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Stedfa The Harmony Warframe And Viceroy The Sinester Warframe


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I like to give out two separate Warframes with their own thoughts in mind. One who prefers to be harmonious in many ways, and the other wants to be with himself or become a bad influence to his own teammates.




Name: Stedfa

Appearance: An ornamentally dressed frame still posing the ability to perform agile movements... sort of.




Idea: A Harmony-themed Warframe with the utilization of her envirnoment and herself in order to take advantage of the battlefield.


- Base Statistics

Health: 125

Power: 150

Armor: 15

Shields: 125

Shield Recharge: 25

Sprint Speed: 1.05

Stamina: 8


- Abilities:


1. Blink (Energy: 25)

- Stedfa teleports at a short distance, while leaving a blink of both life and death behind.

- Distance travelled about 15 / 18 / 21 / 25 meters.

- An explosion is left after Stedfa teleported away from that location.

- This deals 70-70-70 / 90-90-90 / 110-110-110 / 130-130-130 Impact, Puncture and Slash damage in a 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 meter explosion.

- This also give 40/60/80/100 Health in an act of an explosion as well, making further distance giving less health. Same distance with damage.

--- This will not give Stedfa health, on the other hand.


2. Subverse (Energy: 50)

- Shifts Stedfa's Health into Shields and Shields into Health in exchange.

- Stedfa does not require to perform an animation with this ability.


3. Sanctuary (Energy: 75)

- Pulses a field of energy that amplifies Stedfa and her team, giving boosts to reload speed, ability speed and recoil/accuracy. This also gives damage resistance on both health and shields.

- Reload speed increases up to 15% / 25% / 30%/ 50%. This is additive.

- Ability speed increases up to 15% / 25% / 30%/ 50%. This is additive.

- Recoil effects are decreased by 15% / 25% / 30%/ 50%. This is multiplicative.

- Accuracy increases up to 15% / 25% / 30% / 50%. This is multiplicative.

- Damage resistance gives about 10% /15% / 20% / 25%. This is multiplicative to other damage resistances.

- Affects players at a distance of 5 / 8 / 11 / 15 meters.

- Lasts for 3 / 5 / 7 / 10 seconds.


4. Synergy (Energy: 100)

- Stedfa calls the power of the Unity, forming her veins into vines of connection, linking all teammates. 

- Has infinite range to cover.

- Forces all teammates to add up all their shields and health into two Shield and Health pools.

- Armor is also shared in the process.

- Damage taken by all players that are affected by this ability is reduced by 15% / 20% / 25% / 33%.

- Taking damage as a single player will be distributed to all teammates.

- Shield pool is regenerated independently by each player as long as such player is not directly taking damage.

- If Shield pool is depleted, players continue to take damage as health damage as a whole.

- If Health pool is depleted, the Synergy is terminated and all teammates will be given a Health point of 5 / 10 / 15 / 25.

--- This kind of termination instantly grants temporary invulnerability of 3 seconds. Cannot be affects by Duration mods. (To prevent trolling.)

- Asides from the first termination, this ability lasts for 15 / 18 / 20 / 25 seconds.

--- This termination does not give invulnerability.

--- If the ability is terminated this way, Health and Shield are distributed evenly to the players.




Name: Viceroy

Appearance: A strange frame with the initial persona for murder.




Idea: Formal but sinister, an average person with true evil as his own weapon.


- Base Statistics

Health: 100

Power: 100

Armor: 450

Shields: 100

Shield Recharge: 25

Sprint Speed: 0.95

Stamina: 8


- Abilities:


1. Rake (Energy: 25)

- Viceroy is enraged, and he must toss someone out of the open with his weapon. Like holding a Grineer Lancer and hurls him to a group of enemies.

- Requires an enemy to perform this move, as a result.

- Bosses are not allowed with this ability.

- Light to Medium enemies are grabbed on the throat, charges such enemies and throws them like a grenade.

