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what do you mean ?

A time travel plot is probably the last thing Warframe needs, especially not to an era considered ancient by our standards when the setting is supposed to be thousands of years into the future. By most rules of time travel the world would pretty much end the moment anyone from the past laid eyes upon a Tenno since they just landed in an era that invented most of the themes and techniques that they considered ancient, and just screwed with the chain of casuality that would lead to their existence.


No time travel. Not in this game, or at least not that far back.

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A time travel plot is probably the last thing Warframe needs, especially not to an era considered ancient by our standards when the setting is supposed to be thousands of years into the future. By most rules of time travel the world would pretty much end the moment anyone from the past laid eyes upon a Tenno since they just landed in an era that invented most of the themes and techniques that they considered ancient, and just screwed with the chain of casuality that would lead to their existence.


No time travel. Not in this game, or at least not that far back.

The chain of casualty CONNECTED with interference.That is why the Tenno when in time travel mission will not only follow an action guideline but transform their suites with Tenno garments to less visible.





The most important part is the word Ninja,and how it will connect to the chained effects of time.What if the person in the picture would be named Tenno http://vintageninja.net/wp-content/uploads/American-Ninja-sword1.jpg .The possibility of actual Ninja suit to be available in time travel suit is disapointing? What are the roots of the Tenno "order" ?

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The chain of casualty CONNECTED with interference.That is why the Tenno when in time travel mission will not only follow an action guideline but transform their suites with Tenno garments to less visible.





The most important part is the word Ninja,and how it will connect to the chained effects of time.What if the person in the picture would be named Tenno http://vintageninja.net/wp-content/uploads/American-Ninja-sword1.jpg .The possibility of actual Ninja suit to be available in time travel suit is disapointing? What are the roots of the Tenno "order" ?

The "Tenno Order" originated with the Orokin, who created the Tenno as a last line of defense against the Sentients, modeling them after an ancient human civilization (if the Orokin weren't already all future-Japanese, lol). The whole "ninja order" thing that the Orokin used as inspiration for the Tenno already existed in Earth's normal history; there's no need to turn it into a self-fulfilling paradox.


That and we already know from DarkSector that the name "Tenno" came from Hayden Tenno, a human mercenary who was not only instrumental in containing the first outbreak of the Technocyte virus, but was also one of the few human beings to receive purely beneficial mutations from Technocyte infection, notably a suit and sidearm closely resembling the "modern" Excalibur and Glaive.

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The "Tenno Order" originated with the Orokin, who created the Tenno as a last line of defense against the Sentients, modeling them after an ancient human civilization (if the Orokin weren't already all future-Japanese, lol). The whole "ninja order" thing that the Orokin used as inspiration for the Tenno already existed in Earth's normal history; there's no need to turn it into a self-fulfilling paradox.


That and we already know from DarkSector that the name "Tenno" came from Hayden Tenno, a human mercenary who was not only instrumental in containing the first outbreak of the Technocyte virus, but was also one of the few human beings to receive purely beneficial mutations from Technocyte infection, notably a suit and sidearm closely resembling the "modern" Excalibur and Glaive.

The base Lore,what is it? Humans against please fill the gap.So the name Ninja is what connects all

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The base Lore,what is it? Humans against please fill the gap.So the name Ninja is what connects all

Humans aren't just a single unified faction anymore; there was the Orokin (we presume), the Tenno- even the Corpus are humans. Heck, unless there's some lore I missed the Grineer might have been a human nazi-like group that thought to preserve their "perfect" genome through mass cloning, which backfired in the end.


And the base lore is the Tenno, a lost weapon from the Orokin era, seeks to preserve balance in the solar system by preventing the genocidal Grineer, the profitmongering Corpus, and the Infestation from becoming too powerful. See also Dark Sector for further background information.

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Humans aren't just a single unified faction anymore; there was the Orokin (we presume), the Tenno- even the Corpus are humans. Heck, unless there's some lore I missed the Grineer might have been a human nazi-like group that thought to preserve their "perfect" genome through mass cloning, which backfired in the end.


And the base lore is the Tenno, a lost weapon from the Orokin era, seeks to preserve balance in the solar system by preventing the genocidal Grineer, the profitmongering Corpus, and the Infestation from becoming too powerful. See also Dark Sector for further background information.

You presume,I read the official from the game,Lore is a fixed setting

Edited by VoidGhost
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You presume,I read the official from the game,Lore is a fixed setting

Please work on your grammar, it's honestly getting very hard to follow your sentence structure. For example, which of the following best describes the statement you are trying to make:


1- "You presume your statement is correct; I have read from the official game lore, and it is a fixed setting"


2: "You presume I have read the official game lore, and that it is a fixed setting".


Because in response to the former, that still makes no sense. In response to the latter, you may want to look here: https://warframe.com/game/factions


and around here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki

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