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Sentinels: Adding A Binding/leeching Mode/mechanic?


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I had this idea in another post but thought it would be better as its own thread.

What would it be like if each Sentinel had the ability to be manually fused to and released from its Master/Host which in turn added and/or subtracted properties from either or both itself and its host's powers? I think this would be a more natural in-game evolution for our little badass floating buddies.


In its fused mode, the sentinel will land on the left shoulder of the warframe and attach itself via jellyfish type means (its hanging arms and underside are littered with jellyfish-like tendrils that inject barbed strands into its host allowing for a "more efficient merger." Many Tenno remark to the connection being so complete that after binding the thoughts of the Shade can be heard). It's new benefits to its host are due in part to the deep transference of sentinel's consciousness within that of the warframe's. The host gains the ability to monitor the movements and whereabouts of all surrounding enemies on the mini-map while simultaneously jamming enemy radar (host can't be locked onto by auto targeting mechanics like bombs, missiles, etc). Fusion also grants the host the gift of silence. Both the weapons of the sentinel and it's master are now dead-quiet, allowing for stealth killing by the droves. Adversely, while fused together, the shade cannot directly provide its host with the ability to cloak but rather will enhance any innate "stealthy" capabilities of its bearer (adds power duration to stealth abilities).

While fused the tendrils can be seen to be "stickily attached/dug into" to the front of the left shoulder of the Warframe while the head of the Shade appears to be "leechily/tick-like buried" into/atop of the left shoulder. Shade's animations would be more parasitic in look in comparison to the other sentinels with the exception of Wyrm. The Shade's eye will continually move about in a "forever searching" manner.


In its fused mode, the sentinel will land on the left forearm of the warframe and using its "worm-like" structure, forms itself onto the suit as a bracer attachment (its soft underside is equipped with octopus-like suction cups and combined with its malleable and muscular body style, the Wyrm becomes virtually unremovable unless willing. Tenno scientist have long contemplated what other applications could benefit from the Wyrm's grip capabilities, if the little beast wasn't so stubborn.) The host gains extra laser damage to all weapon types in addition to enhanced laser resistance and a bonus to shield recharge rate. Adversely, the sentinel loses any offensive capability of its own and it's host takes a reduction to reload speed and melee swing rate due to the added weight on the arm.

While fused the body of the Wyrm can be seen to "shuffle/breathe/pulsate/expand&contract" as if alive and breathing. In-between the wormy-ridges of the outer skin, laser light can be seen during "breathing" movement and when the host uses his/her weapons this effect is amplified as if the Wyrm is secreting laser energy and transferring it to the host.


In its fused mode, the sentinel will dock into the back (vacuum facing away from the body) of the warframe host and form into, essentially, a jet pack attachment (its vacuum reverses direction and heats up to create a turbine that outputs a force capable of generating lift or knocking back an enemy). This is one of the more mechanized sentinels and therefore will leave a permanent dock secured to the host body in order to attach and disembark. In docked mode the Carrier uses its vacuum ability in different ways. While not strong enough to endow its host with true flight it can enable a slow fall or a short period of hover. It can also increase melee/hand to hand speed/force by propelling its host forward during combat. Similarly to Wyrm, Carrier loses its offensive weapon and collection ability during fusion. Though without an actual weapon, Carrier still has got your back while on your back. It's detection systems will activate a short/intense blast of its jets to knock an unseen(behind) enemy back and give you that extra split second needed to readjust to a new target. As a negative on the host, the warframe takes a reduction in sprint speed and stamina capacity due to the added back weight.

While fused the sentinel will reverse position from facing forward with the warframe to facing backward away from the back of the warframe and proceed to dock in reverse. The animation will show a slight clicking/locking in of the sentinel when it reaches proper alignment for attachment. Regardless of the tint/energy color chosen, when docked the vacuum/jet/eye will glow a fire red color to show the jet stream/ flight ability.


