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Just had another match where two of our squad couldn't pass through an invisible door to get to extraction. We had to leave without them.

This is the only bug i have seen in the game so far, except the annoying "map snapping to mercury" thing of course.


I am actually fairly surprised and pleased at the way they ported this game to a completely new console. Considering how small of a software house they are, that respect grows even further.


Well done


Sorry for your issues though TC, but it's not everyone.

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I've encountered (luckily) some minor glitches only a few times. My biggest concern is the bug currently affecting stacked items. It is unfortunate not being able to sell an item that you have extra copies of... I have a lot of credits spread out among these extra items that I would love to be able to sell. Hopefully this is fixed soon!

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You can improve the framerate significantly by turning off all the optional graphic effects, there are options for Depth of Field, Bloom and Motion Blur. They all seem to impact the framerate pretty negatively. It doesn't help the massive glitch-out frameloss or the apparent memory leak in Void missions unfortunately, but the overall performance is greatly improved.


There's also Field of View which is nice considering how narrow it is by default. Raising it will no doubt negatively impact performance but not as much as the other effects, and I consider max FOV a must for the game, I suppose switching the other options off until they're better optimized is a fair swap for being able to see more.

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I'm having trouble just finding other players, i'd be in a lobby for 5+ mins with no one joining!

when you are gonna start a level, make its set to online, then see if any other players are already playing it. it should have a number and a little person symbol. i almost always can jump in a game with people right away with that tactic. if its a particular mission, and no one is playing it, try another mission and come back to it. hope that helps.

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Tenno's its still in open beta so give it time the game will be much better in the future. It takes time to get the issues resolved. I can wait with no issues knowing DE is working on getting this game in top shape.


I dunno if we can call it beta at this point. Sort of, U11 marked the 'release' on PC, and U11 is in the pipes for us. They've also been taking money for a really long time.


Not to say the bugs shouldn't be forgiven, I'm particularly annoyed at the host migration losing all progress to that point issue and I do hope that's fixed in U11.


Either way, just saying something is beta doesn't excuse issues when it's been out so long, albeit on PC, the PS4 has exactly the same issues PC had at that point and we ARE on the 10th major revision already, it's not like we got the initial release version from PC.


Upside is the PS4 basically IS a PC at its core and hopefully once U11 hits we'll be seeing regular updates to major issues same as PC. I think the biggest frustration is that it has been so long since U11 was submitted, and that it was planned to be done at launch several weeks ago.


Anyway, that's the kind of attitude consumers shouldn't have considering products they're paying for, well, maybe you haven't but I've been sinking money into it and many other people have as well. Just excusing major problems because of a label is kowtowing more than you should be willing.


The game's great though, I've put way more time into it than I should have and every time I boot it up I can't wait to get back into it. I'm very anxiously awaiting U11 as much for the content as the supposed 50% off platinum sale that's been mentioned to go along with it so I can drop another 30-50 bucks into it at least.

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The game just released on the ps4 as open beta. There are issues that are known. Open beta helps the game since players report the issues and they can act on it. Also this game is free to play. You have the option to spend money. Most online games offer that option in open beta's. I've seen my share of online games. The game may of been on pc longer but that's two different codies going into two different platforms. Just give DE some time and things will get better. Also you don't need playstation plus to play this game with friends. You gotta expect issues to be with a game this new. I have seen many mmo's and online games that way more issues then what we seen in War frame.

Edited by (PS4)Vegeta1345
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The game just released on the ps4 as open beta. There are issues that are known. Open beta helps the game since players report the issues and they can act on it. Also this game is free to play. You have the option to spend money. Most online games offer that option in open beta's. I've seen my share of online games. The game may of been on pc longer but that's two different codies going into two different platforms. Just give DE some time and things will get better. Also you don't need playstation plus to play this game with friends. You gotta expect issues to be with a game this new. I have seen many mmo's and online games that way more issues then what we seen in War frame.


That would be because every bug that exists in the current version almost to a one existed in the PC version. Nearly every complaint leveled towards Warframe right now is already fixed and more... on PC. And one of the major patches, Update 11, is stuck in the Sony pipes currently.


I also consider calling the game beta fairly disingenuous. It doesn't refer to itself as such anywhere in the storefront or the main game, it's taking money and there are no limitations on who wants to play. There's a great article on the subject linked elsewhere in the forum ( http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2013/09/09/opinion-when-a-beta-isn-t-a-beta.aspx ) and it covers the subject quite well.


I've been in proper betas and the 'open betas' these days don't really qualify. I remember the Rise of Nations beta way back when where the game came in a giant manila envelope on six hand labeled, burned CD-R's and a half inch thick, stapled, photocopied guide of instructions, known issues and work arounds. It wasn't something you just downloaded because it was free and on the front page of the digital store, it was something you had to qualify for and be chosen to participate in.

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Yeh the game feels very unfinished indeed, i mean it's fun but the controls are completely wack and clunky as hell. There also more bugs then any console release i've seen so far. The GFX seem pretty much last gen aswell :( complely unimpressed.



For a relatively small studio a game like this must be no easy feat but it is what it is atm, i just really hope update 11 comes before Christmas.

Edited by (PS4)MoistGeorge
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