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Nightmares Of Past.


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Remember everybody this is just fan fiction :P


As the standard complete missions and get the reward TMC was growing slowly but safely nothing were wrong until random nightmares started to run around the TMC HQ. Everybody was tired but Valendine was only one who didn't see these nightmares.


Is'Gol: "Man... Got to say even after all these damn years I can only now feel exhaustion"

Darul: "Same here... Damn every muscle is just stuck a bit"

Valendine: "What are you all talking about?"

Dalagan: "Nightmares... About somebody but just can't remember about who"

Ridan: "I feel lucky if I can barely run"

Nida: "This is just horrible"

Vendel: "*gasp* What's going on in here?"

Is'Gol: "You managed to sleep well?"

Vendel: "Well if it is my hobby few nightmares will not stop me"

Is'Gol: "I somehow guess that source of these nightmares comes from Orokin towers"

Stalker: "No..." as he appeared to all in the meeting room. "The source of these nightmares comes from man named Voyn. He is currently in Orokin Derelict searching something"

Is'Gol: "How do you know all this?"

Stalker: "From these files what I came up with on few assassinations" *showed them*

Is'Gol: "Voyn..."

Valendine: "Who is Voyn?"

Dalagan: "The guy who freeze as away. Thanks to him we have a galaxy sized chaos on going"

Argon: "He paralyzed everybody of us with a single lightning. Then took us one at time to cryo sleep pods"

Esran: "Without any reasons... He did this to us"

Valendine: "Now I am so &!$$ed off"

Nekon: "Well we shall go to Derelict then. Stalker, Vendel and Valendine. You three come with me. Dismissed"


Nekon, Stalker, Vendel and Valendine went to Orokin Derelict search and recover mission. They spread out. As they went deeper they became even more separated from each other. Valendine's communication module got damaged by an ancient disruptor when finally she was putted down by poisons of ancient Toxics as she was going to die she heard gun fire large minigun carrying Volt firing down incoming infestation created a whole solid shield around him and Valendine.


Volt approached Valendine as the heart beat was going to stop Volt generated enough energy to restore the heart beat Valendine woke up.


Volt: "Come on get up!" *as spinned up the minigun and started firing again towards Infestation breaking the shield around them.


Volt was covered on infestation as Valendine managed to ripline out of the death trap as she was hanging on the roof she saw a spark of energy then a huge blasts Dual heat swords impaling infestation flesh with pure rage Volt was appearing and disappearing as last one infestation ancient was standing Volt generated huge ball of energy between his hands.


Volt: "Time to go... Spears of Thunders!" energy ball became two spears to both hands Volt rushed towards ancient healer spears swinging and impaling the target as the ancient was finished by ignited to fire by high voltage flaming on flesh Volt checked the minigun and putted this on his back pulling out Vandal Braton and Magnus. Valendine dropped on the ground next to of this Volt.


Valendine: sees some flashbacks "You... You broke out the Gas city"

Volt: "Valkyr... Yes... I remember that I saw you there too. They were lucky and found me off guard triggering some bombs at there"

Valendine: "Are you... Voyn?"

Voyn: "How could you possibly...? Wait... *takes a grip from Valendine's left arm and checks the emblem* TMC... So they did survive... Come on lead me to your squad" *releases Valendine*

Valendine: "You look armed with heavy weaponry. How can you possibly carry that all?"

Voyn: "I will explain later. We need to get out of here"

Valendine: "Yes"


Valendine leads Voyn to others Nekon, Stalker and Vendel. At the TMC meeting room few ten minutes later.


Voyn: "So... Looks like all of you are alive... Without a problem"

Stalker: "hmph"

Voyn: "Stalker I am sorry about your kind... We... Well they there on lust of power. Just like every human at the thought of being unbeatable"

Is'Gol: "What are you talking about?! Nothing were wrong!"

Voyn: "You didn't see what I saw! It was this close that there didn't start a civil war between Tenno! I STOPPED SOMETHING WHAT WOULD HAVE DESTROYED US ALL!"