In its fused mode, the sentinel reconfigures itself and its two weapons into a single, miniature heavy mortar cannon and docks onto the left shoulder of the warframe in a reinforced mount capable of withstanding the force of firing the heavy projectiles en masse. Like, Carrier, Dethcube will require a permanent dock to be installed on the warframe to allow for fusion and it can be seen with or without the sentinel connected. When docked the Dethcube would look like a grenade shooting version of Predator's shoulder-mounted plasma cannon or War Machine's Mini-gun. The grenade rounds would be acid/corrosive style to show the blending of "vaporize" and "machine rifle" but with a smaller AoE radius then standard grenades due to smaller size shells. Despite the narrow radius of effect, the fire rate can be upgraded to a maximum of a semi-automatic three-round burst to increase damage area. Like Carrier, the added weight of the heavy artillery and recoil will reduce sprint speed/capacity & recharge of it's host but will increase it's armor (by & up to a certain %).

While fused I think it would be cool if the locks turned into spikes that stood up and lined the shoulder area when the sentinel docks in (looks similar to Spawn). The reformation animation would look like a reconfiguring rubix cube covered in spikes, almost Decepticonish and the barrel of the launcher would always smoke with a green acidy looking gas.



In its fused mode, the sentinel will attach itself to the chest plate of the warframe host using its toxic nature to chemically burn its body into position (like a poisoned blow torch) and keep it there. The arms/legs will wrap around the waist and shoulders (and dig in at their meeting points) as if wearing a backpack across one's chest. During fusion the warframe will appear to be wearing an added, living (moving/breathing/pulsating), infested-looking breast plate with the Djinn's eye directly center of the chest. Basically, an infested Iron Man chest piece. The Djinn's fused arsenal augments its powers to suit a more run and gun play style. In the fusion process the sentinel forfeits its Stinger Gun and uses those poison abilities to attach itself to its host. All this power is not lost, however, as during fusion the Djinn inadvertently fills its host with poison, lessening his/her maximum health (by a %) but gifting in return, the ability to deal out poison damage when shields are struck and when striking with guns or melee. The sentinel's Attract ability is refocused/solidified into a front facing, beam canon with a slow charge rate but high damage output. This Beam Cannon uses/charges the warframes own shield energy to launch the attack. In doing so, the warframe suffers from a slight reduction to overall shield capacity/recharge rate (% lessen-able through mods, etc) and the Beam Canon cannot be used if the host's shields are depleted. Both the poisoning strength and power/charge rate of the beam cannon can be enhanced/upgraded by a certain %.

*Secondary Idea for Attract*

Instead of a Beam Cannon, the Attract ability could be re-tooled to infuse the host's shields with whatever kind of Napalm/Laser Infested power comes from the charged blast. Just like the charged blast, the Djinn would take a few seconds (timing reduced through mods/leveling/whatever), charge and release a pulse of the same kind of energy and over power its host's shields into a 360 degree, red force-field of burning/laser impact damage (modding for higher impact/fire damage). So anything the warframe touches or runs into burns and/or gets knocked down. Also incinerates all incoming projectiles except laser (deflects lasers). Unfortunate side effects are it incinerates your out-going projectiles and blocks the warframe from connecting with melee blows, as well (force-field is in the way). It also temporarily depletes the host's shields during and after use (shields are overcharged to beyond maximum/dangerous output levels and mixed with the Djinn's powers to create the destructive laser energy barrier) but shields will recharge as fast as they are modded. Solid/flickering red colored shields will visually indicate the timing factor.

While fused, I think the animation of the Djinn should show the limbs to be constantly readjusting themselves for a better grip, like a spider's legs. The tips of the limbs should have a small, single, claw-like end (like a spider's leg with an eagle claw at the end), which should be dug into the back of the body of the host (in the shoulder blade and waist areas) and always glowing green to show toxicity. Meanwhile the eye should be twinkling until it begins to power up, then it pulsates red until it fires. At which time it will stay a solid glowing red for the duration of the power use. The animation for the Beam Canon should show a charging effect that glows like a combination of mod after pickup (shooting/sparkling stars), the Attract's actual charge and some effect that shows the power being channeled from the warframe's shield through the Djinn and converted into a huge red blast. Realistically, the animation for the Infested Laser Barrier is exactly the same. The only difference is the output. Instead of a big red blast, the red shield will flicker in from the bottom, grow to surround the warframe in a red orb and solidify (all very quickly). The shield's dissipation will be exactly the same just reversed.


