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Some Gameplay Suggestions


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Hi, I fairly recently started playing warframe and I'm loving it so far. If I wasn't a broke college kid I would've spent way more then 55 bucks so far. I apologize if any of these suggestions have been said before but I havn't read anything like it yet.

1. This one was inspired by the radar bug. I personally found it somewhat enjoyable to try and figure my own way out of the mission whenever my radar would bug. It was alot more dynamic then just the usual linear follow waypoint do objective follow waypoint leave that I was so used too. What I propose is to have a dynamic event that can happen randomly like getting locked in where they jam your radar. You can either find the radar jammer and destroy it to regain your radar or finish the level without it.

2. Stemming from the dynamic events. I thought it would be cool if the levels were split and sometimes had multiple paths to get to the same area. Better yet an event could happen that splits your party in half (i.e. a halway in a ship that has taken some hits explodes and seperates everyone or in pairs of 2's) and you would have to find a way to meet back up. Or have 2 objectives that need to be complete simultaneously.

3. We should get more xp from style kills (sliding, shooting mid-air, shooting while wall running, melee slide, etc...) or perhaps make them do more damage, any incentive to use them besides looking awesome. Also they should degrade the more you use them until you add more variety. After the first couple slide kills they give normal xp prompting you too integrate more variety into your dance of death that is warframe combat.

4. Multi party raids. You and your 3 squadmates can go into a specific mission that acts as a lobby. While you are completing your 4 person mission other parties are also doing theirs. You will eventually get to a room where you must defend/survive an onslaught of enemies while the other parties are finishing the mission once everyone is in their defence rooms a final challenging wave is spawned. Once all parties have finished this wave a cutscene will ensue while each party is merged together into the final boss room. The boss should be big and dymanic with multiple objectives and phases so everyone has something more to do then just shoot at it. Perhaps there could even be some objectives that require elite use of wall running/jumping/chaining and dodging skills. Some tenno could work on taking out shield generators and protecting them from grineer/corpus engineers trying to bring them back online. While other tenno are finding materials to make a massive explosive device to finish the monstrosity. The possibilities are limitless. This would be an excellent part of end-game and require very coordinated teamwork (i.e. the type you find in clans)

5. Warframe ability specific places on map that can alter/shortcut. Like a laser field where rhino could charge/inron skin through and open the door for the rest of his team. Since the game is based on cells only cells that 1 of 4 frames in the party can access will spawn (i.e. if there is a trap only Loki can get through with decoy + swap then it will only spawn if there is in fact a loki in the party.) It doesn't have to be ability specific either, there could be context actions where depending on your frame you do something different ( i.e. you come to a retracted bridge, rhino presses the context button and rips a beam from a nearby wall and making a makeshift bridge, whereas if volt pressed the button he would shoot electricity accross the abyss to the other side and promts the bridge to extend.

6. More secret rooms. Ones that really require more exploration/ excellent wallrunning/movement skills.

That's all I can think of at the moment, let me know what you guys think. I also want to thank DE for making such an awesome game so far I am happy to be a part of it.


7. Mission modifiers for the people who want a greater difficulty. You can select these in the lobby of a private game and vote on them in public ones. Stuff like pistol only or enemies do double damage. There can be extra rewards depending on how hard the modifiers are and how many you can do at once. These could maybe even be like artifacts where you collect them from alerts or from exploring and finding them in certain secret rooms.

8. Being able to jump sideways from a vertical wall-run instead of only backwards. Also I was just playing around with trying to do a bunch of different things at once seeing if I could find any bugs and I managed to wall run while charging my scindo, needless to say it look so amazing I tried for 30 minutes to recreate it but to no avail. I think that would be something awesome to add still having the tap E attack but also holding E will keep you running while charging until you lunge of with an amazing finish.

Edited by syphin38
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Warframe specific places might pose a huge problem in regard to the drop in/drop out coop aspect of the game. If the only frame of a type leaves the party it might prevent the rest of the squad from finishing the mission.

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Warframe specific places might pose a huge problem in regard to the drop in/drop out coop aspect of the game. If the only frame of a type leaves the party it might prevent the rest of the squad from finishing the mission.

