fire, and when extinguished it's reborn from its ashes.


I'm unsure how the Tenno's damage resistance works with the new Damage/Armor 2.0, but regardless 'Phoenix' gain resistance to all damage types enemies can deal, plus (additively) the resistance they already have, so for example if you have a +15% Fire resist mod on it totals at 30% fire resist which in turn is 30% chance to absorb fire damage).

Personally I feel it's not to strong since its a 'chance to absorb', and I feel its good that you can increase that chance by increasing your resistance, and then there's the rebirth mechanism which I don't think is to strong either. Now I know there aren't many resist modules out there, in fact I think there's only three of them (Fire, Ice and Laser), but who knows, with the new armor/damage 2.0 will hopefully see more. 






Phoenix unravels the molecular structure of its enemies, absorbing them, strengthening itself, and continues to absorb growing ever stronger.


¤Energy Cost: 100

(Efficiency will reduce the energy cost)


¤Escalating Damage Dealing Aura buff radius X/XX/XXX/XXXX meters centered on the caster, 10 damage on first tick, ticks every 1.0 second, lasts until it can't sustain itself. Caster gains Health on every tick relative to the damage dealt.

(Aura Radius Suggestion: 10/12/14/16) 

(Range will increase the Aura Damage Radius - but increase energy cost)


¤¤The amount of Health is the total damage dealt during one tick divided by the number of the tick, first tick /1, second /2, third /3 and so on.


¤¤The health can go beyond the maximum health of the caster up to an additional X/XX/XXX/XXXX%.

(Maximum Health Increase Suggestion: 25/50/75/100)

¤¤¤When the buff disperses the additional health is drained by X/XX/XXX/XXXX% of the casters maximum health value a second.

(Health Drain Value Suggestion: 2/4/6/8)


¤Damage is dealt and escalate in the following way:

IF - TotalDamage_Taken by_allTargets During_One_Tick -- is Greater then-TotalDamage of-Last_Tick,  

THEN - TotalDamage*0.5, AND - Dealt as DAMAGE of-Next_Tick,

NOT - Do_Nothing,

(I apologies for the style I wrote in here, but I felt it would just get messy if I tried to explain it normally ^^)


¤¤This means that as long as each tick produces a greater total damage then the last one, that damage will be reduced by half and delivered as the damage of the next tick, if the damage is less then the total damage of the previous tick then the ability cancels.



Author Note's:

Based upon the idea of a rampaging 'Fire' growing ever larger, becoming bigger and greater the more fuel it consumes until it have burned it all away causing it to collapse unable to sustain itself.

This one really gives 'Phoenix' its flavor, it is to me truly the mechanism of fire.


One major issue is the balancing of such an ability, For now I went with using half the total damage in order to balance it, but as you can see below I did so with the intention that enemies will be able to resist it to some extent, perhaps 1/3 would be better (but I don't have the energy to make another table for that).

However, it is important to remember that the ability 1) wont deal massive damage at the start, but will start small and will then need ticks in order to grow strong. 

2) can only reach great values if it can continue to deal greater damage. 

3) in an actual combat situation enemies will be taking damage from other sources as well and end up dying and might even end up outside the radius.

4) its growth is proportional to the number of enemies in range, its strength lies in dealing with multiple targets, when enemies dies they will no long be fueling the ability which means you need more of them.

5) it's ridiculously efficient against a large number of enemies, but how often can you keep 15+ enemies within 10/12/14/16 meters of range for more then a few seconds anyway?


The table below is as written a simulation of a controlled situation where the number of enemies doesn't change nor die.

Four ticks under the assumption that the amount of targets remain the same, that no damage is resisted and no target dies. 

Ticks:                             First           Second           Third                     Fourth

10 damage, 5 targets,   50 / 25,      125 / 62.5,      312.5 / 156.25       781.25 / 390.625

10 damage, 10 targets, 100 / 50,    500 / 250,       2500 / 1250,          12 500 / 6750

10 damage, 15 targets, 150 / 75,    1125 / 562.5,  8437.5 / 4218.75,  63 281.28 / 31 640,625

10 damage, 20 targets, 200 / 100,  2000 / 1000,   20 000 / 10 000,    200 000 / 100 000



Four ticks under the assumption that the amount of targets remains the same, with 50% resistance and no target dies.

Ticks:                             First          Second                  Third                               Fourth                                      

10 damage, 5 targets,   25 / 12.5,  33.75 / 16.875,      42.1875 / 21.09375,        52.734375 / 26.3671875

10 damage, 10 targets, 50 / 25,     125 / 67.5,             337.5 / 118.75,                594.75 / 296,875

10 damage, 15 targets, 75 / 37.5,  281.25 / 140.625,  1054.8875 / 527.34375,  3955,078125 / 1977,5390625

10 damage, 20 targets. 100 / 50,   500 / 250               2500 / 1250                     12 500 / 6750


Edited by Wishdoom
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I can see how you feel that, but essential differences are that the 2nd ability deals less and less damage to targets as their health is reduced while providing a heal opportunity in order to sustain 'Phoenix' due to its low shield.


The 4th ability quickly escalates in damage against large groups of enemies while providing a steady stream of health capable of bringing it above its max health, it does however cancels out the moment it can't deal more damage then its last tick in difference to the 2nd ability which has a set duration.


The 2nd ability is also cheaper and as can be seen it isn't really worth using the 4th ability against small numbers of enemies.


But they are both intended to be abilities mimicking 'Fueling' a fire, while the 2nd is more controlled and smaller, the 4th is a wild forest fire.


Personally I don't feel that they are 'too' similar though.

Edited by Wishdoom
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