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Phase 1: Melee Weapon Concept Submissions


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Okay so I really cant draw but I was thinking of a two part melee weapon, please try and imagine this. 

First idea 

Name: Bunretsu or Scission
- Two very small grapples fire out of your right fist and grab to the upper and lower torso.
- There is a blade along the outside edge of your forearm.
- You pull on the roped grapples while swinging your left forearm like a sword.
- You basically pull them onto your blade and cut them in half.

Second idea

Name: Tekase

Have you ever seen how a handcuff works? A police officer would press the outside of the cuff against the wrist and it would fly around and close.

This is what I mean http://youtu.be/9OeL1i0WXlY?t=2m15s

I'm suggesting a large one of these on the end of a small handle with the inside and outside edge sharpened.

- The blade can hit the side of the body/head/arm/leg.
- Fly around and sever the limb/torso
- The blade can be used similar to a nunchaku
- The blade swings out and the frame goes with a slicing motion
- The blade stays locked and using the outside edge, provides a regular cutting edge.

If anyone would like to draw this for me then I give full consent!

I'd just love to see either of these in the game and personally I think the melee weapons are far too simplistic lately and that there needs to be some more variety in animations for weapons!

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name: lancrea
fraktion: tenno
grip: two handed ( with some stabing moves)

images : design: http://waesche.deviantart.com/art/Lancrea-Both-421164814 some moves : http://waesche.deviantart.com/art/Lancrea-Both-421164814

mostly for charge attacks. the normal attacks combinig thrashing and stabs. under the staff  and on the top are blades. if you make a charge you jump forward a hit multiple enemys. it has moslty puncture dmg.

if you like it vote for it if not dont vote for it :). if its gonna be one of the winners have fun with it.

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(In English below)


Facção:  Tenno

Descrição: Inspirada nos bastões orientais (Kung-Fu), possui lâminas semicirculares nas extremidades para permitir danos em qualquer direção. É uma arma de duas mãos.



Faction: Tenno

Description: Inspired in the oriental sticks (Kung-Fu), it has semicircular blades in both extremities to allow damages in any direction. It's a two hands weapon.


Edited by lordbyro
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Клан SAMATO предлагает!фракция: корпус(1) "s2s" Start 2 stars  - две половинки звезды по разным сторонам рук,(2.1) правая (Наносит электрический урон)(2.2) левая (Наносит ядовитый урон)(3) Может быть брошен с помощью функции заряда атаки - (соединение двух половинок диска вместе, наносит корозийный урон)диск (метательный) по принцыпу "глефы".Faction: Corpus(1) "s2s" Start 2 stars - the two halves of the stars on opposite sides of the hands,(2.1) right (Inflicts electrical damage)(2.2), the left (Inflicts poison damage)(3) can be cast by using the charge attack - (Connect the two halves of the disc together, causing damage Corrosive)isc (Throwing) by PRINCIPLE "Glaive".


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Клан SAMATO предлагает!


Фракция: Тено

(1) xZeus - меч одноручный (двуручный), примерно схожий с размерами "грэм", "галатин", в виде молнии.(2) молния выпущенная Усиленной атакой . (молния восстанавливается в ручке меча при полном накопление Усиленной атаки) Усиленная атака* - выпускает из ручки меча молнию (электрический урон)*Усиленная атака накапливается убийствами мобов, визуально будут видны разряды молнии по лезвию меча (3.1)(3.2) вылет молнии "Усиленная атака"- (3) принцип стойки варфреймаFaction: Tenno(1) xZeus - Sword (two-handed), roughly similar to the dimensions "gram", "galatine", in the form of lightning.(2) strengthen the attack released by lightning. (lightning restored in the handle of the sword with the full Enhanced accumulation of attack)  Strong Attack * - released from the handle of the sword lightning (electrical damage)* Strong attack accumulates killing mobs, visually be visible lightning strikes over the blade of the sword (3.1)(3.2) fly zipper "Power Attack" - (3) the principle stands warframe


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http://imgur.com/SytG1qV (Sorry for no direct img it wouldnt let me use it as BBcode)




The Kusari Fundo, "A dagger type weapon that is used in two parts. Both parts are thrown, but stick to walls and objects. When you throw the second part, it forms a line of energy between the two parts, damaging and or knocking back all enemies that pass through it for a period of time." Almost like the corpus camera traps


This idea originally came from a forum post here: http://raptr.com/nick120897/news/5179e757b624304096/if-you-could-have-a-custom-weapon-in-warframe-what-would-it-be-gun-attachments-

I Give full credit for the whole idea to this link and the person who posted it in the first place i merely wanted to present it in the hopes of getting it into the game.


