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Dojo Rooms (Clan Foundry, Armory)


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Now then, before you all completely burst my bubble and say digital extremes wouldn't consider ideas as broad as these, I understand that. I just had these rattling around in my head and wanted to see what your opinions were.


Dojo Foundry


I had this idea where a player who is absolutely annoyed with the slow time in which it takes items to finish building blueprints could purchase a room in their dojo that would look basically like a massive foundry and upon paying platinum they could get a permanent 10 minute boost to every item built by a player in that clan, similar to another robotic arm working on a blueprint. Maybe there would be an animation going of the foundry constructing an item but for sake of optimization it would only be whatever the player built can see (just so you don't have thousands of things being built at a time... looking at you, moon clans). I had this idea based off the new and improved research room, so it isn't hard to imagine something working on tenno weapons instead of corpus.


Clan Armory


Another idea that is sort of kind of rough (so don't rip me apart just yet community) but what if there was a place in which a player could go to grab a weapon off a wall to use for an hour or so, then it would return to the wall once the time is up and they've finished their missions. A player could make a scindo build for example, "publish it" and then it would go on the wall for any players to use until the player who first made the scindo went back and removed it. The armory would allow players in a clan to try out cool interesting builds that other players made and a clan could try to assemble an impressive arsenal of equipment. I suppose there would probably be a limit to the amount of items you can borrow every day (so a new player couldn't just solely use clan items all the time) but if a rank 1 player wants to fight with the best of 'em, I think it would be a cool way to give them that chance.


Dojo Hanger


Upon exploring the corpus gas city, I noticed the Dojo is very confined. It needs areas in which you can look out into space. Now I realise there would be some generation problems with the tilesets what with a window that you'd look out and SHOULD see a section of your dojo but it's the endless void of space. A hanger that takes up a disproportionately large amount of space might restrict clans from fooling the system and function properly. The hanger itself can be completely useless, or perhaps some place in which you can plan missions, but it would mostly just be a way to check out all those Tenno Drop ships where they belong (Maybe you can unlock corpus and girneer fighters too). Plus make your dojo actually look like a space station instead of a set of rooms. Honestly the Dojo Hanger is less functional than the other two ideas but have dynamic space to look out and enjoy is always a bonus.


So what do you guys thinks?

Edited by PhaZone
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Foundry and Armory quick-access rooms would make things easier and probably look cool, and I suppose there could be ways to have hangar rooms or windowed rooms/hallways without causing too much space conflicts. Overall decent ideas, though not the first of their kind.

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