Ridan: "He is right... My logs from days before we were putted to cryo sleep about healed people who were have had a fight with others... There was nearly coming out a civil war"

Voyn: "It nearly started when I gave an order to put every single Tenno to cryo sleep. Except you all exception at Nekon and Valendine. I myself putted you to sleep to special place what I thought Lotus would never search. The pain what I did to you. Was thousands times to painful to me I would never harm anybody who has sworn loyalty to me. I saved you... Nearly"

Stalker: "Thanks to me I managed to get some of them out from command of Lotus"

Voyn: "That why I was going to tell that I was only one who didn't raise a finger against your kind. Do you remember seeing me at that war?"

Stalker: "Hmm... Not at all... As I now check my catalogs I don't any kills on your files. First was Is'Gol then Ridan, Argon, Esran, Baije, Dalagan, Darul, Vendel and Nida. Seems like lust of power and knowledge can drive us all mad. No any kind exceptions"

Voyn: "I saw Corpus, Grineers and Infestation much more smaller threat than the Civil war that why I sealed you all away. Even Lotus and Orokin was banished. I commanded humanity to hide to the secret base in here... To Saturn what my current intelligence about Grineer movement tells is that they found the lock between them and humanity"

Stalker: "Hmm... Seems like you are the only one who sealed himself away from the power. But there is just something strange on your warframe"

Voyn: "Well... That was most difficult thing what I had done on my life time. Removing the Orokin reactor and replacing this with my own prototype reactor what is 9 times stronger. More of settings opening more doors to strength, defending and agility. Unlocking more slots for my created devastating powers"

Baije: "That shall been seen even if I bet you are just kidding"


At the arena Voyn steps up to there to combat against clones of the relic class dangerous enemies.


Voyn: "The energy is not the only source of our used powers. Also the negative power generated and subdued is able to putted to be some effort to use it on even on combat but there is a danger behind it. It is much more volatile, darker, corrupting and tenacious. I am at the border of not able to control it and able to control it. *first enemy arrived to arena* Copy of me is still a picture of my lord" *a black copy of Voyn appeared behind him both dashed to combat*


As every last trick was shown. At the meeting room.


Valendine: "So Voyn how did you became a Tenno?"

Voyn: "That question is so large that it needs going through of history of your fellow comrades. Exception as Nekon, Nida and Rodyn. Name from who we shall start"

Nida: "Is'Gol!"

Is'Gol: "*gasp. COUGH!*"

Voyn: "Odd usually everybody asked about Dalagan. No matter. Is'Gol was an young leader with tons of patience, knowledge, strength, agility and defense. Even when he was young he proved to be great but it required time. The first time when we met was a winter sunny day he was walking at the street looking for a meaning as we past I couldn't leave an eye contact from that contact I knew that he is perfect leader for organization like this. But I needed a prove he walked in to a bank"

Nekon: "Sounds like a robbery by him"

Voyn: "No. As he stepped to the bank I stopped at the door and hide myself I saw few criminals entering to bank but sooner than I thought I heard gun fire dual wielded faster than an automatic fire. More of robbers rushed in and more gun fire I heard but it was sent back. As this all was over I saw Is'Gol shielded with black ice wielding two semi automatic handguns with extended magazines what he reloaded same time in few seconds. I offered him a chance to become Tenno"

Is'Gol: "I never forgot that day. A chance to become Tenno"

Voyn: "As time went forward without him knowing that there was other recruits. Name next"

Nekon: "Vendel"

Voyn: "Hmm... I saw Vendel joining to the master's tournament of all strategy and tactic games. One by one good and even the professional players were beaten by Vendel's mind. As when he finally had a hand shake with older champion of these games he won the former champion by using three units and it was over. Former champion was astonished rematch with another game out come was same. Former champion was on rage and left the medal of champion was thrown in front of him when I heard him saying 'There is nothing what this medallion can prove to me. It was too easy. I didn't meant my opponent. I meant environment' I walked behind him and offered a place between Tenno. He accepted it"