Thanks for considering :D

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Faction: Grineer

Description: It's a heavy gauntlet partially designed and fully manufactured by the grineer faction. Although it may not be very apparent, the core of the design is based on the power that Fragor can deliver during impact. The idea is that since the Fragor's shock wave power rises exponentially based on the speed of impact, the weapon engineers decided to add a powerful and compact rocket engine to the design. And since armour is never enough they have transformed the handle based weapon into a gauntlet that adds an extra layer to protection. I'll call it Fragon.



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I have never posted in a forum before and I have never done art on le computers. So forgive weird shading and such let’s just call that me using my Creative License eh? ;oP


Anyways here are my weapon details and specs:

Sorry for being way longer than 100.0 words DE Rebecca (I cant describe this weapon in 100 words) :o(


Name: Odium (Definition: Intense Hatred)

Faction: Tenno? (Believed to be created by a group of Tenno’s called the "Gearhart" (That’s their symbol on the handle ;o))

Weapon Type/Grip Type: Dual Swords/Akimbo Pistols (spoil) (I will explain this after I explain the damage system which is very unique (And Awesome :o)), well I will explain how it would appear in the arsenal at least and such. Basic idea though is that when equipt it acts as both the Melee and the Secondary.) (/spoil)

Description of blade mechanics and Projectiles: The blades of both the sword and the projectiles are made of Superheated semi-solid ether


Adaptive Damage:

            So this weapon deals a special kind of damage called adaptive damage. Adaptive damage is similar to serration however it applies to both armor and shields. Meaning that if you attack an armored enemy it will deal maximum armor ignoring damage (in this case 75.0). If you attack a shielded enemy it will deal maximum damage. If you attack an enemy with both it will deal double damage however it will not be armor/shield ignoring. If you attack an enemy with neither armor nor shields basically an infested. Well... Let’s just say you would deal 0.0 adaptive damage but you would deal 40.0 slash damage (Note: this slash damage is never added to previous mentioned 150.0 or 75.0 damage values, it is completely ignored and not factored into attacks that hit Armored and shielded enemies).





Melee Stats:


Impact Damage: 75.0 (!Adaptive! Read below or above description if you forgot what "Adaptive Damage" is.)

Puncture Damage: 75.0 (!Adaptive!"^should've read that bro^")

Slash Damage: 40.0 (Not Adaptive meaning this is what you would deal to enemies with neither shields nor armor)

Speed: 1.5 (Attacks per second)

Crit Chance: 15%

Crit Damage: 40% boost to your Adaptive Damage. (This can be modified I don’t know what would be an appropriate crit boost because honestly these babies are pretty bada** without it.)

Spin/Sliding Attack: 225.0 (!Adaptive!) (No Splattering :o()

Wall Attack: 175.0 (!Adaptive!)

Jump Attack: 250.0 (!Adaptive!) (Hella Splattering Baby ;o))

Jump attack description: Normal Dual Sword animation however the dual odium spew out the superheated semi-solid that makes up the blade dealing 250.0 fire damage to any enemy in the radius hit with splatters causes both stagger and confusion.

Melee Charge Attack: 300.0 (!Adaptive!)

Melee Charge Attack Description: Normal charge animation however when the charge is over your character spins on the ground from knee to knee traveling forward 5 meters while slashing swords as they spew both projectiles (until clip is empty) and the semi-solid in the blades.

Charge Time: 2.75 Seconds.


(Okay your probably wondering how the blade refills that semi solid ether well the ammo magazine that supply’s your Odium projectiles, also supply’s the superheated semi-solid ether.)



 The blocking on this weapon is rather interesting because while blocking the Odium will randomly discharge rounds the reason for this is explained with charge damage in the pistol damage section. (Basically you will use the same animation as when charging your weapon in pistol mode however it will not charge up the fancy shmancy pistol charge attack obviously :oP)

More On Adaptive Damage:

Alright so you probably read those damage stats (or actually didn’t and in that case should) and went "Awh hell naw this ain’t happening" well listen. Impact damage only applies when hitting shielded enemies and puncture only when hitting armored enemies. The reason for this is that the blades are semi solids so when they come in contact with a shield they "splatter" or spread out so to speak hitting the shield as much as possible and depleting as much energy as possible, therefore in that case they deal impact damage. However when the blades hit armor they burn through the armor puncturing the metal shielding and reaching the succulent flesh underneath. The idea is that this allows "Adaptive" Damage (Explained above though you guys might have skipped that too and this), Allowing you to be effective against both the Grineer and Corpus however the idea of the bad slash damage is so they aren't effect against the Infected. Because hey who wants a perfect weapon? piff not me.