*UPDATE: I was thinking that like using the codex or any other consumable (and this only applies to PS4 cause PC has an entire keyboard to work with), the attach/detach function would be activated by pressing down on the d-pad and highlighting & selecting the attach/detach function. It would be done with a singular tooltip as attach/detach would depend on the current state of the sentinel. If it is attached at the time of the button press, it will detach and vice versa. The change over would be as instantaneous as possible but the ability is meant to be a calculated change to augment or add a new gameplay element. If the DEvelopers go and decide to change the UI and some in-game controls, this ability can always be remapped.

I may have missed a few things, just off the top of my head, but that is basically the gist. Thanks for reading.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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I've gotten used to it, but I've never liked seeing those things floating over others and myself. You've got this badass Warframe then this weird random drone thing tethered over you. Might not be so bad if it could actually leave the area over your head.


When they were first released I wanted them to be intergraded into the suit but the seemingly vocal majority wanted them to stay. So you have my +1.

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Thanks for the positivity. These are just my initial ideas, but I really feel that (as does Aryajmarya) this would add a new/different level/aspect to the whole combat system, not to mention keeping the sentinel close and out of LoS. Funny thing about Djinn, I knew people (that liked my idea) would ask about him/her/it, but I don't have any knowledge of Djinn being rather new and coming from the PS4 version. I will look it up and try something, no promises.

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Thanks for the positivity. These are just my initial ideas, but I really feel that (as does Aryajmarya) this would add a new/different level/aspect to the whole combat system, not to mention keeping the sentinel close and out of LoS. Funny thing about Djinn, I knew people (that liked my idea) would ask about him/her/it, but I don't have any knowledge of Djinn being rather new and coming from the PS4 version. I will look it up and try something, no promises.

I'm  a PC player that doesn't have Djinn either, but from what I've heard its ability to pull enemies into melee range for you ends up being more trouble than help most of the time. Consequently most people only like it for its weapon, which can easily be equipped on a whole different Sentinel.

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I'm  a PC player that doesn't have Djinn either, but from what I've heard its ability to pull enemies into melee range for you ends up being more trouble than help most of the time. Consequently most people only like it for its weapon, which can easily be equipped on a whole different Sentinel.

Yeah, from what I have heard/seen, Djinn is not worth the build costs at all... other than for its weapon, of course. I would totally build it just to give my Shade the Stinger. Then I would have the Stealth setup I have been wanting/looking for. Regardless, ask and ye shall receive! I have updated my post to include my Djinn ideas. Enjoy!

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At first, I thought it would be a bad idea, but as I read further, your ideas grew on me.
It would provide more diversity to the combat system and tactics.
I'd give more feedback but it's late and I'm tired. :P
Also do something for Djinn c:

Feedback whenever you can. Greatly appreciated. Just remember, these are my initial ideas (be gentle). Djinn has been added! Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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Make dijin be on the frames head making them do a toxin proc each time!

I think putting a sentinel on the head may work, but there isn't a sentinel in existence that I can see working in that position. Although, if there were one among the current batch that could do it, it would definitely be Djinn. Now that I think about it, though, the head would be a difficult place to make a good fit (as most sentinels are rather large and the other body parts are more uniform/universal across all frames, more so than the heads). Still, it's possible, but not likely with this current array of floating buddies.

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I've gotten used to it, but I've never liked seeing those things floating over others and myself. You've got this badass Warframe then this weird random drone thing tethered over you. Might not be so bad if it could actually leave the area over your head.


