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Ash Frame Update Ideas.


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As an avid (and mainly) Ash user, I am very fond of my frame and would like to see its true potential realized. I currently don't even use the other 2 Precept Polarized slots. Blade Storm is fun but costs to much to use when considering mods and teleport is just plain useless... and I really don't want to re-polarize a Precept slot. So these are my ideas about how to best change/upgrade the design of the most ninja of space ninjas.


#1: Merging Teleport & Blade Storm... Blade Port/ Teleblade? *UPDATED*

Alone, these 2 moves are halves of a whole. Combined into one move would turn 2 stale moves into 1 awesome utility. As an instant means of travel, skipping "B" on the way to "C" with the option to add in an ending, targeted sneak attack on 1 foe at a distance (yielding bonus sneak and impact damage & staggering the target) or as a way to beam to a friend in trouble. Ash will always come up behind the intended target. The new move should also give the frame the ability to pass between (walls, somehow) locked doors and laser barriers. When aiming the ability the UI/HUD could be similar to that of the current Codex view that reveals items and people of interest to beam to that are obstructed by walls, doors or objects. 


#2: The new Power Move, "Ninjutsu" or "Shinobi." *UPDATED*

This move is reminiscent of the old ninja franchises, Shinobi and Ninja Gaiden. And it is exactly what you are thinking. Ash calls upon the ancient spirits of combat, causing his entire inner potential to manifest outward empowering him with tremendous increases to strength and speed. The idea behind this it is basically a longer lasting, controllable version of Excalibur's Slash Dash with a little of Wolverine's Beserker Attack thrown in. So it could be used to slash through a line of enemies like in checkers (king me!) or circle around the perimeter of a smaller enclosed area, taking out waves of foes. Distance/Duration increased by mods. Ash would appear to be hovering off the ground and propelled forward in a purple shadowy glow (has a firey/smoke effect) causing him to move with awesome speed (player's current maximum sprint speed). While in this state, whatever equipped weapon also swings so incredibly fast (so fast that he can block bullets with a sword) that it is striking and parrying simultaneously, rendering Ash invulnerable from the front. Upgrading the ability widens the range of attack/deflect in front of Ash and its duration (up to 25 seconds). Also, increasing the players overall sprint speed through mods will increase the movement speed (not attack) during use as well. So while active the player would be guiding Ash's actions but not manually swinging the weapon, that would be automatic. The player just tells Ash where and what to hit. 


#3: Shurikens... by the Handfuls. *UPDATED*

Better than an Ash specific Glaive, would be a more AoE type move for taking out a crowd (in short-medium range) in a single instant. Ash just hurls 2 handfuls of shurikens directly in front of him (either together or 1 after another), with the same damage and bonuses as the current move and shreds everything within range. Would be great for Survival missions.


#4: Smoke Bombardment.

Another simple twist. Though I'd like Smoke Bomb to last as long as Loki's Invisibility, I know it most likely won't happen. So an interesting twist would be, make smoke bomb usable on friendly targets/other players. This now gives the move more utility than simply a glorified cloaking. So now, rescuing downed/dying players is better. It also helps the more melee oriented classes/players be more effective in group. It enables the critical damage bonus cap to be raised on all effected. Those cloaked by smoke bomb get half the bonus multipliers of that of the caster. but unlike Loki's Invisibility, Ash's smoke screen should benefit thrown (shurikens, kunai)/thrown melee weapons (glaive, kestrel) and Bows.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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1: Basically let Teleport be chainable and allow a window for sneak attacks? Just as long as it isn't necessarily instant death like Blade Storm is, that might make it more useful. Better yet, what if you could chain it to bounce you off surfaces for fast travel, too?


2: Sounds almost too much like Valkyr's Hysteria, if I understand it correctly...


3: I don't see the point to this; there already is a shuriken weapon the Tenno use, and shuriken are already more fitting for Ash's ninja theme. Plus they're both already circular throwing blades, aside from minor cosmetics there's hardly a difference between these.


4: That actually sounds cool; now you can use it to help yourself and/or allies escape, or improve its application as a diversion! The only problem I could think of is some might consider it OP after a while.

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1: Basically let Teleport be chainable and allow a window for sneak attacks? Just as long as it isn't necessarily instant death like Blade Storm is, that might make it more useful. Better yet, what if you could chain it to bounce you off surfaces for fast travel, too?


2: Sounds almost too much like Valkyr's Hysteria, if I understand it correctly...


3: I don't see the point to this; there already is a shuriken weapon the Tenno use, and shuriken are already more fitting for Ash's ninja theme. Plus they're both already circular throwing blades, aside from minor cosmetics there's hardly a difference between these.


4: That actually sounds cool; now you can use it to help yourself and/or allies escape, or improve its application as a diversion! The only problem I could think of is some might consider it OP after a while.