--- Impact of the thrown unit will deal 100 / 150 / 175 / 250 Impact damage, while 1.5x / 1.75x / 2x / 2.5x is dealt to the thrown.

--- If the thrown unit dies in the process, an explosion spanning 5 / 7 / 8 / 10 meters will deal 150 / 200 / 225 / 300 Explosion damage.

- If a Heavy unit is grabbed by Viceroy:

--- He will grab the unit up high and tosses the unit like a piano, Hulk-style.

--- Impact of this Heavy unit will deal 175 / 225 / 275 / 350 Impact damage, while 1.5x / 1.75x / 2x / 2.5x is dealt to the thrown.

--- If the thrown unit dies in the process, an explosion spanning 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 meters will deal 200 / 250 / 300 / 400 Explosion damage.

--- This condition requires a longer throwing animation than used in Light to Medium units.


2. Doom (Energy: 50)

- Viceroy opens an aura of anguish in the area, forcing enemies in demoralization and disgust to their own faction.

- Range of this debuff spans at 15/20/22/25 meters.

- Enemies will deal less damage by 20% / 30% / 35% / 50%.

- Enemies are slowed at 20% / 30% / 35% / 50%.

- When enemies attack, they have 5% / 7.5% / 10% / 15% chance to receive a Radiation debuff.

- Duration of this effect lasts for 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 seconds.


3. Madcap (Energy: 75)

- Viceroy employs his sinister persona to nearby teammates, making them much more aggressive but it will make them reckless as well.

- Buffs teammates with increase Rate of Fire by 15% / 25% / 30% / 50%.

- Increases Melee Attack Speed by 15% / 25% / 30% / 50%.

- Increases Melee Range by 15% / 25% / 30% / 50%. This is additive with Reach.

- Increases Number of enemies hit by melee by 1 / 2 / 2 / 3.

- Decreases Accuracy of Ranged weapons by 5% / 10% / 15% / 20%.

- Each melee attack by a player deals 10% / 8% / 7.5% / 5% of their own Base damage of the weapons they carry.

- Lasts for 5 / 8 / 10 / 12 seconds.


4. Ghast (Energy: 100)

- Viceroy enters a deep state of anger, that forces him to blasts it out like a vile of hate.

- Creates 7 / 10 / 12 / 15 explosions as Viceroy shows his hate that lasts for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 seconds.

- Each explosion deals 100 / 125 / 150 / 200 Blast damage and 100 / 125 / 150 / 200 Radiation damage.

- Radius of each explosion span 8 / 10 / 12 / 15 meters.

- Viceroy will stay in his position until the ability wears off.



Any comments? :3

Edited by Freelancer27
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Stedfa sounds rather fascinating and would make a rather interesting playstyle, though it might need some testing and balancing first just to make sure it isn't overpowering. Might want to reduce the numbers on Blink's healing since as a 25-er it will be spammable. Also, wouldn't a "balance" effect create destruction on one end and healing on the other instead of both at the same end? And on the note of "balance" thematics I'm thinking Sanctuary should cover a relatively small area (max value is big enough for 4 tenno still) but affect enemies and allies alike within the area of effect, so instead of just being a pure buff it needs some tactical thinking to make useful, too.



Viceroy though, I dunno. I see where you're going with the theme, but I don't feel like you're making as good use of it as you could be. Its abilities don't seem particularly impressive, either. The concept is workable and the idea could still be salvaged, but he might just need some more thought for now.

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I have a feel that you've been watching me...



Thanks... I guess. D:

Yeah I tend to post on every active topic I have something to say about, which is more or less all of them. Sorry if I come across as stalker-ish, but rest assured it's not intentional; I do that to everyone on this forum.

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Yeah I tend to post on every active topic I have something to say about, which is more or less all of them. Sorry if I come across as stalker-ish, but rest assured it's not intentional; I do that to everyone on this forum.

Well, saying that actually makes me less Stalked right now. So, I do appreciate your response. :3

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