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New Mod Idea: Autopsy


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I had originally posted this idea to r/warframe, but I'll be posting this here since I've received such wonderful feedback.


The idea is to introduce a rare mod with base 10 mod energy consumption with 3 ranks (similar to Master Thief) that allows for a chance to scan enemies upon delivering the killing blow. There have been many great mechanical ideas proposed by the folks at Reddit: the mod consumes codex scanners, the mod has variable percentage based on enemy rarity and difficulty, the mod has a single rank similar to Coolant Leak. All very good ideas. 


The original thread can be found here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1sse9q/new_mod_idea_autopsy/

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So you want me to waste capacity for a mod that gives me a chance to scan enemies when I kill them, when I could just pull out my scanner and scan them with 100% accuracy right now? Is that what I'm reading here?

That is what you're reading here, unless I unknowingly included some misleading subtext.


Suppose the mod would proc and produce a scan without regards to whether or not the enemy had been scanned before death.

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