When they were first released I wanted them to be intergraded into the suit but the seemingly vocal majority wanted them to stay. So you have my +1.

Now that you mention it, I do have more than enough instances when my sentinel gets in my LoS, particularly when sneaking around and taking cover. In realistic lore terms, the sentinels and warframes would have to be integrated to a certain degree in order for them to be mutually beneficial or just plain communicate properly. So, I think, in terms of fitting in the game lore, this leeching property/mode would be a square peg for a square hole.

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I think the idea in general is great, but there is one problem I see.

Mod Loadouts.

Clearly this fused mode will require its own setup, as one build with certain abilities cannot suffice for the second mode with different ones.

So do we give it a whole new mod loadout (8 mod slots with some, perhaps new, sentinel precept polarities)?

If that were to happen, would the fusing process require a mod to enable? So, suppose I were to place the new fusion mods onto my current sentinel build, it will open up and new area, and for free(like 1st ability mods when they're unranked, and this mod can't be fused to a higher level), I get a precept that allows me to switch my sentinel back. I can then unlock the new abilities of my sentinel in combat, maybe hotkey of 5(What button is free/unused on PS4? .-.) to activate the fusing process.

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I think the idea in general is great, but there is one problem I see.

Mod Loadouts.

Clearly this fused mode will require its own setup, as one build with certain abilities cannot suffice for the second mode with different ones.

So do we give it a whole new mod loadout (8 mod slots with some, perhaps new, sentinel precept polarities)?

If that were to happen, would the fusing process require a mod to enable? So, suppose I were to place the new fusion mods onto my current sentinel build, it will open up and new area, and for free(like 1st ability mods when they're unranked, and this mod can't be fused to a higher level), I get a precept that allows me to switch my sentinel back. I can then unlock the new abilities of my sentinel in combat, maybe hotkey of 5(What button is free/unused on PS4? .-.) to activate the fusing process.

Sweet! Feedback!


I will do this by points as to not get confusing.


Point 1: The Mod Loadouts.

I didn't really give the mechanics a real working structure, it was just more of a logical progression and a cool little tweak (I would just play w/ the binding mechanic a lot). But now that you mention it, I do have an idea. As fas as setup, I would just have 2 separate Mod panes with 8 slots each. Either can be reached by toggling R1, L1. The two panes would represent the two modes, kind of like the color panes in the "Appearance" section of the Arsenal. So when floating the sentinel would use its normal mod setup and a different mod setup for fused mode. For the most part, many of the same mods will be used for both mode setups, but players will want/can have variation through modding.


Example: Shade users will want to leave ghost off of their fused setup pane as it won't work because fused mode doesn't offer that ability.



Point 2: New Sentinel Mod Stuff.

I would think/hope so. I think sentinels are a little bit outdated and under-powered (kind of bland). I know they are supposed to be "helpers" but they could do more without being overkill (Why I like Shade and Carrier, they're different). I don't see the harm with fused mode offering the free addition of however many sentinel "special move" mods(upgradable) as necessary, as you are only using one set at a time. If they have to be literal spares and can't be shared between mode mod panes, then so be it (but I'd hope they could be shared). Needing another Vitality, Redirection and so on for the same sentinel in different modes doesn't make full sense.


Example: Shade would have the ability to silence all weapons (granted this is based off the pretense that they make Stealth a more viable element/play style worthy of its own "real gear" w/ proper silencing accessories for weapons). So stealth kills would be a huge bonus to affinity if the player can kill a whole room, quickly and quietly (that could even be the Mission type name, Quick and Quiet). 