Vendel: "Got to say still too easy" *falls asleep*

Voyn: "Next one"

Valendine: *looks on Dalagan* "Dalagan"

Voyn: "Hmm... So you ask from the first who met me. It was a bright summer day I saw Dalagan running like a lightning. He had food with him stolen but as he came on a robbery on a jewelry shop I heard gun fire and landed kicks and punches. I run to look what was going on. I saw Dalagan pummeling robbers with one sided hammering. His strikes are fast but weak. Funny a thief stealing to seal away hunger but defender of law when seeing something what does rightfully belong to person is being grabbed. As finally Dalagan finished off the last robber. He took his plastic bag and walked towards the corner where I was watching"

Dalagan: "I saw a shadow and I thought that there was one of the criminals I dashed towards wall and run up to it as I was completely out of his line of sight I jumped down towards Voyn as he heard me coming he dodged and I saw he didn't have any weapons I threw hook on the roof and swing over Voyn just in time. I slowed my speed and I landed right in front of him"

Voyn: "I offered him a home and become a Tenno after explaining who I am and a bit everything else. Anyway next"

Nida: "Baije"

Voyn: "I was visiting at one of the schools of human owns and I was spectating the study. I saw Baije completing even the questions what would have had took more time from me to answer on them. She is one of the most clever girls what I have ever met she was eager to learn and she learned quickly but I find him to be time to time to be inpatient. She learned to be patient with the hardest way by testing Is'Gol's nerves and questioning his leadership from by doubting his wisdom of battle"

Baije: "The outcome was extremely painful"

Voyn: "So who is next then?"

Nida: "Esran and Argon"

Voyn: "Hmm... The true blades men... Who I thought to aim. With the fire arms. Their close combat with standard blade and blunt weapons are legendary Argon is wild and show offer while Esran is patient and humble. I met both at a close combat school both won the former champion of the school then they joined to cooperative championship of CQC tournament they won it even if their opponents were completely cheating... Well some of them. As they were going to be rewarded Argon raised the cup to the air and crowd cheered Esran raised his own and putted back to place 'These belongs poor people not to us' Esran said 'Hmm... You are right *takes the another cup* We will give these to charity. To those who actually needs it!' as they finally came out from that place I was waiting and made the same offer"

Valendine: "Ridan"

Voyn: "Ridan... She actually saved my life in fact. I was driving on a high way while some terrorists made a bombing run blowing up a truck in front of me I managed to jump but a door smashed my left leg and a piece of the tire knocked me out. Ridan was taking me away from explosion are she was only 14 pulled out a hand gun as a jet fighter was going to make another pass as I was waking up. She took careful aim shot and hit the pilot of jet fighter what then crashed on the ground far behind us she had first aid kit on her back and helped me out. As I was finally going to hospital. I offered a home from the same place where others was already"

Dalagan: "So we end up to Darul then"

Voyn: "Yes Darul... Hmm... Ah. Now I remember I were on checking at the power plant and well we got an accident what caused huge amount of energy getting dispatched towards city Darul just in time managed to cut the wire and put the wire on the rock electrocuting him and the rock it was huge energy spike what he took but he survived thanks to his designed double layer rubber suit what basically nearly melted on his skin. For this heroic deed from saving whole city I offered him a place between Tenno"

Is'Gol: "Now then to you"


Voyn turned around and looked through the window... Released most deepest gasp...


Voyn: "It was time when even you were not born I was just maybe ten years old when Tenno invaded... Killed... Conquered our homes... That is right... You all are humans just like I but... With few extremely huge things... We lived under control of Orokin laws and customs they were devastating they were offensive towards us humans... They were jealous about our skills and abilities. It didn't take long that I joined on their lines.


