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Warframe Concept: Ichor


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First post here ahaha but anyways, I had an idea for a Blood mage/ Berserker Warframe. I'll work on visual concepts at one point a haha but I figured I'd share him here. 


Ichor: Named after the Golden fluid believed to be the blood of ancient earthly Gods, he can manipulate the living using the very thing that keeps them alive. 




Blood Rage: Ichor halves his health to enter a berserker like state where he deals increased damage. He is not immune from damage in this state but as he takes damage, his weapon and melee damage increase.


Blast wave: Slam enemies against walls dealing high damage or knock them flying by unleashing massive amounts of energy.


Bloody Thirst: Ichor will drain the blood/health of nearby enemies to restore his own and any allies that are within range.


Twisted Will: Organic enemies within a short range will become subjected to Ichors will and fight for him for a duration of time. Enemies under Ichors control will take damage overtime and damage from enemy fire.  Soon after they will die when the time limit has been reached or they have expended their use (all enemies dead).


I think his powers would benefit the most from Range and duration mods than strength mods. The idea is he can turn the tides of Battle similar to Nekros only the enemies need to be alive for them to be of any use. 


I haven't thought much about his health and other stats yet but this idea is open to input like better names or powers which suit him better. ; u;


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and we can have two of them in a mission... We will call them Dual Ichor... and they will both be EQ'd with Dual Ichors. We will have Dual Ichors with Dual Ichors!


Edit: And for his "Blood Rage" ability, I think halving HP is a bit of a hefty trade-off for increasing melee damage w/o some form of immunity/resistance. Maybe if he uses a smaller percentage like 10~20%.

Edited by RibbonRobbin
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