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New Mission/faction(Ish) Idea


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OK I know people have been pushing for a new faction and that is kind of hard to just throw in there so I was thinking that instead of having a whole new species or other kind of faction we could have riots. Grineer seem more subjugators than genociders so they probably have non-grineer slaves etc. Why not have a little rebellion? Also the same could go for Corpus. They have indoctrination temples and all but not all indoctrination is accepted and people can become disillusioned.


So here is an opportunity to have a new civilian map tileset as well as a new enemy/NPC type. I don't think the Tenno are going to aid anyone in squashing rebellions but they might help the rebels. The rebels could be weakly armed and the enemy could be hesitant to use force because it would spread the discontent.


Either that or you could have a rebellion and the Grineer/Corpus DO use violence and we could try to protect the rebels. The rebels could come in a multitude of races and therefore have a whole new group of enemy types although they wouldn't necessarily be enemies.


If we have invasions why not have rebellions from within? I like the idea. Any thoughts/input?

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