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Melee Sentinel!


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Since we have the shotgun, rifle and pistol sentinels etc I thought it would be fun to have a melee sentinel that chops stuff to pieces :D


reminiscent of half-life 2's Manhacks;




It should have high hp/shields+regen


high status chance too :)


perhaps as an exception it should be able to crit stuff? :) always wonderes why sentinels have %crit but can't do it -.-


I have no idea what it's special ability should be like, perhaps "Shadow slash"

It attacks each time you attack in melee^^ so weapons like the dual zoren will be fun to use :)


thumbs up if you like it and share your thoughts ^^



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There actually was a rather nice thread with suggestions for melee-based Sentinels that's worth looking at; I could link it here if I could find it.

Here you are, Cobalt. I too find these melee sentinel ideas really clever. But regardless of who came up with it, it is a great addition to the game and I hope we get some.



Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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