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Warframe Idea: Impersia


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I've always felt  a summoner type warframe would be really fun. I designed Impersia with the idea that your abilities would all function together and feel like you were consistently managing your hordes.


Name: Impersia

Gender: Either


Appearance: My original idea looked REALLY similar to Oberon, so I'm out of innovation on this one.

Health: 100 (300)
Power: 125 (225)
Armor: 45
Shield: 100 (300)

Description: Adept at deploying rapid growth pods, Impersia brings numbers to the fight, as well as abilities that assist allies survival.

Ability 1: Conjuration - Summons a small group of minions that follow Impersia and seek out and attack any enemies in range. Up to 15 minions can be present at any time (attempting to recast will kill oldest minions alive)
Minions will die after a set period of time. When attempting to follow, minions will keep speed with Impersia, perform jumps that NPCs can, but if they cannot close a gap, they will be left behind.

Each Minion summoned is randomly chosen of 3 types:

Healer - Small creature that does not attack, but instead releases weak healing pulses that do not heal other healers. High defense (low bulky pod like creature)
Slasher- fast creature that attacks with weak claw swipes. medium defense (skinny weasel like creature)
Spitter-small creature that lobs moderately strong projectiles at enemies in range. Low defense (squat frog like creature)

Mod rank increases starting stats of each minion, survival time, and the number of minions summoned.

Duration: Increases starting health of each minion and their survival duration.
Strength: Increases starting damage of each minion
Range: Increases ability and targeting range of each minion

Ability 2: Sacrifice - All currently summoned minions (including ultimate ones) will perform a specific action then die.

Healer - Bursts with a final, stronger healing pulse, then has a chance to leave a healing orb behind.
Slasher - Gains increased movement speed an latches on to nearest target. Latched targets have a chance to be staggered. After a couple seconds, slashers explode.
Spitter - Emits one final attack with wide spread and steady duration. Targets hit by this attack are slowed for several seconds.
Ultimate beast - beast goes into a frenzy that begins with it's roar. Beast gains increased damage and cc range for several seconds. After a medium lengthed duration beast roars again then emits a large explosion that ragdolls enemies. Abilites in this frenzy mode are boosted by ability 4 rank as well.

Mod rank increases damage and health regen.

Duration: Increases duration of latch time, spit duration, and frenzy mode.
Strength: Increases damage of all abilites and health regen from healer.
Range: Increases effective range of healing pulse, suicide burst, spit attack (increases spread too), and cc abilites in frenzy mode.

Ability 3: Rally - Increases the damage resistance and stamina resotration (ability speed for minions) of all nearby friendly units.

Mod rank increases duration and power of buffs

Duration: Increases duration of effects
Strength: Increases effectiveness of buffs
Range: Increases the radius of effect for ability

Ability 4: Invoke - Summons a large and powerful beast as an ally. Up to 2 of these beasts can be present at any time (power in use will occur if attempting to recast). Beasts will not die after a set period of time. When following Impersia, beasts will phase in to position.

The creature is large, fast, and capable of traversing large distances quickly. The beast deals mostly in melee crowd control abilites, but will occasionally release a roar that staggers enemies in range and reduces their armor. Melee attacks consist of claw swipes, ground pounds, and a strong attack that will ragdoll enemies in range. Beast is a bulky scaled creature with long claws and stands on it's hind legs to attack but runs on all fours when moving.

Mod rank increases starting health of beast signifigantly and adds more damage to it's melee attacks.

Duration: Increases starting health of beast and duration of it's roar debuff
Strength: Increases the power of the beasts roar debuff and it's melee damage.
Range: Increases the range of the beasts roar, it's crowd control attacks and it's movement speed.


Let me know what you think!

Edited by StallordD
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Forgive when I say that the first I saw you mentioning a Summoner-type, I suddenly imagined Yuna from Final Fantasy X kicking &#! in the Warframe universe :P


Anyway I like the overall theme of this Warframe via it's abilities directly linked to summoning stuff, but a few comments.

The 20 minions you suggested  for Ability 1 sounds kinda OP if you could utilize so many mobs at your disposal. I know they're relatively weak by themselves, but that just means you now can spam #1 for a quick and energy cheap way of drawing aggro and tanking with no significant consequence.

Ability 2 seems pretty sound to me with the risk vs reward of either keeping your summoned mobs for DPS or use Sacrifice for a large Burst damage type approach.

The buffing mechanism behind Ability 3 is also logical, but for the sake of game balance, being able to stack it up to 3 times sounds just ridiculous. No stacking seems more fair relative to the other Warframes.

In terms of the 4th or Ultimate ability, I couldn't help my self imagining the 2 large "beasts" as being 2 scary Phorids by your side annihilating your foes :P  


.........also Impersia sounds like a girl to me...like a princess from a desert palace :D


TL:DR Very interesting, almost like being Captain Olimar with his army of small but deadly AI Pikmin. Except a Captain Olimar that's a space ninja!

Edited by yuio678
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Forgive when I say that the first I saw you mentioning a Summoner-type, I suddenly imagined Yuna from Final Fantasy X kicking &#! in the Warframe universe :P


Anyway I like the overall theme of this Warframe via it's abilities directly linked to summoning stuff, but a few comments.

The 20 minions you suggested  for Ability 1 sounds kinda OP if you could utilize so many mobs at your disposal. I know they're relatively weak by themselves, but that just means you now can spam #1 for a quick and energy cheap way of drawing aggro and tanking with no significant consequence.

Ability 2 seems pretty sound to me with the risk vs reward of either keeping your summoned mobs for DPS or use Sacrifice for a large Burst damage type approach.

The buffing mechanism behind Ability 3 is also logical, but for the sake of game balance, being able to stack it up to 3 times sounds just ridiculous. No stacking seems more fair relative to the other Warframes.

In terms of the 4th or Ultimate ability, I couldn't help my self imagining the 2 large "beasts" as being 2 scary Phorids by your side annihilating your foes :P  


.........also Impersia sounds like a girl to me...like a princess from a desert palace :D


TL:DR Very interesting, almost like being Captain Olimar with his army of small but deadly AI Pikmin. Except a Captain Olimar that's a space ninja!

20 minions was just the first idea that came to mind because I wanted to make sure the creatures could amass enough strength to actually take down enemies. The creatures would be pretty small and pretty darn weak (think durability of shield ospreys) But I agree, 20 is a bit much.


The triple buff I threw in because I feel warframe has a lack of stackable spells. It's all stuff that would have to be sorted out by balancing, but now that I think about it, 75 energy for a weak single buff sucks, and a strong single buff that stacks is op, so you're right again.

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