Pistol Stats:

Impact Damage: 50.0 (!Adaptive! if you don’t know what that means by now. I honestly... Just no. Read the above. And by above I mean like way way way above.)

Puncture Damage: 50.0 (!Adaptive!)

Slash Damage: 35.0 (Not Adaptive)

Accuracy: 100% (No Kick or anything just like the o'so'holy'Miter.)

Fire rate: 2.0 (2 shots per second however because they are wielded as a pair it is actually 4 shots per second)

Trigger Type: Charge (Yeah you gotta work to shoot four shots per second)

Crit Chance: 10%

Charge Damage/Attack: Alrighty so when you charge the odium your Warframe will start to spin the swords around his/her body creating an almost impenetrable sheild'o'swirlin'steel 'round dat frame and dealing Melee damage to those stupid enough to get close enough to make contact with the liquid ether of the Odium. Anyways, once charged the Odium will empty its clips/magazines at one enemy that you have in your sights and this will happen over the course of 2.0 seconds allowing you to (in theory) move your reticle around causing projectiles to hit other targets as well. The other bonus of this is that your projectiles get a 30% crit chance boost.

Projectile Speed:  Almost identical to that of the Paris/Dread but slightly faster.

Projectile Type: Discs (The discs are rather small, you can see them to scale in the Grineer Skin picture below, but they pact one hell of a punch because they have Liquid ether blades allowing them to have that adaptive damage I talked about. The Liquid ether also allow them to bounce 6 times though each time they lose 20% of their velocity and also lose 15% of their base damage. Another thing about them is they always go straight through armored targets because they burn through and they always bounce off shielded targets.)

Arc: none. They fly like lovely little jet powered Frisbees; no altitude loss for these, once they get high, oh man do they fly.

Clip Size: 60.0

Noise: Completely Silent however the projectiles when the fire because they are spinning will cause a small AOE radius in the air around them that deals minute damage (base of 5-10) its dealt by liquid ether splatter. Basically it gives you a disadvantage when trying to stealth pick off enemies if they are close together. (Centrifugal Force Peeps; Physics 101)

Reload time: 9.0 (During which time blades only deal non adaptive damage because your clip/magazine is no longer attached to your sword so your out of liquid ether.) 

When you fire the projectiles, they travel down the main blade being guided by the secondary blade (You can see the ammo canister being all unattractive and circular next to the secondary blade)


Grineer Skin For Odium:





-MASSIVE RELOAD TIME 9.0 seconds. And they are useless as melee weapons during this time.

-Horribly inefficient ammo economy, because as you sword fight you have a 15% chance of accidental projectile discharge, this can be considered an advantage but trust me its not these projectiles will only deal non adaptive Slash damage because they are not intentional.

-Draws from the Sniper ammo pool rarest kind of ammo bro.

-Terrible against infested because when your dealing with level 60s you really want high damage on your melee weapon but guess what. Its not adaptive for infested, youll almost be dead in the water, because we all know that primary weapons are not the way to go with infested.

Other Animations:

-So because the blades are a superheated semi-solid ether they drip ether onto the ground and splatter it when you run and move causing hissing noises and little piffs of smoke. (And with the Grineer Skin I mean Jegus (<--Homestuck anyone?) gah it would look like its drippin LAVA makes me want to squirm. GAH!)

-When the projectiles or blades hit armor it causes stripes to appear on the armor or little holes where the projectiles punched through, and they glow because the armor is melting.

When the projectiles or blades hit shields they splatter ether on the shield and cause the clothing beneath to smoke lightly because its burning/melting.

-Sneak attack animations: the classic sword stab, you can use the "axe like" blades on the gun handle to smash the head in from both sides, or you can plunge both of the bottom blades through the enemies back allowing you to selectively throw the body at another enemy or over a ledge, but better yet you could use it as cover in a tricky situation. ;o) Grineer/Corpus body shields awh baby. Or if you’re not into that you can decapitate them using the wing like blades on near the ammo canister.

Yeah that’s it I have more ideas but I imagine you guys would prefer it if I didn’t Clutter up your Forum :o) hahaha,


- Joseph B*********

Olivionic - Warlord of the Gearhart Clan 

(The reason I am still a super low level is because my previous account was hacked :o( and I lost my beautiful Nekros and a Ton of Platinum so.. :o(( but don’t fear! I will splurge on this game very soon. very very soon. :o))



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Faction: Tenno


Name: Xannon (short energy spear launcher)



When energy formation system not in use, the xannon acts like a reinforced glove to amplify the punches of the tenno operative, which allows for devastating combos between fists and the energy spikes. When the tenno operative decides to utilize the charge attack mode, the energy dispensing system creates a short spear of energy, which allows the tenno operative to throw said energy spear, creating a more tactical approach for the operative. Given the expenditure in energy, the dispensing system requires downtime to create the next energy short spear, but close range combat can still be utilized.




pardon the terrible art, I'm not much of an artist...and it's a quick sketch.....yeah....