Hmm I can see where that would definately pose a problem. Perhaps these places can be just extras that arent needed but make the mission shorter or give access to something special like a temporary rocket launcher or overshields for everyone, something for the people who like to explore. Also some obstacles can be completed by more then just one type of warframe but I definately see what you were getting at.

God damn...I've rarely ever competely agreed with more than one or two points in any single thread, but you sir...You have all my AGREEMENTS! I love Every. Last. Idea. Seriously DA's, hook this guy up with a job as creative director ^^^^^ XD

Thank you for the support :)

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Hmm I can see where that would definately pose a problem. Perhaps these places can be just extras that arent needed but make the mission shorter or give access to something special like a temporary rocket launcher or overshields for everyone, something for the people who like to explore. Also some obstacles can be completed by more then just one type of warframe but I definately see what you were getting at.

The only other thing we have to be careful on is we don't need to create more content that encourages people to branch out from their party and solo. I understand there may be a point where people are working together, but generally it's going to be within eye shot or not far from it (to cover an enterence, etc).

I'm all for exploration and diversity, but we should try to find a way that it also is conducive to team play.

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The only other thing we have to be careful on is we don't need to create more content that encourages people to branch out from their party and solo. I understand there may be a point where people are working together, but generally it's going to be within eye shot or not far from it (to cover an enterence, etc).

I'm all for exploration and diversity, but we should try to find a way that it also is conducive to team play.

Well maybe certain events like this will only happen when in a party of 4 and splits you into 2's so you are still with a teammate. Or in the other scenario where you both have to complete objectives simultaneously you are still working together in a sense and would meet back up after the short divergence. sometimes you just want to take out a bunch of enemies by yourself without someone else ultimate getting in the way. But I do agree we want to have a lot of teamwork and not just randoms running off solo.

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I certainly agree with all of your suggestions. Good thoughts.

Multi-party raids would be a ridiculously fun. I'd be interested to hear how that would be implemented.

A good ol' boss fight has always been one of my favorite things in a game, and a boss that requires a large amount of players (However many the engine can support) would be quite a ball.


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Carefull now, This is starting to sound an awful lot like coordination and teamplay in Warframe ( I´m sarcastic, since I actually want more of this in the game). I´ve been trying to promote this type of play since day one. However there are alot of players who come from shooter games and frown upon everything that slows down the pace.

Your ideas for battles and bossbattles where multiple elements have to be used together with multiple squads is an amazing idea. I see where it comes from (MMORPG´s). I´m all for it. A simple boss room idea. You enter a room that looks like the room from X-Men where Cerebro is situated. You walk over a bridge on to a platform where the boss is waiting. The bridge retracts. You have to fight the boss with the risk of falling off and dying. Turrets spawn out of the platform that have to be disabled, when disabled they can be mounted for added firepower to kill the boss. Platforms come out from the walls which you have to jump to in order to shut off shield generators or the boss can´t be harmed. At certain HP intervals (phases) the platforms splits into parts that are smaller and the boss will try and jump from platform to platform to kill a solo player on it and has to be kited by that solo player while the rest of the team has to jump on the platforms on the wall to make the center platform come together again in order to be able to fight on, once the platform comes together you have a timer that goes down untill it splits again. Final phase the fight goes crazy turrets spawn that shoot at you which you now can´t do anything about and you have to kill the boss as fast as possible.

I´d love these kinds of fights but I´m afraid some would see them as too much because there seems to be alot of players in warframe that like the easy run in and run out type of action. The maps imo should have traps and unexpected things happen on them. Maybe not the QtE things like the bridge part that you mentioned cause that seems to also be something negative if you scour these forums. More things to work towards teamplay is always nice if anyone asks me, but like said there seems to be alot of people who don´t like it when you break their run and gun stride.

+1 to the thread.

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Wow that Boss battle you described sounded amazing!

More things to work towards teamplay is always nice if anyone asks me, but like said there seems to be alot of people who don´t like it when you break their run and gun stride.