1: I just want to make Teleport useful. I think that your idea is good too.  It should just be more viable for stealth play, whether the enemy is unaware or the alarms have already been sound, being able to sneak up on them and execute is key(its kinda what Ash was designed to do, but in his current form, he is severely lacking in this capability). It should enable instant transport (chain-able is a great upgrade idea) to a specific destination within LoS (no lengthly animations, just phases out and back in again). Being able to add/chain in an attack would be great too (Ash would always come out behind the intended target). Whether it be an assassination or just a means of getting the first strike in (high impact damage that staggers enemy) without getting hit yourself.


2: I see your point. I didn't know too much about Valkyr's abilities till now. I guess it would be similar but without all the other immunities and it applies to all of Ash's weapons, melee, ranged(and specials like shuriken) and xp is still gained during use. Ash would only be immune to frontal attacks as the whirlwind of attacks would block any incoming strikes (maybe stun would be nullified too, but not knockdowns as it is an AoE attack, mostly). I just think it would make sense for Ash to have a power very similar to that of the old Shinobi games.


3: Yea, it is mainly a cosmetic upgrade. I just feel like the ability is repetitive when the throwing stars are a regular weapon in-game as well. Maybe another throwing weapon type instead of shurikens or just make it cooler in some way. I am really at a loss for this one. *UPDATE: Having Ash throw two handfuls of shurikens and kill all in the room (in front of him only) with the same impunity as it does now would be great.


4: Yea, well, I see many other abilities as being over-powered all day (rhino stomp, Hysteria, snow globe, overload, etc), let them complain or just get an Ash frame. Ash just doesn't have any type of move that even comes close, his single enemy attacks are not even that strong, in comparison. Let the haters hate. 

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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Here's my thoughts... Teleport can be fixed by making it cost something paltry like 10-15 energy and target the ground, stunning enemies that are too close. Shurikens can be explosive, making them either deadly or disabling, say they're sharp flash-bangs, even, just give Ash a bit more utility against a group... Smoke-bomb being abe to cloak friendlies is great. And as far as blade-storm, for the love of god, just make it faster. Disappear, every targetted enemy gets slashed in half in sequence, reappear. The animations, while cooler than cucumbers on ice, work about 33% of the time, and the rest of the time are an eyesore, or put him in the wall/ground/ceiling.

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Here's my thoughts... Teleport can be fixed by making it cost something paltry like 10-15 energy and target the ground, stunning enemies that are too close. Shurikens can be explosive, making them either deadly or disabling, say they're sharp flash-bangs, even, just give Ash a bit more utility against a group... Smoke-bomb being abe to cloak friendlies is great. And as far as blade-storm, for the love of god, just make it faster. Disappear, every targetted enemy gets slashed in half in sequence, reappear. The animations, while cooler than cucumbers on ice, work about 33% of the time, and the rest of the time are an eyesore, or put him in the wall/ground/ceiling.

I definitely like having teleport be cheap, it just needs to be. I also like the stun idea but (after some thought, I changed my mind) it just needs to be an elusive move. Whether in attacking or fleeing, the enemy should not know where you went/are, or even be alerted to your presence from its use.


Better than exploding shurikens (cause its a silent weapon) would just be if Ash plainly threw more at more targets. Like he took the 2 handfuls that he carries when using them as a sidearm and throws both together or 1 handful at a time, killing all in front of him (except you wouldn't actually have to be using a throwing sidearm).


Thanks for the kudos on smoke bomb. I thought it seemed logical. In Ninja movies, they do it to evacuate another person all the time. Why not in the game?


For Blade Storm, that is the direction I was going, very "Shinobi." My main issue with BS besides the animation time and quirks, is that it is not player controlled, taking a lot of fun out of the frame. One could argue that Volt (and the like) doesn't control Overload, but that is an explosion. It needs no control. Most other moves are actively cast with more player involvement. I like your idea (which is essentially my idea as well, except in mine Ash doesn't go invisible just shadowy-ninja powered), but it is still just an animation. Ash is meant to take out a single target or a small group/pocket (silently) and that's all the fun of playing the frame. If players actually took the time to play levels, instead of just running and gunning (or if stealth play became an important element instead of just a parlor trick) Ash would be tremendously fun. The team would need to take out a whole room, no shots fired, no alarms. Send in Ash (Maybe Loki too). BOOM! Room cleared, team enters unseen. That would be awesome.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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The problem with applying invisibility to others is that trolls could use it in defense, making all enemies instantly aggro the pod with nothing to divert them.

I don't know anything about that. But, man do we hate trolls! It could be capped at say 2 other players/npc's (rescues, etc). even just one other player would be infinitely better and more useful. I'd buy that for a dollar.

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