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Different Opinion On Update 7.


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After reading forum for a while, I found a lot of "This update is terrible" topics, so I do realize I am a minority in here, but I actually loved this new update. I belive devs did huge and hard work and imrpoved the game greatly. Me, personally, I started to get bored after I got all the guns I wanted and I suit that goes better with my game-style. Lvl'd it up to 30 and... Now what? I got bored, lost interest in game and then... They did something awesome. They returned that long-forgotten feel of begginer-player, struggling for survival. Don't know about you, but I loved that update.

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I like it. Except for the amount of credits required to fuse mods, which seems rather obscene. And no where does it actually show how much credits it costs to fuse until after you hit the apply button and realize "oh S#&$, I just spent 50000 credits upgrading loot radar". *sad*

Unless I completely missed it, I feel that aspect of upgrading cards could use a bit of tweaking.

The new map type is really nice, too.

Edited by f3llyn
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I'm enjoying it quite a bit as well. It is hard going from borderline godly maxed rank gear to baseline stat gear, but after getting past that I feel like the new system is much better overall.

The thing people are forgetting, or just not noticing, about the progression is your rank 30 gear will be instantly stronger the moment you find mods for it, low rank gear still needs to be leveled before it can even equip mods. It would be like starting the old mod system from scratch, if you find a rank 30 mod your rank 30 weapon instantly becomes that much stronger, but doesn nothing for a person without the rank 30 weapon to support it.

Also I think most of us enjoying the game are too busy checking out the new stuff to post here. I actually only stopped by because my guilds teamspeak server just crashed.

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About cards, I do agree with your opinion. I got more than 500k, but not sure how long it will last with that sistem, spent about 300k on fusions and blueprints of new stuff, but still, I belive new update is a good thing and they even made game open beta, so more players are about to join. This is going to be fun. :}

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The update is great indeed. I feel creating powerful Mod Loadouts it's now very much an attainable stretch goal, not just mindless farming until "the right mod drops".

While everything got less powerful in effect, I don't mind.

For now, we'll have to think on our toes... until we find those sweet shield mods.

(Has anyone seen those yet?)

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they need to re do the cost of the fussion and put instructions in the game that walk you thro the updates. Also they should have given the players a token like cash or plat. After all you took all are crap! Also i am noticing the game is starting to become all about real dollars not in game cash that alone is ruining it for me.... I am sorry but im geting dissapointed fast.

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I havn't seen a shield mod, but I did get the power duration mod I wanted.

I think the credit cost was an oversight, as credits until this update didn't really have any value. Be patient, they will fix it.

Edited by ZEDD
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I've only played for a few hours, and while my first reaction to the new upgrade system was "ew...what? I don't understand this." Quickly followed by "WTF?! All my stuff sucks now!" I don't, on the whole, think this has been a bad update.

The new system takes some getting used to, but it's just as good as the old one, plus the new 2.5D icons and the weapon focus in the inventory looks very polished.

The new animations all look good, with the possibile exception of Ember's thigh holsters for the Aklato. Those just look wonky.

I'm yet to get a sentinal so I can't comment on that, and the new exterior map is exactly what I was looking for, and I'm sure others agree.

However, I have had at least a -20FPS drop with this latest update, which has killed much of my enjoyment of the base gameplay. Hopefully this is something that will get patched soon, but for the sheer level of polish and finesse this update brings, I can't say it's been a bad one.

New fem-frames are always a plus too ^_^

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Certainly loving what I've seen of it. Will try out stealth sentinel and new weapons tomorrow, but building enough confidence to visit new planets will take some time.

Great step forward, DE. Don't let people who are whining about having to use their head to survive tell you otherwise.

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However, I have had at least a -20FPS drop with this latest update, which has killed much of my enjoyment of the base gameplay. Hopefully this is something that will get patched soon, but for the sheer level of polish and finesse this update brings, I can't say it's been a bad one.

same here dropping much FPS for me after this update :'(

i though mods 2.0 is cool but i think if it's combine the old skill tree and this, it will more cool. And about level of weapon and warframe, it's useless right now =_= (sorry for bad english)

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So far I love everything about update 7 BUT! I think they could have worked on prices for the card system a little better, and I love the new card system but these prices are still a bit steep, but I'm so glad they did hotfixes and quick, now they still feel a bit high but WAY better then when the update landed, the first prices and amount of cores needed was absured, I feel sorry for the people who leveled cards asap.

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