I think that teamplay is something that DE is really wanting to add. With small attempts at it like the electric seeker balls and revive system. If they did add these types of mission the players who don't like to work together can just play the ones we already have. They wouldn't be forced to do these "raids" like they are forced into the co-op now with the seeker balls. The solo players would be happy and the clans would be happy. I can see some solo players complaining about how they can't solo the mission but honestly they shouldn't be able to unless they are willing to work with others. If every mission is soloable without teamwork what is the point of playing online or being in a clan? I believe if they implemented something like this in the game it would do infinitely more good then bad. The soloist aren't losing anything, they are gaining an option to have a different experience if they want it, and if they don't its their loss. I'll be having fun with my fellow tenno achieving something so epic that it takes 16 uber space ninjas to accomplish.

The maps imo should have traps and unexpected things happen on them.

+1 to this idea. You can be in the zone ravaging everything in your path when suddenly something happens that forces you to assess, diagnose, plan and implement to survive. It's games that make you think like this that can capture your attention for 1000's of hours. It is why pvp is so long-lasting, because you never know what's going to happen and your always trying new tactics to outsmart the opposition.

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I approve your ideas. All of them, except, maybe, for 4th. It needs more thinking through... In first place, due to slight lags that starts when there are more than 2 players, imagine this, but with 8-12 guys, this could be disastrous 30's cartoon framerate and total chaotic lagfest, due to large number of players. In second place, endorsment will suffer from this, it's supposed Tenno are few and each one acts as independend special operative, focusing in special stealth/infiltration assigments, 4 guys are already a small army, 12 are a raping platoon. And for the dessert another reason would be... What is the reason to separate the platoon in first place? I got a bit different idea for this one...

If developers fix the issue with plenty of players on same map, you know what would be really great? Making this as a special pvp game mode... You join with your friends (If you are playing this alone, you will be assigned to random 4-players cell). 3 different 4-player cells on same huge map, spawned in different places, one life only per player and final goal is to kill the boss before other 2 cells will do it. The person who plants a final shot, his cell wins the combat. You can kill other cells operatives, in that case, wins the last man standing or it's a defeat for everyone.

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I approve your ideas. All of them, except, maybe, for 4th. It needs more thinking through... In first place, due to slight lags that starts when there are more than 2 players, imagine this, but with 8-12 guys, this could be disastrous 30's cartoon framerate and total chaotic lagfest, due to large number of players. In second place, endorsment will suffer from this, it's supposed Tenno are few and each one acts as independend special operative, focusing in special stealth/infiltration assigments, 4 guys are already a small army, 12 are a raping platoon. And for the dessert another reason would be... What is the reason to separate the platoon in first place? I got a bit different idea for this one...

If developers fix the issue with plenty of players on same map, you know what would be really great? Making this as a special pvp game mode... You join with your friends (If you are playing this alone, you will be assigned to random 4-players cell). 3 different 4-player cells on same huge map, spawned in different places, one life only per player and final goal is to kill the boss before other 2 cells will do it. The person who plants a final shot, his cell wins the combat. You can kill other cells operatives, in that case, wins the last man standing or it's a defeat for everyone.

First some nice ideas and then you went too far. The idea of us being stealthy is already nonexistant. The u7 will add more but this will never be splinter cell 1. The pvp mode in pve wont mix well. We are all tenno and killing eachother would be counterproductive to the common goal. A mode where you race to the boss in a 1 vs 1 vs 1 cell scenario for pve however could be fun, it could be another map from the convergeanc version. These can be map specific, boss maps or specific alert versions.

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Wow that Boss battle you described sounded amazing!

I think that teamplay is something that DE is really wanting to add. With small attempts at it like the electric seeker balls and revive system. If they did add these types of mission the players who don't like to work together can just play the ones we already have. They wouldn't be forced to do these "raids" like they are forced into the co-op now with the seeker balls. The solo players would be happy and the clans would be happy. I can see some solo players complaining about how they can't solo the mission but honestly they shouldn't be able to unless they are willing to work with others. If every mission is soloable without teamwork what is the point of playing online or being in a clan? I believe if they implemented something like this in the game it would do infinitely more good then bad. The soloist aren't losing anything, they are gaining an option to have a different experience if they want it, and if they don't its their loss. I'll be having fun with my fellow tenno achieving something so epic that it takes 16 uber space ninjas to accomplish.

