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Warframe Idea: Bodolf


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Bodolf, The pack leader.

(Also i do have hard times coming up with names so...this was the best i could do. If you have a better idea for a name, do share.)


He would be based on a wolf and its pack.

His pack are always around him and are just awaiting on orders on when to attack. (His first and forth abilitys)


(States can be different as these were numbers right off the top of my head.)

HP: 100 Max: 275 or 325

Shield: 125 Max: 290 or 315

Armor: 75-100

Speed: Um...I dunno. a decent speed would be good. (I dunno how to rate speed in the game so eh!)



1. Pack charge: Bodolf's pack appears in front of him and charged forward clearing a path for him. It would be like Excalibur/Rhinos dash forward move but there would be four of them in front of the frame and would change forward to well clear a path for him instead of him charging. Also they would look like canines (Oh kinda like that metal canine from 'Metal Gear Solid: Rising') and as soon as they reach the range they can go they disappear.

2. Feral Instinct: Bodolf howls and enemies in range are labeled and can be seen through walls, (But the further away you are the dimmer they are so if you are on the other side of the wall from one and your energy color is light red then that red will be at its full color. But if they are two rooms away then that red is very dim.) Also it it could either increase melee speed & damage or movement speed for 5-10 seconds. Also alleys can see the enemys though the walls as well, and if the puff was added it would go to them as well if they are in range.

3. Hunt: Makes him and his alleys in range (which would be a small range) invisible for a short time like 10-15 seconds.


3. Strike: Rushes toward a eniemy and strikes the selected tagets weak point dealing lots of damage.

(Didn't know which would be a good 3rd ability so eh)

4. The Pack: He summons his pack, which are those four feral canines he used for his first ability and they seek out the strongest targets and destroy them. They stay till either there shields and health are depleted, (Which that pack member retreats and disappears so it doesn't actually die,) or there time runs out.
Each one of thefour  pack members would have the same amout of armor, speed, health and shields as there leader Bodolf. (With or without mods)


(This dosnt need to be added to his Ult ->)They could also are melee fighters and each one has a specific ability. Like one does a shock wave, one can sacrifice itself to revive you (Only if the Ult is active). Another can move faster and another can do more damage. The metalic canines also have the color scheme that your own frame has)



Like I said this tenno would be based on a wolf or even a werewolf. His hands would be claws, his mask would look like a wolfs or close to a wolfs. This was just a idea a thought up a week ago and thought i would post it here. I mean, we already have Rhino so whats next.

Edited by (PS4)demoncheck16
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I like hunt.


Suggestion: Make the duration of the stealth scale with the number of allies affected. That way people would be encouraged to share and coordinate (like a pack). Scaling with number of allies hit would also let you balance it better. It could be real short so he's not better than Ashe/Loki solo, but go up a lot per team mate so it's still worth the time to coordinate.

Edited by VKhaun
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