**I had another really good idea (a little off topic, but it segues nice) for a new move to compliment the addition of "real stealth play." Banshee is the sound frame, I believe. What if she could emit an "Anti-Sound Field" and all the players who stand inside its range have their attacks silenced. Would definitely add a pack/fire team (rainbow 6) mentality and blends perfect with "Quick & Quiet" missions and revitalizes an older frame. **



Point 3: The Hotkeys. ( I use the default controller setup w/ the touch pad)

As I said before, I didn't think it out to that degree of technicalities, but maybe the D-pad? I know down brings up the gear menu, and up must do something if down does, but I can't ever recall using left or right (except when navigating other sub menus, but I don't know if they have their own mapped functions, in-game). Giving it a second thought, the touch pad button would be really good and enable a quicker mode switch and the mini map should be remapped to the D-pad as it is primarily loaded with utility functions anyway. PC has the whole keyboard so I'm not as concerned w/ them (sorry PC peeps). But just spit-balling here, i'm no programmer. 

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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Point 2: New Sentinel Mod Stuff.

I would think/hope so. I think sentinels are a little bit outdated and under-powered (kind of bland). I know they are supposed to be "helpers" but they could do more without being overkill (Why I like Shade and Carrier, they're different). I don't see the harm with fused mode offering the free addition of however many sentinel "special move" mods(upgradable) as necessary, as you are only using one set at a time. If they have to be literal spares and can't be shared between mode mod panes, then so be it (but I'd hope they could be shared). Needing another Vitality, Redirection and so on for the same sentinel in different modes doesn't make full sense.


Example: Shade would have the ability to silence all weapons (granted this is based off the pretense that they make Stealth a more viable element/play style worthy of its own "real gear" w/ proper silencing accessories for weapons). So stealth kills would be a huge bonus to affinity if the player can kill a whole room, quickly and quietly (that could even be the Mission type name, Quick and Quiet). 


I was actually referring to the sentinel precepts, but I guess I wasn't really clear. Obviously, Vitality, Sanctuary and Redirection, etc would be the same, but abilities such as Carrier's vacuum (which I believe is unavailable in fused form) should either be transformed or replaced by a new precept in the second mod pane. Mods like Fired Up, which goes on the sentinel but directly affects the weapon, should probably be disabled on the new 'fused' pane.

Edited by Aryajmarya
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I was actually referring to the sentinel precepts, but I guess I wasn't really clear. Obviously, Vitality, Sanctuary and Redirection, etc would be the same, but abilities such as Carrier's vacuum (which I believe is unavailable in fused form) should either be transformed or replaced by a new precept in the second mod pane. Mods like Fired Up, which goes on the sentinel but directly affects the weapon, should probably be disabled on the new 'fused' pane.

That is basically how I would think/like it to work. Though, having the Sentinel Page (Arsenal) have 2 Mod Screens (scrollable by L1,R1 or something) totally independent of one another would be the more realistic way of implementing the feature. The game is already a ton of grinding, making you have to get 2 sets of Mods (excluding Precepts which are given w/ the acquiring of the ability, along w/ matching Polarity slots) for the Fused "option"(blueprint from the Foundry) could be the drawback (or one of them) of choosing the ability. But also true is how many of those sentinel cards and fusion cores do you come across running missions, a decent amount. So it wouldn't be too big of an inconvenience. The ability would outweigh the costs in most cases.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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  • 1 month later...

I am really liking this idea, however I do not agree on the dual mod loadout pages. I believe it should just be the one page so you have to do a targeted build as opposed to a can-handle-every-situation option. Having to build a sentinel specifically for the fusion mode would make it virtually useless in deployed mode, however would give great stat boosts when docked for example, making the build options much more interesting imo.


Another little idea for if this is design becomes a reality - regen is replaced by an autodocking mod, in which when the sentinel is about to die (ie 5% health, no shields) it quickly returns to you frame, where it remains for ~30secs to regenerate/repair before it can be redeployed. Upgrading this mod would allow for more docks, or perhaps a faster retreat with infinite docks, reducing likelihood of a death in retreat. Obviously, the more mechanised sentinels could redeploy quicker due to replacing parts as opposed to regenerating them.

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I am really liking this idea, however I do not agree on the dual mod loadout pages. I believe it should just be the one page so you have to do a targeted build as opposed to a can-handle-every-situation option. Having to build a sentinel specifically for the fusion mode would make it virtually useless in deployed mode, however would give great stat boosts when docked for example, making the build options much more interesting imo.