+1 to this idea. You can be in the zone ravaging everything in your path when suddenly something happens that forces you to assess, diagnose, plan and implement to survive. It's games that make you think like this that can capture your attention for 1000's of hours. It is why pvp is so long-lasting, because you never know what's going to happen and your always trying new tactics to outsmart the opposition.

Mate ty :) I got more ;)

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Yeah, I agree with you. As I mentioned before, game gets a bit laggy when there is more than 2 players inside, so... So far, this is an improbable scenario. PVP, though should exist and the reason to justify tenno fighting another tenno could be this one: Sparring.

Make some kind of golographic battlefield simulation where you can "Train" against other players for fun and skill sharpening.

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Yeah, I agree with you. As I mentioned before, game gets a bit laggy when there is more than 2 players inside, so... So far, this is an improbable scenario. PVP, though should exist and the reason to justify tenno fighting another tenno could be this one: Sparring.

Make some kind of golographic battlefield simulation where you can "Train" against other players for fun and skill sharpening.

Absolutely this game has so much pvp potential that it would be stupid to not add it but first DE have to focus on pve since we are far from done with it. We have barely scratched the surface. We have atm a game that is 25% finishef at best. So much work left. If you have played Halo in multiplayer alot of those modes would transition well into Warframe. Odd man out, king of the hill, domination, capture tge flag and your standard deathmatch modes. A parcour race mode would be cool with traps etc on the map with vs and time attack for single players where you race vs the current ladder leaders ghost image. Could even have hack and defend modes where you have to hack the other teams mainframe in time limit then teams switch. The possibilities are many.

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I approve your ideas. All of them, except, maybe, for 4th. It needs more thinking through... In first place, due to slight lags that starts when there are more than 2 players, imagine this, but with 8-12 guys, this could be disastrous 30's cartoon framerate and total chaotic lagfest, due to large number of players. In second place, endorsment will suffer from this, it's supposed Tenno are few and each one acts as independend special operative, focusing in special stealth/infiltration assigments, 4 guys are already a small army, 12 are a raping platoon. And for the dessert another reason would be... What is the reason to separate the platoon in first place? I got a bit different idea for this one...

If developers fix the issue with plenty of players on same map, you know what would be really great? Making this as a special pvp game mode... You join with your friends (If you are playing this alone, you will be assigned to random 4-players cell). 3 different 4-player cells on same huge map, spawned in different places, one life only per player and final goal is to kill the boss before other 2 cells will do it. The person who plants a final shot, his cell wins the combat. You can kill other cells operatives, in that case, wins the last man standing or it's a defeat for everyone.

Some valid points. I personally havn't had many issues with lag other then some mild startup lag when I first join a game, however, I can't speak for everyone and if it did become a lagfest then it wouldnt be fun. My reasoning behind having many tenno: As we know they are ancient warriors that have been sleeping in cryopods for a long time. In that time the world has changed and more dangerous things have been created. Sure one tenno can take out 100's of grineer but i'm talking about the culmination of years and years of corpus/grineer tech evolving for one purpose, to destroy. This can even be implemented in the story line; while you are out doing these spy missions solo you can be gathering intel about the unknown you've been tossed into. As time goes on, the image gets clearer and clearer; this enemy is bigger and more deadly then anything you've ever encountered.

I regards to the splitting the squads up at the start. It's sorta has to do with what I already said. The tenno started out solo and realized that things have gotten deadlier, time goes on and eventually they are a 4-man squad destroying everything again (the bosses we have now) then they find enough intel to get a general idea of what is to come next and require a larger force to destroy it. I'm thinking a machine that has enough power to destroy civilizations, multiple armies have fallen to this titan. Thus if only 12-16 tenno can destroy this beast it still proves how powerful they are. They enter in seperate places because they dont need all their power combined until the boss, also to find and intel or anything that can help them along the way. Once each squad clears armies of grineer/corpus and a plethora of mini-boss generals/prototype warmachines they finally make to the center of the space-station/warship/planet/wherever the boss is at and all thier work culminates into and epic battle to decide the fate of the universe.

I also agree that pvp should be in the game as it is usually the only reason I continue to play something, however, I understand that they want to perfect pve before delving into pvp and I respect that. The game is already very good and it is nowhere near finished. I have great expectations.

Edited by syphin38
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