What they had was more skilled, powerful and agile troops what were enough to take down our of military and war machines. As the Orokin heard that I had hired more of humans on their lines they punished me from it even Lotus was part of those punishments she were one of the commanders on Orokin as I managed to raise you be part of the Tenno and I managed to hyper charge my suit I knew it was time of my revenge from helping my kind.


Do you remember the day of Orokin fear? Yes the day when I murdered every single Orokin commander and leader. Is'Gol leader of my educated human Tenno. Went to warn Lotus but she didn't care because she thought that she was too tough to me but it was other wise just before finishing her off and good thing Ridan blocked the finishing blow. Lotus was saved and she became an AI commander thanks to Ridan and Baije. Argon and Esran talked some sense to me.


They suggested that Tenno will become republic people we as made orokin listen about humans and their decision was that Orokin and Tenno doesn't have place among then only few human Tenno shall stay with them to ensure their safety when they are back on their feet Orokin technology will not be used and human Tenno will stay among them as they would be civilians. That meant I got the task to banish Orokin back to home then they from where run to Void when the you do know what was going to happen.


Rest you all already know now back to the mission where we are going to release humans from their safety and take over part of the solar system what originally belonged to them. We are heading to Saturn. To this location with full force. Were grineer wanting it or not. We are going to punch trough"

Nida: "I will contact to Sargas Ruk and ask about the lock first"

Voyn: "When we hear news from Nida we will be moving. Dismissed"


All human Tenno scattered around the HQ.


Nida: "Attention all units of TMC HQ. I have news from Sargas Ruk. He denies us and said that the planet belongs to them still... All units prepare for an invasion"


All units of TMC were dispatched to Saturn to location of the lock. Were Grineer were waiting Voyn was dispatched to fight first then all human Tenno including Valendine, Nekon and Nida. Stalker came with them. Stugan soldiers came in as the landing zones were secured.


Nida: "Team Nano reporting in"

Is'Gol: "Team snowstorm reporting in"

Nekon: "Team Fall of Shadows reporting in"

Darul: "Team Thunder reporting in"

Ridan: "Team Regen reporting in"

Baije: "Team Voice reporting in"

Dalagan: "Team Strife reporting in"

Vendel: "Team Move reporting in"

Argon and Esran: "Team blade reporting in"

Valendine: "Team Brute reporting in"

Stalker: "Team Smoke reporting in"

Voyn: "You all have prevailed... Good. Stugan soldiers go to secure further areas but be careful. Tenno cover me I am opening the lock and hope that humans has already prepared for this day"


Voyn unlocked the door and opened the door human constructed Walkers, Tanks, HOUNDs and choppers came out.


Darul: "Wow... Look at all the boom sticks..."

Vendel: "Now these if something I can call war machines"

Voyn: "Better yet... They have constructed one for all of us. Hop in" *as climbed on one of the HOUNDs.

Nida: "Sweet a chopper for me" *worm hole above on one empty chopper and dropped on the pilot seat*

Darul: "Damn I have waited for a long time for something like this!" *speed up and run up to wall jumped from it to on top of a HOUND*

Vendel: *throws a bounce hops on this and gets launched on the Multi barrel artillery Walker* "Finally something strategic"

Stalker: "Cool... Human constructed Walker designed for close combat quarters. That will be mine" *teleports inside of the walker*

Dalagan: "Same to me" *makes a decoy inside of cockpit of a Walker*

Valendine, Esran and Argon: "hand to hand combat HOUNDs will be ours then"

Baije: "Hey! A jet fighter. Just what I hoped!" *throws a hook on wing of a jet fighter with empty cockpit*

Ridan: "Technician walker for me" *climbs inside of a Walker*

Nekon: "Hey that disruptor HOUND is mine" *soul punch to ground to launch himself on top of a HOUND*

Is'Gol: "That defender unit Hound is mine" *creates an ice block below him to door of a Defender HOUND*

Voyn: "We all are ready. Let's cleanse this planet"


TMC and Voyn with AI controlled war machinery went towards incoming Grineer legions under command of Sargas Ruk. 

Edited by Revel72
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