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[Suggestion] Corpus


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Because the corpus are an advanced faction what if the corpus had teleporters to allow a dynamic entrance and a way to board enemy ships, it could work in a similar fashion to the alad v missions where you teleported aboard heavily infested ships.

The teleporters within corpus ships could be more like doorways that allow corpus to send forces to where the invaders are within the ship and players could use the teleporter while it is still active and be transported to other areas in the ship.

Edited by That1Guy
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Having warp gates would be a great feature in corpus map for showing off their advance technology but I also think it would be interesting if the corpus ships dropped troops off or could be invading via warp gates.

Well, there were infected transport ships coming in from that warp gate during the Hunt for Alad V event- it wouldn't be too hard to have dropships full of Corpus crewmen coming in a similar fashion.

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