General view:



Back view:


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Name: Amycho
Faction: Infested
Grip: Double Dagger or Fist
Description: The Amycho, from amychophobia, the fear of excessive scratching and lacerations. A pair of Infested gauntlets that can either envelop the entire arm, or just the hand, depending on animation and modelling limitations. The Amycho would take the same stance as a fist weapon such as the Kogake, but attack in a manner akin to double daggers, like the Ether Daggers or Fang. This would allow the player to unleash a blinding flurry of rampant clawing, slashing and tearing, much like an infested would. Charge attack could be anything from a knockdown leap in the same way as a Leaper, or a vertical guillotine motion between the two claws.


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I was thinking about a combinatino of kusarigama and a katana, the chain part connecting to the end of the handle on the katana. The stance during normal attack would be katana in one hand and the chain around the other and attack with them together etc. The charge stance would be like how ripline works except you end it with a iaido slash. These are just some thoughts with names. I'm hoping this would inspire some thoughts. =D

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Name: Helikos

Faction: Tenno / Orokin

Type: Two-Handed Polearm

Description: Discovered by the Tenno amongst the ruins of an old Orokin Vault, this spear was used in ancient times by Orokin Royal Guards, the original Neural Sentries of Orokin towers. This group was rumored for being a mysterious and fierce fighting force and were personally hand picked by Orokin leaders to serve as the sovereign protectors of the vaults. This polearm is affixed with an ornate black and gold helix blade on one end and a dual spear head on the other. It has a high attack speed, and capable of acting as both a spear and axe, deals high puncture and slash damage but fails in impact, spin, and jump attacks.




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Faction: Ancient orokin


Name: Rapidues


Description: an ancient weapon type that was lost in time until an Tenno operative raiding the Orokin void found this exotic weapon in one of the locked vaults, its slim design makes it hit very quickly but requires extensive training to be fully effective. it is a rapier in nature so it have high puncture but very low bash and decent slash and can only hit one target at a time



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Faction: Tenno

Brief Description:

Chakram-like discs. Mediocre base damage is compensated by great reach, quick attack speed and ability to hit several times in a single "swing". In fight, they are hurled in arcs around the attacker, their flight is guided and eventually brought back my magnetic "anchors" on fighter's palms.

Slide attacks also hurl them around, hitting low (able to hit knocked down enemies)

Charged attack launches the discs forward in a spiral pattern.

Awful at jump attacks.

Grip type: something like dual daggers. A custom one would do better, maybe.

Original Artwork:



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Name: Exaetus


Faction: Tenno


Type: Heavy Melee


Description: Exaetus - 


This is a Heavy Melee Weapon that has a high slash and impact damage rating and also deals fire damage by default. This is due to the fact that I've actually developed a whole Tenno and weaponry line based on oil enhanced fire damage.


Exaetus Stats:


Normal Physical Damage:

 - 28 Impact

 - 16 Puncture

 - 28 Slash

 - 70 Total


Charged Physical Damage:

 - 50 Impact

 - 20 Puncture

 - 120 Slash

 - 190 Total


(Fire Damage Not Included in calculation)

(Original Artwork made using SketchUp 8 Pro and Indigo Renderer)

(Also, I have the .obj file available to the developers if desired.)





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Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: An ancient martial weaponized art, Tenno utilize the Eskrima fighting style to deal rapid blunt blows to an enemy as opposed to heavy slow impacts or sharp edges.

Grip: When attacking, the sticks are held just an eskrima stick would be held (If divided into 5 sections the Tenno would hold it on the lower 2nd .

When sheathed each stick would slide into place under the arms like a glaive, except it would start at the elbow and extend slightly beyond the palm. On First strike they pop out into the Tenno's hand.

Original Artwork: How do you paste images onto forums?

Anyway here's the link from the fan zone, will update if I figure out how to post images.


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Name: Lair
Faction: Infested
Description: Born from the research of tenno on infested, (maybe a mutation of mire) it is a scythe used with both hands for a long range. With normal attacks behaves like a simple scyte affecting up to 3 enemies while when charged sections break off and it become an heavy whipto hitting to a long-range. It has the base ability to case poison damage and mainly slashing damage. Sketch made by hands (and sorry for my bad english!" I hope you will understand XD)


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