Another little idea for if this is design becomes a reality - regen is replaced by an autodocking mod, in which when the sentinel is about to die (ie 5% health, no shields) it quickly returns to you frame, where it remains for ~30secs to regenerate/repair before it can be redeployed. Upgrading this mod would allow for more docks, or perhaps a faster retreat with infinite docks, reducing likelihood of a death in retreat. Obviously, the more mechanised sentinels could redeploy quicker due to replacing parts as opposed to regenerating them.

The binding is just another way of using the innate abilities of each sentinel in a different way and each has its drawbacks. The dual mod screen is just an idea, how that would actually be handled would be up to the DEvs as the math behind the game mechanics is too complex. While on the topic of the mods screen, if two different screens were to be used, each screen would have different default precepts only usable in their respective modes. Even though they are different, they are not solutions for every problem and in fact creates different issues when used due to the synergy(as some binding eliminates the sentinels weapons, etc). 


I like the idea of an innately bound sentinel that is weaker when away from its host. That's really cool. That would be a neat idea for a new dojo room. The sentinel forge. It would be awesome if you could make a sentinel in the the style of the already created ones, but biopsy your fav warframe and build/grow a new sentinel in the style of say, Shade, but with more innate symmetry to the frame it was spawned from, like Ash.


Auto-docking mod card, done. Great idea (the 30 secs delay) is good too. I would just have it increase (by mods/leveling) regen (health/shields) speed when docked (using the power from the frame) along with the auto-return when a certain health percentage is lost. An interesting twist would be when this happens, its staggers the frames regen/rates for a few secs while both the suit and sentinel become readjusted to the binding/sharing of powers. 

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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At first, I thought it would be a bad idea, but as I read further, your ideas grew on me.

It would provide more diversity to the combat system and tactics.

I'd give more feedback but it's late and I'm tired. :P

Also do something for Djinn c:

Hahaha... grew on, leech/docking mechanics.

Anyways, to the OP. This is a very interesting and well done idea. Hope it gets sent into reality! Also, for shade, what about having it so stealthing abilities: Loki and Ash, cost less energy instead, or something along those lines? It makes sense, given that Shade can permanently stealth in a way, while they can only stealth a certain amount of time so realistically extending stealth time would possibly give them perma-stealth, so just having the effort to become invisible become less would make more sense. (Sorry if I sound confusing). 

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Hahaha... grew on, leech/docking mechanics.

Anyways, to the OP. This is a very interesting and well done idea. Hope it gets sent into reality! Also, for shade, what about having it so stealthing abilities: Loki and Ash, cost less energy instead, or something along those lines? It makes sense, given that Shade can permanently stealth in a way, while they can only stealth a certain amount of time so realistically extending stealth time would possibly give them perma-stealth, so just having the effort to become invisible become less would make more sense. (Sorry if I sound confusing). 

That is also a possibility, but with the amount of Frame mod cards out atm that also lower power costs, I doubt that DEvs would want to further lower costs... I mean my smoke screen only costs like 22-24 energy out of the 275 I have and it is constantly regenerating on top of the orbs I pick up. Any lower and I would never be visible :D Though that's not necessarily a bad thing. But I could be wrong. My idea behind the binding mode for shade was that when connected all attacks, melee (even though already silent) and ranged are completely silent, so technically, if ur strong enough, you could silently kill a whole room pretty quick without the enemy getting off a single shot. So no one would be alerted, but you wouldn't have to be invisible to do so, just not seen (so you could stay out of sight at a distance or just take cover). Maybe with a new frame aura card the binding mode bonuses could be shared among the group, but only when bound (this might make it OP, but it's just an idea, I just had, just now). Imagine a whole team completely silent and just unloading clips in a single direction or back to back, taking out whole rooms without alarms, so sweet. Of course being Loki or Ash and using your own powers while silent as well, would make you seem to be almost non-existent for a short duration.

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